Disambiguate Authors Help

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Disambiguate Authors Help

Edited: Sep 18, 11:18 pm

She has at least 6 pen names.

Scroll down to Meg Browne & TL Brown to see what I am struggling with.

Meg Browne - Puppy's First book is not hers
T.L. Brown - Door to Door Mystery books (2 of them) are not hers.

I have the authors separated into two profiles.
https://www.librarything.com/author/marchamy&norefer=1 "Amy March" is composed of at least 2 distinct authors, divided by their works.
https://www.librarything.com/author/browntl&norefer=1 "T.L. Brown" is composed of 2 distinct authors, divided by their works.

Then I combined one of the author profiles, the one with their books to the main author page, but the books from the other author are showing in their list of books/works too.


What am I failing on?


Edited: Sep 18, 11:32 pm

Just so I'm clear:

First off, I think you mean Amy March, not Meg Browne.

Second, I gather you separated Amy March and T.L. Brown from Tara Brown and then split those pages. That would be the correct thing to do.

Then I combined one of the author profiles

That's not possible. You can't combine one author on the split page with another page. What you need to do is alias the split author's works to Tara Brown.

I've separated them again, but as I don't know which of the split authors is also Tara, I'll leave the aliasing* to you.

* To do this, go to the split author page. On the right, there's a box titled "Improve this Author". Click on "edit the division", and then "alias divisions to other authors". Click on that, and put "browntara" (without the quotation marks) in the box corresponding to the correct split author.

Sep 19, 8:43 am

tysm and thanks for catching my "Meg Browne" mess up. She does have a Meg Browne alias also so I fumbled that.

I understand your explanation and really appreciate you taking the time.