Is there any way to record the public library that you checked a book out from?

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Is there any way to record the public library that you checked a book out from?

Jul 15, 2:32 pm

I know that I can put that information in the comments, but I don't think that will be searchable, and I would like the information to be searchable. I know that there is a database of libraries in LibraryThing, so I was wondering if there was a way to hook up book to library.

Jul 15, 2:35 pm

Use a tag. That's what I do.

Jul 15, 2:41 pm

On the Work edit page you can custom add choices in the Dates box. “From where?” Allows you to add venues or add your own free text. I have no idea if it’s searchable, though.

Jul 15, 2:55 pm

>3 2wonderY:

I have no idea if it’s searchable, though.

If you search in your catalog using "most fields", the results will include "from where". There may be others included (for instance, I have a book purchased at the Newberry Library Book Fair, but because it was published by the Art Institute of Chicago, it shows up when I use "most fields" and search for the AIOC), but it certainly narrows things down.

Jul 15, 3:30 pm

>2 MarthaJeanne: Yep, I use a tag as well.

Jul 15, 4:44 pm

The From where? field works perfectly for this purpose.

Jul 15, 5:44 pm

>1 themulhern:
>I know that I can put that information in the comments, but I don't think that will be searchable

Comments field is searchable, and the catalog search dropdown can be switched to only search comments if needed.

Though the From where? field is set up especially for this and a benefit of using it is you get a count of books per venue, in your Charts & Graphs (Cataloging subpage) and upon the venue page (Interactions section), as well as it gives hyperlinks between your book/catalog and the venue page.

Jul 15, 10:35 pm

Thanks all!