Reviews available on internet

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Reviews available on internet

Sep 17, 7:19 pm

I've noticed that LibraryThing reviews can now be found on the internet, which wasn't the case previously. Might this be because of the attack on LT? Will we be going back to the way things were?

Edited: Sep 17, 7:25 pm

>1 VivienneR:

That's not new at all.

For a very long time, we have had the option in profile settings to allow our reviews to be shared outside of LT.

You can choose to:

Allow LibraryThing to give reviews to both non-commercial and commercial entities (booksellers, swap sites, publishers, authors, street gangs)
Allow LibraryThing to give reviews to non-commercial entities (libraries mostly)
Restrict reviews to LibraryThing

Obviously if you check the first box, your reviews are very likely to appear on the internet. But even if you limit the sharing to "libraries mostly", that library may post it on their website, and, hence, to the internet.

Sep 17, 7:25 pm

The DDoS attack on LT has nothing to do with reviews being shared. There's an option under Settings > Other Settings > Book Reviews for

"Allow LibraryThing to give reviews to both non-commercial and commercial entities (booksellers, swap sites, publishers, authors, street gangs)"


"Allow LibraryThing to give reviews to non-commercial entities (libraries mostly)"


"Restrict reviews to LibraryThing"

that you can check. If you don't want LT to share your reviews, then just make sure the third option is checked. As far as I'm aware, this option has been around for a while and LT hasn't made any changes to how they share reviews recently.

Edited: Sep 17, 7:29 pm

>2 lilithcat: I have never chosen the first box, always the third - Restrict reviews to LibraryThing

Sorry, I should have explained that in my original post.

ETA: After finding my review on the internet, I checked that my choice had not been changed. It is still "Restrict reviews to LibraryThing".

Edited: Sep 17, 7:37 pm

>4 VivienneR:

When you found your review on the Internet, was the domain ""? Or one of the language sites?

Because LibraryThing itself is on the Internet, so whatever is on the site can be found if you use the right search terms.

If I enter your user name and "librarything", I can find your profile, reviews, posts, etc.

Sep 17, 7:44 pm

User reviews, and most other parts of LibraryThing, have always been searchable on Google, if that's what you mean by "on the internet". That's not anything new.

Sep 17, 9:06 pm

>5 lilithcat: I didn't note the domain. I didn't enter my username or librarything, just a search for reviews of a book title. Actually, I have never come across LibraryThing reviews before. In my experience goodreads and amazon reviews show first with the Guardian and other publications following.

Edited: Sep 17, 9:16 pm

>7 VivienneR: They were rarely on the first page of Google but they had always been indexed. The checkbox on the profile tells LT that they cannot share the reviews behind the scenes (in their library products and with partners for example); any review visible on a work page is foundable via Google and always had been…

Chances are that you hit on a book LT has better or more reviews than anyone else — or something in an algorithm made them more visible. But they are online and visible without a password…

Sep 18, 12:18 am

>8 AnnieMod: I can't even remember what book it was. I usually only look for reviews for new or less known books that I'm not familiar with. Your explanation makes sense. Thanks.

Sep 18, 10:16 am

sadly LT reviews have always been 'scraped' by less scrupulous websites too. Tim et al have attempted to get them removed but it's not always easy. Best bet is probably to email staff with the details of the website you found them on.

Sep 18, 12:01 pm

>10 reading_fox:

Please read >7 VivienneR:

She didn't find the review on a website. She did a search for reviews of a book and noticed her review in the search results. She "didn't note the domain".