Purple color on recently added book titles

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Purple color on recently added book titles

Jul 21, 9:01 pm

Hello. On the add books page there is a running list on the right of each book I have recently added.
A few of the titles appear purple in color - just the title, not the author.

They don't appear to be any different than any other books (some have other versions, some are dups, etc.) but I cannot see what the difference is. These books are all searchable and in my library.

Does anyone know if the purple coloring means anything and if so, how do I correct it?

Thank you!

Jul 21, 9:14 pm

It usually means you have visited the page sometime in the web browser's history – the usual default for browsers is to indicate a visited page with a purple link, an unvisited link remains blue.

Jul 21, 10:52 pm

Thanks but that isn't the issue. I can go into other recently added books and they still remain blue.
I just hope it isn't a big deal so that I can continue entering my library.
Thank for trying to answer my question! ;-)

Jul 22, 2:34 am

>3 GraceBibleAZ: Actually, I'm rather sure that this is the issue. There's nothing but your browser that colors those links purple. The question is why your browser doesn't color some of them purple after you have visited them (even after reloading the page). In any case it's a browser issue and has got nothing to do with LibraryThing as such, so you can keep entering books.

Jul 22, 9:33 am

>3 GraceBibleAZ:

Here's an easy test: on the add books page, can you click on one of the blue book titles and see if it turns purple?

If not, it's possible that you're browsing in incognito or private mode, and your browser won't "remember" you've visited those pages and so it cannot turn the links purple.

Jul 23, 9:48 pm