Russia: international moves, W responses, Putin...Ukraine...China...internal devts. 15

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Russia: international moves, W responses, Putin...Ukraine...China...internal devts. 15

Oct 2, 9:31 am

Russia's Gas Production Collapses to Late-Stage USSR Levels
Brendan Cole | 9/30/23

...The country's state energy giant Gazprom said in its latest report that gas production in the first half of 2023 was 179.45 billion cubic meters (bcm). Gazprom added that this represents a year-on-year decrease of nearly a quarter (24.7 percent), and a 26.5 percent drop in gas supplies to the domestic and foreign markets...

Oct 2, 10:14 pm

I could not find a public recording of Amb. Freeman's speech from the last thread, but here is a segment of a recent interview in which he covered many of the same points.

Edited: Oct 3, 1:25 am

As for the Canadian Parliament fiasco, someone ought at least to mention it. I'll let Mark Felton handle that. It's short and withering.

Oct 3, 3:37 am

> As for the Canadian Parliament fiasco, someone ought at least to mention it.

#140 and #141 in previous thread.

Oct 3, 3:46 am

>4 margd: Sorry, I must have scrolled past it.

Oct 3, 4:35 am

'They're just meat': Russia deploys punishment battalions in echo of Stalin
Reuters | October 3, 2023

...The penal squads, each about 100-150 strong and embedded within regular army units, have typically been sent to the most exposed parts of the front and often sustain heavy losses, according to Reuters interviews with the people, who identified at least five Storm-Z teams fighting to repel a Ukrainian counteroffensive in the east and south.

...nightmarish engagements that saw much of their squads wiped out.

...the Storm-Z units come under the direct command of the defence ministry.

The squads also combine convicts who volunteer to fight in exchange for the promise of a pardon with regular soldiers being punished for disciplinary breaches...officers had sent soldiers to Storm-Z for being drunk on duty, for using drugs, and for refusing to carry out orders

...One group of about 20 Storm-Z fighters in Zaporizhzhia, who were part of unit number 22179, decided they'd had enough of their treatment, refused an order to go back to the frontline, and recorded a June 28 video complaining about their treatment. Reuters called numbers listed for the unit, but they were out of operation...

Edited: Oct 4, 10:53 am

"functional defeat" of Russia in the Black Sea...
Ukraine actions + Turkey's refusal of naval ships entrance to Black Sea?

Samuel Ramani (Oxford U) @SamRamani2 | 8:30 AM · Oct 3, 2023:

BREAKING: Britain's Armed Forces Minister James Heappey hails the "functional defeat" of Russia in the Black Sea
Heappey says that the Russian Navy has been forced to retreat to ports where it cannot inflict serious damage on Ukraine
This process was set into motion by Russia's movement of key naval assets to Novorossiyk* after the Moskva sinking and now has culminated in Britain's view

* Novorossiysk is a city in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Population: 262,293. It is one of the largest ports on the Black Sea. It is one of the few cities designated by the Soviet Union as a Hero City. {Hero City is a Soviet honorary title awarded for outstanding heroism during World War II. It was awarded to twelve cities of the Soviet Union, today located in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.} ... (Wikipedia)

Ukraine has won a massive naval victory without having a navy
Russia's hold over Sevastopol is slipping, with huge implications for the Black Sea Fleet
Tom Sharpe | 21 September 2023

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 10:31 AM · Oct 4, 2023:

Ukraine's systemic attacks on Crimea's military infrastructure, logistics centers, Black Sea Fleet command centers, and Black Sea Fleet ships led to gradual relocation and withdrawal of the Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol. Some ships were relocated to Feodosia, many to Novorossiysk.

In particular, the Black Sea Fleet has relocated all submarines (Kalibr missile carriers) from Sevastopol - Crimean media.
Reportedly, there are none of them currently at the anchorage in the Southern Bay. The only submarine at the dock is the captured Ukrainian submarine "Zaporizhzhia".
It is reported that most of the submarines have been relocated to Novorossiysk.

Largely due to this partial neutralization of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the fact that the actual fleet is now locked in Sevastopol, navigation northwest of the Black Sea, along the coasts of Romania and Bulgaria has become safer.

Ukraine's three Black Sea ports have been able to resume receiving ships for grain exports. This is despite Russia's threats to shell ships traveling to Ukrainian ports.

The first 10 ships have already used the corridor that Ukraine started building after Russia refused to renew the grain agreement. It is also reported that international insurance companies have started to restore coverage of insurance risks.

As stated at the Warsaw Security Forum by the UK's Junior Defense Minister James Heappey: "Ukraine has achieved a functional defeat of the Russian Black Sea Fleet."

Thus, Crimea and the Black Sea near Crimea are now the most important area where a turning point in the war may take place.

Presently, it can be stated that:
▪️ Russian most advanced "state-of-the-art" air defense systems are clearly not capable of intercepting Western cruise missiles.

▪️ The attack on the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet (the most important military facility in Crimea), and the strikes on the Black Sea Fleet are catastrophic for Russia: they demoralize Russians and show Ukraine's initiative.

▪️ Crimea is not only a logistics center, but also the most important military base of the Russian operation in Ukraine, and that is why there are and will be landmark events there, which may determine the final outcome of the war. "Who controls Crimea in the end of this war, will be the winner" - Ben @general_ben

This also demonstrates once more the need and importance for Ukraine to acquire long-range missiles (TAURUS and ATACMS). Each such missile is a significant contribution towards the future Ukrainian Victory.

Image ( )

Oct 4, 8:59 am

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 7:41 AM · Oct 4, 2023:

I read this piece by Valery Pekar, Ukrainian professor, researcher and expert, and decided to share it with you. The following is the translation of his Facebook post (I shortened it a little bit):

"Western elites are afraid of three options of how events might develop further:

1️⃣ They are afraid of Ukrainian defeat: it would mean a political defeat for all who supported Ukraine, and strengthening of the global authoritarian vector, with a likelihood of Russian aggression spreading to Europe and the start of Chinese aggression.

2️⃣ They are afraid of Russian defeat: it means Russia breaking down, collapsing, a humanitarian catastrophe, a refugee crisis of a huge scale, uncontrolled spread of nuclear weapons and excessive strengthening of China.

3️⃣ They are afraid of the war dragging on: it means accumulation of fatigue in their societies, aggravation of internal political confrontation, and, in the end, Ukrainian defeat with all the consequences from point 1.

If you {Western elites} fear Ukrainian defeat, Russian defeat, war dragging on, then what remains?

🔷 One of the options is to continue living with the myths that represent the old outlook on the world, e.g.:

🔹Putin will die (he won't because a person who has several doubles controlled by his close environment, cannot die);
🔹After Putin's death Navalny will become president of Russia (he won't because the real power is in the hands of the FSB and other clans and even if Navalny is set free and appointed president, it wouldn't change anything);
🔹After Putin's death and Navalny's inauguration, he will democratize Russia in a couple of years (he won't because democracy requires citizens and institutions, and Russia has neither).

🔷 Another option is to freeze the war. But in order to do that, Russian and Ukrainian sides must agree to negotiations and freezing, and neither side agrees to this at the moment: Ukrainian society won't approve if Ukrainian political leaders do that, and Putin doesn't want negotiations. He thinks that time plays into his hands and he just needs to wait for Ukraine to exhaust herself.

🔷One more option is to do nothing and hope for something to happen that will change the situation or lead to new information appearing. For example, Putin will die (see above). This is what's happening right now, with the slogan "We'll be with Ukraine for as long as it takes" - takes to do what?

❗️So, the absence of vision of how the war will end makes the end of war rather complicated and even impossible (hopefully, no one harbors any illusions anymore that the AFU reaching the borders of 1991 will mean the end of the war).

🔷 What can be done?

There is only one way: Ukraine must show maximum initiative in this issue. Ukraine must realize, analyze and demonstrate possible scenarios of the post war world to our allies. A desirable scenario must be agreed upon and a request for all the resources and mechanisms that are necessary to carry it out must be made. Formulate a clear and concise message to non-Western countries (sometimes called "the global South"). Gather a global coalition for sustainable peace, like the coalition for Ukrainian defense. Otherwise the marathon will turn into running in circles."


Edited: Oct 4, 10:50 am

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 6:29 AM · Oct 4, 2023:

Reportedly, in a drone attack on Belgorod region of Russia, an S-400 Russian Triumf air defense system was destroyed. It costs about $1.2 billion.

Russian Telegram channels reported that about 20 explosions were heard in the area where the system was located. There was a power outage in settlements nearby.

This is the second Russian Triumf complex destroyed in the past month. The first one was hit in Yevpatoria on September 14...

Edited: Oct 5, 8:08 am

Денис Казанський @den_kazansky | 2:51 AM · Oct 5, 2023:

The leader of pro-Russian militants of Donetsk, Pavel Gubarev, says that Russia will not be able to kill all Ukrainians, so it will have to create concentration camps in Ukraine to "re-educate" the local population...

0:34 ( )

The Republicans Who Are Treating Ukraine as Their Hostage
Why some in the GOP are increasingly taking a grossly instrumental view of the war in Ukraine.
Will Saletan | Oct 5, 2023

...Even Republican leaders who support Kyiv are threatening to withhold aid unless Democrats offer concessions on other issues. They’re treating Ukraine as a hostage—not a Russian hostage, but a Republican hostage...

...Over the last year, in Economist/YouGov polls, the percentage of Republicans who favor “decreasing military aid to Ukraine” has doubled, from 27 percent to more than 50 percent. In the latest Economist survey on this question, taken a week ago, 60 percent of Republicans said we should reduce aid to Ukraine, and half of that 60 percent wanted to cut off aid entirely. Democrats, by contrast, have hardly budged. Only 14 percent want to reduce the aid.

...REAGANITE FOREIGN POLICY—the idea that America should play a moral and forceful role in the world, particularly against Russian aggression and in defense of democracy—isn’t dead. You can still see vestiges of it in the House, the Senate, and the 2024 presidential campaign, where several Republican candidates continue to make the case for Ukraine.

But that faction no longer dominates the party. Today, Reaganites are outnumbered by Republican isolationists. And Republican leaders won’t continue to aid countries like Ukraine unless—from the party that still stands firmly for democracy—they get something in return...

Oct 5, 7:50 am

Samuel Ramani @SamRamani2 | 7:38 AM · Oct 5, 2023:

BREAKING: Spain offers new air defence and anti-drone systems to Ukraine
Spain is offering these systems to protect Ukraine's energy and port infrastructure
The Spanish military will pair these new systems with extensive training for Ukraine in the use of demining equipment

Oct 5, 12:52 pm
Putin Says Russia's Mission Is To Create 'New World'

President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia's mission was to create a "new world" and blamed Western hegemony for Moscow's grinding offensive in Ukraine.

Putin has portrayed Russia's full-scale military intervention in Ukraine -- launched in February 2022 -- as part of a long-standing confrontation with the West.

"We are tasked, essentially, with building a new world," Putin said, adding the West was aiming for global "hegemony".

"The West always needs an enemy," he said.

Oct 5, 4:57 pm

Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 @IAPonomarenko | 3:43 PM · Oct 5, 2023:
Live straight out of Bucha... and originally from Donbas. One out of so many out there.

Vladimir Putin, Oct. 5, 2023: "...if Western defense supplies are terminated tomorrow, Ukraine will have a week left to live as it runs out of ammunition."...

0:14 ( )

Edited: Oct 6, 11:06 am

Russian strike kills 51 gathered for wake in east Ukraine
AFP | Issued on: 06/10/2023 - 06:33Modified: 06/10/2023

Groza (Ukraine) (AFP) – A Russian strike killed at least 51 people gathered for a wake in northeastern Ukraine Thursday, provoking outrage from Western leaders for what the UN warned could be a war crime.

The mourners for a fallen Ukrainian soldier had gathered at a cafe in the village of Groza, in the Kharkiv region.

People who had been in a shop in the same building were also killed in the attack on the small village, which had a population of 330 people.

A spokeswoman for the regional assembly, quoted by Ukrainian media, said it was the single deadliest attack since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022.

AFP journalists at the scene of the aftermath saw blackened and dismembered bodies spread out on the ground opposite the ruins of the cafe.

Police and soldiers loaded white body bags of unidentifiable bodies onto trucks that would take them to Kharkiv for DNA testing...

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 3:15 AM · Oct 6, 2023:

The aftermath of yesterday's Russian missile strike on Groza village in Kharkiv region.
The phones of the people killed by Russia kept ringing. Imagine the person on the other end who kept trying to find out if their loved ones were safe.
Look at the scale of destruction in the end of the video.

0:15 ( )

Oct 6, 11:55 am

Samuel Ramani (Oxford U) @SamRamani2 | 5:37 AM · Oct 6, 2023:

BREAKING: Russia calls for faster production of Su-34 fighter jets

Sergei Shoigu visited Novosibirsk where he hailed how Su-34s can make 4 to 5 flights per day

Shoigu is calling for a ramp up in air power production as Russia prepares for a likely winter offensive with an expanded defence budget

Here is Shoigu in Novosibirsk

Edited: Oct 7, 2:26 am

Benjamin Tallis 🇺🇦 @bctallis | Last edited 6:05 AM · Oct 6, 2023
Intl Politics & Security | #NeoIdealism | Snr Fellow @dgapev #ActionGroup #Zeitenwende |🇺🇦🇪🇺🇩🇪🇨🇿🇬🇧 | CoHost #BerlinsideOut pod {Berlin}

This is so important. When you watch these clips you’ll know what must be done.

Only victory and meaningful justice can end the cycle of aggression. And, every day, more evidence is collected for a Special Tribunal on Russian aggression.

Let’s get #SpecialTribunalNow trending.
09:13 ( )

NEXTA @nexta_tv | 10:29 AM · Oct 5, 2023:
Putin: "We did not start the so-called war in Ukraine."
0:24 ( )

Oct 7, 2:32 am

Victor Cha @VictorDCha | 2:20 PM · Oct 6, 2023:
Georgetown / CSIS {thinktank Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown U} / former USG official/ author/ NBCNews /

Putin-Kim summit just theatrics and toasts? Don't think so. Fresh new @CSIS

@CSISKoreaChair @BeyondCSISKorea imagery yesterday of the RR border between DPRK and Russia shows the highest level of railcar traffic we have ever recorded pre- or post-pandemic. Don't think this is just food...(tarping obscures contents of railcars)

Dramatic Increase in DPRK-Russia Border Rail Traffic After Kim-Putin Summit
October 6, 2023, by Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., Victor Cha and Jennifer Jun

Oct 9, 4:39 am

As Ukraine reels from attacks on land, conflict at sea signals hope
Drones and missiles keep Russian fleet at bay and supplies and trade flowing at ports
Luke Harding in Odesa and Dan Sabbagh | 8 Oct 2023

...Ukraine’s counter-offensive on land – designed to liberate the south of the country, and to bisect occupying Russian forces – has been going slowly. It has proved difficult and costly. Ukrainian brigades equipped with western battle tanks have struggled to advance through minefields and entrenched Russian positions.

In the Black Sea, however, Kyiv has made remarkable progress. Drones and UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles have destroyed targets in Crimea. These include air defence batteries, a shipyard and the white neo-classical headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea fleet. Last week satellite images revealed Moscow’s mighty navy has left the deep water port of Sevastopol. It has gone east, to the safer Russian harbour of Novorossiysk.

Meanwhile, merchant ships are sailing again. According to Yurii Vaskov, Ukraine’s deputy minister responsible for seaports and maritime, more than 30 vessels have arrived or departed from Odesa and the neighbouring ports of Chornomorsk and Pivdennyi. They have carried cargoes of grain, sunflower oil and metals, including a consignment of iron ore.

So far Ukraine’s unilateral “humanitarian” grain corridor appears to be working. Under the old UN and Turkey-brokered deal Russia was able to “inspect” containers as they made their way through the Black Sea, causing delays. Now ships can move unimpeded. Their route goes through Ukrainian territorial waters before passing Romania and Bulgaria, both Nato members...

Oct 10, 4:01 am

Jay in Kyiv @JayinKyiv | 2:46 AM · Oct 10, 2023:

US Congress' infighting is about to cost even more lives.
Likely cautious on uncertain supplies from the US, in a week's time, Ukraine has gone from destroying 48 units of Russian artillery/day to only 7.
This, as Russia is about to receive huge supplies from North Korea.

Infographic ( )

Oct 10, 6:34 am

Samuel Ramani @SamRamani2 | 5:46 AM · Oct 10, 2023:

BREAKING: British intelligence says it is "highly unlikely" Russia will announce further mobilization in Ukraine before the March 2024 presidential elections

Putin needs to thread the needle between avoiding unpopular moves, such as mobilization, and appeasing ultranationalist who could engage in election cycle agitation and back these unpopular moves

Stealth conscription via electronic register and a frozen frontline might work

Oct 10, 12:49 pm

Winter is coming...

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 11:41 AM · Oct 10, 2023:

Several days ago, Finland and Estonia reported that the undersea Balticconnector gas pipeline running between the two countries across the Baltic Sea was temporarily taken out of service due to a suspected leak.

Today, Finland's PM Petteri Orpo stated that damages to the underwater gas pipeline "couldn't have happened naturally. The damaged underwater communications cable was most likely hit in Estonia's Exclusive Economic Zone.

Also, there is information that the Russian survey vessel Sibiryakov was conducting “underwater activities” by the Balticconector pipeline throughout the summer. And now there is a hole in the pipeline.

Read more information here:
Undersea pipeline damage appears to be deliberate, says Finland
Media cites intelligence sources saying Russian sabotage suspected after unusual drop in pressure
Jon Henley | 10 Oct 2023

Photo, Compression station of the Balticconnector gas pipeline in Inkoo, Finland ( )

Oct 12, 8:27 am

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 10:35 AM · Oct 11, 2023

Reportedly, a large patrol ship Pavel Derzhavin of the Black Sea Fleet blew up in Sevastopol today. It is unclear what happened exactly.
Waiting for official confirmation.

Photo patrol ship ( )

Oct 12, 8:43 am

KyivPost @KyivPost | 7:05 AM · Oct 12, 2023:
The award-winning Kyiv Post is the top international source of English-language news about Ukraine since 1995.

⚡️#Romania's Defense Ministry has reported that another Russian #drone struck its territory last night.
Russian drones were targeting locations in the Ukrainian city of #Izmail, but one of the drones managed to cross the #Danube River and hit Plauru, Romania.

Satellite Map ( )

'No risk' that NATO member Romania will be dragged into war, senior alliance official says
NATO Deputy-General Secretary Mircea Geoana says there is “no risk” that alliance member Romania will be dragged into a war following the recent discovery of drone fragments on its territory near the border with war-torn Ukraine
STEPHEN MCGRATH and VADIM GHIRDA | September 11, 2023

...After the second discovery of drone fragments on Saturday {9 Sept 2023}, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis responded by saying they were “similar to those used by the Russian army” and that the incident indicates there has been “an absolutely unacceptable violation of the sovereign airspace of Romania, a NATO ally, with real risks to the security of Romanian citizens in the area.”

...Geoana also said he welcomes plans by the United States to supplement the Alliance’s air policing of the Black Sea region as well as adding more NATO troops to the 5,000 already based in Romania. “This should reassure us and give us a lot of confidence and calm,” he said.

After Russia launched its full-scale invasion against Ukraine in February last year, NATO bolstered its presence on Europe’s eastern flank, including by sending additional battlegroups to Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia.

“Imagine what would have happened if we were not a NATO member state," Geoana added. "We belong to the strongest alliance in the history of humanity.”

Romania joined North Atlantic Treaty Organization on March 29, 2004... (Wikipedia)

Edited: Oct 12, 1:46 pm

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 3:19 AM · Oct 12, 2023:

Russia has launched a major offensive on Avdiivka. One more defining battle of the war is underway.

The video shows yet another attempt to move a large armored column of Russians from Krasnohorivka to cover the northern flank of the Avdiivka front.

Approximately 20 units of equipment (tanks, IFVs, MT-LBs). Part of this column was destroyed, but the scale of the offensive is epic.

Avdiivka is of strategic importance to Russia, as this city is actually the gateway to Donetsk, the main communication hub in the occupied territories. In order to establish a foothold in the occupied Donbas, Putin needs to move the front line away from Donetsk.

In 2022, Russian troops launched an offensive against Avdiivka, trying to deeply encircle the city from both flanks. It was stopped due to heroic resistance of Ukrainians.

The battle for Avdiivka will be more fierce than the battle for Vuhledar in winter.

The presence of shielded buildings in Donetsk and Yasynuvata facilitates covert actions, deployment of artillery in residential areas, and hidden operations of armored vehicles. Russia has concentrated significant aviation forces that use high-precision weapons, a large number of shells that could be supplied by North Korea and Iran.

Russians are trying to create a great advantage in drones. Russian drones, along with artillery, are being used to hit the front lines, and the enemy is trying to open the way for their infantry and tanks to break through the combat formations of our troops, primarily using a large number of high explosive munitions.

The main attack is coming from the south of Avdiivka. Unlike the first offensive on Avdiivka, which lasted from July 2022 to March 2023, the current attack is planned to cover the city in a much shorter arc. However, the enemy is trying to avoid fighting in the urban areas and create a threat of encirclement for our troops in the city.

The situation is very serious.

A very heavy battle has begun.

✒️: Ukrainian military journalist Yurii Butusov @UButusov
0:39 convoy ( )

margd: discussion re timing (Israel) and NATO priorities and limitations (US House speaker)

Oct 14, 8:36 am

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef | 8:21 AM · Oct 14, 2023:
We're the Syria Civil Defence (White Helmets), our humanitarian work helps communities prepare for, respond to & recover from attacks. We've saved +128k lives.

A home, torn apart by a ruthless attack, has become the scene of unbearable loss. At this site, #WhiteHelmets volunteer Ahmed Mahdi Ahmadou's mother was killed and father injured after Russian airstrikes last night...
Just a few days ago, they fled their city Ariha after it ravaged by fierce bombings. Seeking refuge, they settled in a house in the agricultural lands near the city, in the Jabal Al-Arbaeen region, only to be pursued by attacks once again.

2:02 ( )

Oct 14, 1:32 pm

Worst Russian Land Battle Defeat in Nine Months – Kremlin Forces Hit a Wall at Avdiivka
Dozens of Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers drove forward into open ground laced with minefields. It turns out the Ukrainians were ready.
Stefan Korshak | October 13, 2023

Ukrainian troops fighting from thick fortifications in the eastern sector have used massive artillery strikes backed by anti-tank missiles and drone swarms to hand the Russian army its worst battlefield defeat in nine months, sources said on Friday.

Large-scale tank and armored infantry attacks under the command of Russia’s 25th Combined Arms Army launched between 100-200 armored vehicles in a two-pronged attack starting Monday with the objective of encircling Ukrainian forces dug in around the town of Avdiivka, a coal-mining community near the northern suburbs of the Russia-controlled Ukrainian city of Donetsk...

Oct 14, 2:05 pm

Ukraine updates: Russia says drone attacks on Sochi thwarted
DW | 14 Oct 2023

Russian officials said two drones were shot down over the Black Sea in the southern resort city. Meanwhile, fighting in the eastern Ukrainian city of Avdiivka has continued. ...

Oct 14, 5:37 pm

Jay in Kyiv @JayinKyiv | 11:38 AM · Oct 14, 2023:

Every video of the landscape coming out of Avdiivka is confirming that Russia's kamikaze attack didn't just cost them a stellar amount of tanks and armor, but a stunning level of personnel losses.

Aerial photo R casualties and equipment ( )

Oct 16, 3:42 am

Anti-war Russian clergy face punishment
Maria Katamadze | 15 Oct 2023

Clergy have been defrocked and fined in court for speaking out against the war in Ukraine as the Russian Orthodox Church brings members into line ideologically.

Praying for peace puts Russian clergy at risk
Public penance for the priests
How does the Russian Orthodox Church view anti-war statements?
Clandestine anti-war church life

Oct 16, 7:21 am

Remember how Ukrainian defenders and some civilians holed up in a bunker underneath steel rolling plant in Mariupol? This what it looked like by the time they surrendered to Russia. (What lays ahead for Gaza City?)

KyivPost @KyivPost | 3:49 AM · Oct 16, 2023:

This is how the #Azovstal in #Mariupol looks now
It was one of the largest metallurgical plants in the world, employing more than 10,000 people.

0:57 ( )

Edited: Oct 17, 8:41 am

Samuel Ramani {Oxford U} @SamRamani2 | 7:54 AM · Oct 17, 2023:

Russia's Fighterbomber Telegram channel says that ATACMS {long-range guided missile that gives operational commanders the immediate firepower to win the deep battle} dealt a devastating blow to an airfield operated by Russia's Northern Military District
It calls it the most serious of the war and predicts further such attacks

The location appears to be Berdyansk in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia region. ATACMS are aiding the southern axis of Ukraine’s counter offensive. Here is the Telegram post which offers no location details

Michael Weiss @michaeldweiss | 7:22 AM · Oct 17, 2023:
Editor @insidereng , @ . ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror... Next book: GRU {NYC}

Looking like the Russians lost a bunch of “Alligator” helicopters in a massive Ukrainian strike on Berdyansk airfield.

Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦 @IAPonomarenko | 5:00 AM · Oct 17, 2023:
Live straight out of Bucha {journalist, Bucha, Ukraine}

Yep, given the avalanche of hardcore, instant copium and hysterical moaning in faschist Z-channels this morning, Russian air forces have really had a bad night in Berdyansk.
Waiting for satellite images.

Oct 17, 9:31 am

Meanwhile in Syria, Russians bombs TENTS??

The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef | 8:58 AM · Oct 17, 2023:
Scenes of our response to the renewed Russian airstrikes on the Al-Qashwa camp near Sheikh Yusuf, west of #Idlib, today, Tuesday, October 17th, inspecting the conditions of civilians and extinguishing fires in two tents...
1:53 ( )

Yesterday, 10:36 pm

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 7:01 AM · Oct 18, 2023:

Putin was next to Xi Jinping at the welcome dinner for the Belt and Road Forum and for the official photo, as well. Of course, it is not a coincidence as these things are carefully planned in advance.

Putin's visit to China was also planned a long time ago. Apart from negotiations with the Chinese leader, it is Putin's chance to re-establish himself as a global leader who still matters in global politics. He probably wants to look for allies and supporters among Southeast and South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America - participants of the Forum.

It is widely known and clear that China cares about China and Chinese interests. In a situation of weakened Russia, China will use Russia and its resources to its advantage. No doubt, Putin understands that, too.

I've looked through Russian media and noted that their coverage of Putin's visit is not that extensive - they focus on other news more. This could mean that the Kremlin regime doesn't have high hopes about Putin's attendance of the Forum, so they don't want to hype up this event. Thus, it might be aimed more at the international audience to demonstrate that Russia (and Putin personally) still rank high.

This is a demonstration that Putin continues having international support, forms new blocks and alliances in opposition to the United States.

Photos ( )

Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en | 6:25 AM · Oct 18, 2023

Interesting and symbolic decoration for Putin's speech in China.
A huge ikebana on a black pedestal creates an impression of Putin speaking from a coffin.
And the blue-yellow background suits the general theme quite well.

Photo ( )

Andreea Roxana @soft_dusty_pink
...The Chinese president also spoke standing there.
Photo ( )

WarySociologist 🇺🇦🇺🇸 @WarySociologist
...RT has prudently cropped the shot since.