Deleting incomplete/corrupt records?

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Deleting incomplete/corrupt records?

Sep 7, 7:55 pm

So earlier this week I was trying to add some records and the site was having some issues or I was.

Anyway since then 3 what I guess you'd call empty records are attached to my account but I cannot remove them. They appear in the recently added widget, but if I click on them I get an 'There is no work with that reference number.' error. Looking at the 'your books' tab they don't appear, but if i view the library by tag there are three untagged items but if I click on the untagged link it says its empty. Its weird.

The links to the items are:

Edited: Sep 7, 8:00 pm

Clear your cache ->

and reindex your library ->

ETA: it was the site not you :P