Thank you LibraryThing and Happy Birthday!

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Thank you LibraryThing and Happy Birthday!

Aug 30, 2:53 pm

Just wanted to give a shout out to LibraryThing and how much I appreciate the site and the fine people who run it. I've been a member and early reviewer for many years. I'm also active on Goodreads and Net Galley but honestly LibraryThing is my first true love:). All the fun treasure hunts and interesting conversations bring me back every day. Can't start my day without it! Happy Birthday LT, may you live long and prosper!

Aug 30, 3:11 pm

I fully concur. LT is an open tab for me, part of my daily routine. I've learned about so many things on this site: books, authors, words, and ideas. Thank you LT and I hope you have many more Happy Birthdays.

Aug 30, 3:29 pm

>2 Taphophile13: Open tab? Hah. LT is a permanently open Safari window for me, on 2 computers and an iPad. LT is most definitely a part of my life. Happy Birthday, LT, and may there be many more.

Aug 30, 4:33 pm

Since LT is now old enough to drink a beer, I suggest we move this celebration to the corner pub, eh?

Aug 30, 4:54 pm

>4 2wonderY: um, not in the US 🙂 (That's at 21).

Aug 30, 5:06 pm

>5 DanieXJ: *smacks forehead* Senior moment! I’m going to my 50th reunion in a couple of weeks and 18 year olds could drink beer in the 70s. Wait… they can vote and soldier, right? Doesn’t make sense.

Aug 30, 5:10 pm

>6 2wonderY: Yep, and in places in Europe too I think it's 18?

Vote, soldier, and sign contracts.

Edited: Aug 30, 5:22 pm

In the United States, humans are epiphenomena of automobiles. That's why they are allowed to drive at 16, but not to drink until 21. (In a proper human society, those would be reversed.)

Aug 30, 6:29 pm

Well, nonetheless, I raise a glass to LibraryThing. skål!

Aug 30, 10:41 pm

Happy birthday to LibraryThing, the best place on the internet.

Aug 31, 2:54 am

>9 2wonderY: Skål!

Edited: Aug 31, 3:51 am

>7 DanieXJ: in Austria it is 16 for beer and wine. 'Burned' (distilled) alcohol from 18.

They can also vote at 16. Drive a car is 18.

Aug 31, 4:02 am

Happy birthday LT!

>7 DanieXJ: It's 18 in France - for consumption and purchase. It used to be 16 in bars, if the minor was accompanied by a responsible adult, but that's not the case anymore.

Aug 31, 4:08 am

Happy Birthday Library Thing. I have been a member for over a decade and this wonderful site is one of the great comforts in my life. It is for me the best of social media, drawing together like-minded people and with none of the nastiness that pollutes so much discourse in our connected world. Long may you flourish and many thanks for being there.

Aug 31, 6:03 am

Happy birthday!
Lovely cataloguing, lots of stats, no pressure :)

Aug 31, 8:52 am

Did others get a banner announcing the treasure hunt? I did not. If I turned those off somehow, I would like to turn them back on.

Aug 31, 9:04 am

11> and 9> Skål!

Aug 31, 9:30 am

>16 al.vick: I didn't see any kind of banner. Just this post in the Talk about LT group: and there was a News post as well.

Aug 31, 9:52 am

>18 Taliesien: Yeah, that's all I saw too. It's just that usually there is a banner for hunts, so I wondered if anyone else saw one for this one. But I guess not. Good to know!

Edited: Sep 1, 5:56 am

I love this site. For me it is not only a site, but a research tool. I follow no social media or the like and I find LT extremely helpful. I participate in the Early Review program as much as possible. I have met some wonderful writers and have been able to open dialogue with them on their material etc. Before I found this site I was manually typing my inventory into a dreaded excel spread sheet. It is great, especially for those who have libraries that number in the thousands. The recommendations keep my library growing and using that, among discussions with others it ensured that the (future reads) sections of my inventory will never wither. I was a paid member long before it became free. Library thing is an integral part of my daily routine. I review every single thing I read and am able to keep tabs on everything associated with said volumes.

Aug 31, 10:38 am

>20 JHemlock: ditto for me! especially that dreaded excel file that I could not take to a bookstore!

Edited: Aug 31, 6:25 pm

Happy birthday to LibraryThing! Many happy returns!


>3 haydninvienna:
Add me to the list of constantly-logged-in-with-open-tabs people.

Sep 1, 9:41 am

Happy birthday to our favorite place on the internet 🎂

I actually have several LT tabs open at all times, one of which is Talk