any way to make reviews larger?

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any way to make reviews larger?

Sep 12, 6:04 pm


So I've slowly migrated here from Goodreads because I wanted to get away from all the images and huge fonts, etc. The only thing is I find myself going back there to read reviews because they are so tiny here. I don't want to enlarge the font for the entire site because that's the only page I'm having trouble with. Is there any way I can play around with how the reviews pages looks for me? Or do I just have to keep squinting?


Sep 12, 7:04 pm

>1 purpleiris: No way to enlarge the font just for reviews, but you might try out various options under 'change style' at the bottom of every page. It changes the type and size of the font on LT

Edited: Sep 12, 7:41 pm

>1 purpleiris: Just use the Zoom feature of whatever device you're using...desktop/laptop & browser is typically ctrl or cmd +/-. I zoom in and out on various pages all the time. Quick keyboard access and easy reset to 100%. Specific keyboard shortcuts can be different per OS/browser so just search your preferred OS/browser & zoom keyboard shortcut. If I'm on any particular webpage where the text is too small I just temporarily zoom in with ctrl+ as much as I need then reset back to normal 100% when I'm done. It's become automatic to where I don't even consciously think about doing it, my fingers go on autopilot. :D

Sep 13, 8:10 am

I did try the change style, thanks! For some reason it is not available on the reviews page. Everything else looks great with it.

I guess I will be zooming. I hadn't thought of that, thanks.