Fun way of presenting books on a website

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Fun way of presenting books on a website

Jul 16, 6:47 am

I just came across this webpage (a publisher presenting their books)

and liked the way the books "move" a bit when you do a mouse-over, so I thought others might like it too. (Or hate it?)

Jul 16, 7:20 am

Yuck! I'm not going to go there. I hate it when things move.

Jul 16, 8:06 am

I'm in the neutral camp. I don't hate it, but don't really think it adds anything either.

Jul 16, 9:48 am

It annoys me less than when clothing websites etc. automatically zoom in on a mouse-over.
However, I don't think it adds anything because it's just a generic side of a book. I'd rather see the real side of the book - how thick is it? Are the edges deckled? etc.

Jul 16, 3:39 pm

Hate it.

Jul 16, 3:39 pm

I agree that it doesn't add anything other than high-lighting one of the books. But if you only have a cover-image I think it is nicely done. Anyway, it was just to get your opinion. Thanks!