Link to open in a new tab

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Link to open in a new tab

Jul 26, 9:36 pm

Is there a way to have weblinks in LibraryThing open to a new window/tab on the browser? I input my links on the "Comments" field in LibraryThing and when I click on it, it overides LibraryThing. Thanks for any insights

Jul 26, 10:02 pm

That depends on what browser and computer you're using but usually some options are:
- Hold the CTRL key while clicking
- Right-click the link and select "open in a new tab" from the dropdown
- With a mouse that has a scroll wheel or middle button - middle-click the link
- With a touchscreen - long-press the link until the menu appears then select "open in a new tab" from the dropdown

Jul 27, 12:22 am

On a Mac the first option is to hold down Command with a click on a link. (At least this usually works on most links).

If you make HTML you can add a property to the A tag: target="_blank"


Jul 27, 6:35 am

There's further information about the target="_blank" method at for example:

Jul 27, 6:45 am

Though, ironically, Talk pages seem not to accept that coding. But it seems to work fine on a book's Comments field from a test I did just now with one of my own book records.

Jul 27, 8:53 am

Talk links are done by code, not a normal link tag:

Jul 27, 9:24 am

>6 r.orrison: Thanks for that connection, if you heard a clunk it was a penny dropping.

Aug 7, 1:03 am

Thanks so much for all your good feedback and insights. Apologies, I should have qualified that I was attempting to code the command to open in a new tab for any links I placed in the comment field in LibraryThing.

It's interesting that when the command is input in html target="_blank" - it does open to a new tab in the first instance

but after refreshing the page, it reverts back to rel="nofollow" target="_top" and no new tab is launched.

Is it because as r.orrison states, the inherent coding in LibraryThing prevents the launch to a separate tab? As you can see I am not conversant in the coding aspect. Thanks again for any further insights

Aug 7, 8:30 am

It could be the HTML is getting overwritten, and there's not much you can do there. Sorry for the trouble. Members will have to decide if they want to open the link in a new tab or not, or just hit the back browser button to return to the previous page after clicking.

Aug 7, 11:36 am

>8 UUC:
Oh dear, yes I've revisited the one I made as a test in >5 Nevov: and can see the same, it's reverted. Sorry for not testing that out more thoroughly at the time.

Aug 8, 5:28 am

>10 Nevov: No worries Nevov and kristilabrie and all others. I do appreciate all the good insights. Thanks again for making the effort to share