"Romance: A Famous Athlete & an Art Dealer Falls in Love"?

Original topic subject: Romance, Athlete that was stabbed by a stalker so now he don't date but falls for art dealer who lives in his apartment

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"Romance: A Famous Athlete & an Art Dealer Falls in Love"?

Edited: Aug 16, 1:21 pm

I am trying to find this good romance book but can only remember the plot.

MC: He is some type of famous athlete who had a stalker that stabbed him so now he doesn't like to get close to women. But he falls for the FMC who he keeps running in to and don't know if she is a stalker or just an ordinary woman. He finds out she lives in the same building; he also has a cousin that lives with him, and a female friend (who likes him) ends up moving in which causes problems with the FMC. They start to spend time together and even have sex in the library. He finds out that she is pregnant, and he gets mad and sends his lawyer to offer a settlement to leave him out of it and off the birth certificate.

FMC: She grew up in foster care and one of the families she lived with as a teen was rich and kicked her out because she had sex with their teen son who was supposed be in love her but didn't stick up for her, family thought that he was too good for her. He ends up coming back in the picture years later to apologize and try to get her to give him another chance but is interrupted by the hero who was jogging by and saw them having dinner together through a window.

She deals with art and was awarded some type of financial aid to live in an expensive apartment where other rich people live even the MC lives there. She finds out that she is pregnant by the MC. She has a roommate (I think she is a call girl) and is close with a neighbor who is an old guy. This old guy tries to convince her to tell the MC she is pregnant, but she holds on to this info a bit until he ends up finding out by the door man (I think).

She also finds out that her father who died was rich and she has two cousins that found her (through art) and is giving her an inheritance from her father.

Please, please help me find the title of this book.

Thank you.

Jul 24, 12:27 pm

Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated to help me find this book.

I believe this book was published between 2016 - 2021.

Edited: Aug 16, 1:22 pm

Anyone??? I really want to read this book again. I even tried going through possible narrators that I think narrated the book on Audible. I can't find this book to save my life...

* The cousins identified the heroine as part of their family by a pendent that she was either wearing at a show or that was drawn in a picture which all three of them was given at birth.

* I believe the stalker who at one point stabbed the MC, name was Coco she may have been an exotic dancer???

* The MC has always dreamed of sailing his boat around the world and decided to do so after finding out the FMC was pregnant.

* Towards the end of the book, the MC comes to an art show to win the FMC back and his cousin accidently pushes him into a statue that falls and hits him in the head knocking him out for a second.



Aug 16, 3:39 pm

Any Luck, with ideas?

Aug 17, 1:25 pm

I've tried search for this several times. Not having any luck. Any idea where it was set? About how old they are? Any clues of what type of athlete he is?

Aug 18, 8:48 am

This sounds so familiar! I want to read it :) Try posting it on https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/!

Aug 23, 6:11 pm

Thank you, Juels, for helping me search for this book. I really can't remember his sport. He was a famous athlete and was know for being in the news because of a stabbing from a women stalker. He likes to sail on his boat. Don't know if that helps.

I believe they are young adults maybe in their late 20's most early 30's.

Thank you Renniks, I tried the link above but it went to an error page. Can you please double check the link for me.

Thanks again for all of your help. I really want to remember this book so I can read it again.

Sep 6, 1:56 pm

Just checking in to see if anyone have any suggestions.

Sep 6, 3:33 pm

>7 DaVettaJ: Renniks' link just had an extra character on the end. https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/

Sep 8, 4:19 pm

Thank you so much, vorkosigan. I found the site and hopefully I can get some help from there on finding this book.

I truly appreciate your help.

Oct 5, 4:44 pm

Checking back in to see if new members may know this book?

Your help is appreciated!

Oct 17, 1:10 pm
