Members field gone from Settings / Display Styles / Catalog fields

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Members field gone from Settings / Display Styles / Catalog fields

Edited: Jul 16, 11:07 am

What happened to this field ? It does show up when you look at the work or library page for the book, but it is no longer available apparently as a catalog field that can be used with the Your Books display. I KNOW it used to be there. It is a really really useful field, much more important than the Rating field that seems to have replaced it.

Any ideas ?

Jul 16, 11:17 am

>1 cns1000: There never was a field AFAIK. Members with that book can be seen on the far right, where links for edit, reviews, delete etc. are

Jul 16, 11:41 am

I still see it under the other icons on the right where it always was. A bust sillouette with a number.

Jul 16, 12:27 pm

Ah I see ! Never mind, I figured it out. I had the Power Edit button selected and when you do that, the check box hides the Members field. At least on my setting.

Jul 16, 12:33 pm

Just one more reason not to leave power edit on.