New Book Catalog/DB

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New Book Catalog/DB

Sep 13, 12:53 pm

Are they ways to get access to commercial entity catalogs/DBs? Amazon is one that is obviously there, but others are out there. I have one in particular in mind but I am sure if I approached them they blow me off, but if the Thing did ....

Edited: Sep 13, 1:02 pm

You mean as a book data source? Unlikely it's feasible. If you just want to quickly find the book on their site, you can add it to quick links on the right on book page

Sep 13, 1:02 pm

LT has (checks the current number) 4,967 sources which you can use to add a book from. If the source you want is not one of them, you can post a proposal for it to be added - although LT does require some specific connections to be workable.

So.. where you do you want to add a book from?

Sep 13, 1:45 pm

>3 AnnieMod:

Certainly I can hand enter them, but I have well over a thousand volumes in print and another roughly three thousand items in PDF, automating as much as possible is paramount. Mostly they are small publishers so even the bar codes and ISBN numbers lead no where.

Edited: Sep 13, 1:58 pm

Yeah, I don't think drivethrurpg is likely to share its bibliographic data in the format that LT requires.

Sep 13, 1:59 pm

>4 seraphim_72: Use a script to convert your library (on DrivethruRPG) to a csv file and then use the LT universal import to get the csv into LT. Check github for some conversion scripts.

Sep 13, 2:24 pm

>4 seraphim_72: Certainly I can hand enter them, but I have well over a thousand volumes in print and another roughly three thousand items in PDF, automating as much as possible is paramount. Mostly they are small publishers so even the bar codes and ISBN numbers lead no where.

As Taliesien suggested, you might be able to use a script for conversion. I have no idea what drivethrurpg offers. If there are no useful scripts, just export your list somehow, if you can, and figure out what data you have. Open it in Excel or some other spreadsheet, look it over, and save as CSV.

If you can export the data but can't figure out what to do with it, perhaps post a few sample records and we can make suggestions.

Sep 13, 2:25 pm

I've been manually entering my Drivethru titles... The bigger games generally have ISBNs, but small press or POD don't.

A better approach might be to catalogue on RPGGeek then use that export as the basis of a LT import. The Geek entries will at least be in a consistent format and is likely to have the small press and POD already catalogued.