Barbara (Ameise1) hopefully doing better in 2023 (2)

This is a continuation of the topic Barbara (Ameise1) hopefully doing better in 2023.

TalkClub Read 2023

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Barbara (Ameise1) hopefully doing better in 2023 (2)

Jul 2, 6:50 am

Hi All
Hard to believe, but I am making a second thread. My husband Thomas retired on Friday. I will work for another year.
The reading year so far has brought me many exciting books.
In a fortnight we will be leaving for the summer holidays. The picture shows our expected itinerary. From Zürich we will travel via Saarbrücken to Aachen, then on to Liège and from there to Haybes in the French Ardennes, where we have rented a holiday home for a fortnight. The way home will take us via Trier. All in all, about 1400km.
I will certainly post some photos from our trip.

Edited: Jul 2, 6:54 am

# 1 Die Unverbesserlichen – Der große Coup des Monsieur Lipaire by Volker Klüpfel (3 stars)
# 2 Wundbrand by Cilla Börjlind (4½ stars)
# 3 Fräulein Gold: Schatten und Licht by Anne Stern (4½ stars)
# 4 Der Rabbi und der Kommissar: Du sollst nicht morden by Michel Bergmann (4½ stars)
# 5 Lethal White by Robert Galbraith (4 stars)

# 6 The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz (4 stars)
# 7 The Passenger by Jean-Christophe Grangé (5 stars)
# 8 Im Tal des Fuchses by Charlotte Link (3½ stars)
# 9 Arrowood by Mick Finlay (4½ stars)
#10 Orphan X by Greg Hurwitz (4 stars)
#11 Tiefes, dunkles Blau by Seraina Kobler (4½ stars)
#12 The Marrying of Chani Kaufman by Eve Harris (4 stars)

#13 Die letzte Jagd by ena-Christophe Grangé (4½ stars)
#14 Der USB-Stick by Jean-Philippe Toussaint (5 stars)
#15 Our little Cruelties by Liz Nugent (4 stars)

#16 Der Psychologe by Gabriel Rolón (4½ stars)
#17 Das Krokodil by Maurizio de Giovanni (4½ stars)
#18 Harte Landung by Ellen Dunne (4½ stars)
#19 Leise, stirb leise by Reinhard Rohn (3½ stars)
#20 Die Rose der Welt by Peter Prange (4½ stars)
#21 The Ice Beneath Her by Camilla Grebe (4½ stars)
#22 Holding by Graham Norton (4½ stars)
#23 Russische Botschaft by Yassin Musharbash (4½ stars)
#24 Schwarze Seele by Ellen Dunne (4 stars)

#25 Die Taten der Toten by Roman Voosen (4½ stars)
#26 Dunkles Arles by Cay Rademacher (3½ stars)
#27 Speaking in Bones by Kathy Reichs (4½ stars)
#28 Schlüssel 17 by Marc Raabe (4½ stars)
#29 42 Grad by Wolf Harlander (5 stars)
#30 Achtsam Morden by Karsten Dusse (4½ stars)
#31 Todesglut by Cathrin Moeller (4 stars)
#32 Invisible by Ursula Poznanski (4½ stars)
#33 You don't own me by Mary Higgins Clark (4 stars)
#34 Racheherbst by Andreas Gruber (4½ stars)

#35 Stiller als der Tod by Dario Correnti (4½ stars)
#36 Motherland by G.D. Abson (4 stars)
#37 Tod in der Provence by Pierre Lagrange (4½ stars)
#38 The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund (4 stars)
#39 Schwarzer Sand by Cristina Cassar Scalia (4½ stars)
#40 Tod in der Bibliothek by JB Lawless (3½ stars)
#41 Purpurne Rache by Jean-Christophe Grangé (4½ stars)
#42 Das Mädchen und die Fremde by Sofie Sarenbrant (4 stars)
#43 Tödliche Algarve by Carolina Conrad (4 stars)

Edited: Jul 2, 6:56 am

Edited: Jul 2, 6:59 am

Currently reading
 The Paris Diversion

Currently listening
 The Night Singer

Jul 2, 7:08 am

Happy new thread, Barbara!

>1 Ameise1: Funny how some places have different names in other languages. Lüttich in German, in Dutch it is Luik, and in French and English it is called Liège.

Edited: Jul 2, 7:30 am

book 43 Read in German

 Tödliche Algarve

I stumbled across Carolina Conrad's books once again and the warm summer temperatures told me I should read her new books.
Three hikers disappear within a short time on an ancient pilgrimage route. For Chief Inspector João Almeida, this is particularly tricky: One of the missing is his half-sister Liliana. Then a body is found, mutilated by wild boars. But it is not Liliana. Almeida takes over the investigation, but is muzzled. In order not to endanger tourism in the region, the motto is: not a word about murder. He asks his girlfriend, the German journalist Anabela Silva, for support. Not suspecting that this would put her in the sights of a cold-blooded murderer.
What I liked is that a lot of João and Anabela's private life is revealed. Anabela encourages João to finally get in touch with his half-sister, which is very difficult for him because he still cannot forgive his late father for having a second family. Anabela's father is getting worse and worse with his dementia, pushing her and her mother to the brink.

Jul 2, 7:28 am

>5 FAMeulstee: Thanks so much, Anita. Yes, it is indeed amusing what names localities can have in various languages.

Jul 2, 7:30 am

My lazy June stas

Jul 2, 7:38 am

book 44 Read in German

 Stürmische Algarve

An unusual cold front is moving across the sun-drenched Algarve this early autumn. Storm, rain and cold also affect the tourists. An Austrian woman dies. She had been heating her mobile home with a wood barbecue - and suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. The press calls the highly toxic gas the "Silent Killer".
The journalist Anabela Silva has just returned from a short trip to the coast. She remembers a fleeting contact with the deceased. Strange that there is no mention of the Austrian's husband in the newspaper. Was it perhaps not a tragic accident at all? Anabela alerts her friend, Chief Inspector João Almeida. And while he is searching for the husband, traces of blood are found on the camper. They come from a third person.
While Anabela works as a translator for João and a notary, the situation about her father's health comes to a head. Then the phone rings with the news that a place is available in the home. Will her father like it there and how will her mother fare?

Jul 2, 8:34 am

Nice new thread. Your holiday travel plans look wonderful.

Jul 2, 8:46 am

>10 dchaikin: Thanks so much, Dan. I'm really looking forward to it. 😎

Edited: Jul 2, 10:46 am

Happy new thread, and I hope you have great travels. I take it you will be driving, or is that a train route you have mapped out? Here in the U.S., with such abysmal train service all in all, I always imagine that in Europe you can take a train anywhere.

Jul 2, 7:58 pm

Yay for new threads, retired husbands, and travel plans. I look forward to the pictures! (Hope you are feeling 100% by the time you leave.)

Jul 4, 2:43 am

Happy new thread, Barbara.
I wish you and your Thomas a wonderful vacation.
And all good wishes for retirement - I plan it for the end of next year...

Jul 5, 1:26 am

Looks like you have a wonderful vacation planned, Barbara. Has your husband taken in the fact that he is retired yet or does he feel like he is on a long vacation?

Jul 6, 9:23 pm

Have a wonderful holiday, Barbara.

Jul 9, 7:09 pm

Enjoy your holiday! Sorry to hear you got hit with Covid again

Sep 29, 8:39 am

Happy birthday, Barbara!
I hope you are well and enjoy the day.