Cataloguing periodicals

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Cataloguing periodicals

Edited: Oct 1, 8:33 pm

So I am cataloging some periodicals, and one is a scholarly zine and anyway I have an issue around dates. I have both a date for the edition and for the particular printing. Now if it existed in a database, the edition date would get included in the data for the work, and the print date would get included as the book pushed date.

But with a manually added item I'm not sure how to do that.

Oct 2, 3:40 am

There's 2 potential date fields available: the publication date in the publication section on the manual entry form, and the common knowledge original publication date. When I catalogue a periodical, I usually put the publication year of the edition in the publication date field, with a more detailed issue date in the publication detail field. If the edition is a later reprint, I would then add the original publication date in the CK Original Publication date field. Common Knowledge has to be added after you've added your edition.

For example, I recently catalogued a batch of magazines from the late '70s to the early '80s which were republished as PDF in 2016. The PDF edition details went in the publication section, the original publication date in CK.