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Aug 1, 1:40 pm

I am trying to find a place to get the entire list of "Lists". All I get on the Home page is the most popular. Help!

HH Library

Aug 1, 1:42 pm

This page is the closest you're going to get:

There is no complete list of lists anywhere that we've been given access to as users.

Edited: Aug 1, 3:34 pm

Yeah, I don't think there is a list of all either. But in addition to gilroy's suggestion, you can use search to find them

Edit: Just tried searching * and it's probably close to having a full list.

Aug 2, 5:27 am

A (searchable) list of lists would be useful!

Aug 2, 6:26 am

I'm sure they'll add it to the list.

Aug 2, 9:08 am

The lists are already searchable, but there are thousands of them so just listing them (in what order? alphabetical?) would not be very helpful, and would use a lot of resources

Aug 4, 2:08 pm

>Perhaps they could just be listed in order they were added. Newest First. Then you can get fresh ideas.

Edited: Aug 4, 2:16 pm

>7 HH_Library: We already have the list of the newest ones - it is in the "Recent Lists" module in the Lists part ( ) of your home page.

We do need a full list somewhere but for fresh ideas, the Recent list is usually enough (and you can update the settings to how many you want to see - up to a 100 lines of them (depending on your order on the page, that may be 200 or 400 lists I think - I use double column so I see 2 per row for example).

PS: If you only see the most popular - make sure you had not disabled the module for the Recent ones? Click on Restore Defaults at the bottom of the page or on reorder to see if you X-ed any modules?