Plans for improving Coverguess searchability?

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Plans for improving Coverguess searchability?

Jul 18, 2:41 pm

Despite its accuracy limitations, the surfacing of CoverGuess in our catalogs is really cool. Are there any plans to improve its searchability, either within our catalog (so far as I can tell, we can find books matching a single tag but nothing more complex) or externally (so I can find all the books that have been tagged with a particular tag)? This would probably require a bit of normalization of the tags - at the very least making them case-insensitive so that "dog" and "Dog" both match the canine. This would seem to enable some of the more powerful use-cases for this data set - someone remembers a book where the cover had tentacles and a mushroom cloud in office cubicles? The data is there for it to surface The Atrocity Archives - but we can't search it right now.