Cindys Cat Came Back Third Quarter 2023

TalkClub Read 2023

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Cindys Cat Came Back Third Quarter 2023

Edited: Jul 25, 4:53 pm

Welcome to my third quarter thread of the year! Im a relative newcomer here, joining in 2016. Im a teacher (early childhood special ed) for 35 years in Phoenix, retired 4 years ago. In my spare time I read, garden, folk dance, travel with my dh and volunteer at a childrens museum. Oh and I play with my three cats. I read just about anything; lately I have enjoyed reading works in translation which really has opened up my world. Looking forward to another quarter of reading and discussing and reviewing books on CR


Learn enough about African geography and history from the African Novel Challenge that I wont feel like a fool listening to the news or reading a book. So far this year I have read

the first woman Uganda
Hope and other dangerous pursuits from Egypt
The Book of Chameleons from Angola
the first wife a tale of polygamy from Mozambique
The Wedding of Zein and Other Stories from the Sudan
Things fall apartNigeria
The first womanUganda

Id like to continue to expand my reading by choosing more new to me authors than I did last year (36) So far Ive read 32 books by new authors

Edited: Jul 25, 4:56 pm

I structure them using the following prompts, which vary from time to time

Why did I choose this book to read
Summary of plot w/o spoilers
What kept me reading
What did I really not like
Who would like to read this book

sometimes I find a review that matches my thoughts much better than I can put into words myself, so, I may copy and paste it here. but will always credit the reviewer


1* usually DNF
2* I read it but not happy about it
3* a good read with some issues
4* memorable read
5* couldnt ask for more; usually books I will think about long afterwards, and often will reread. They might even have a map or two, an appendix or family tree with characters names, and a bibliography for further reading. Just sayin

Edited: Oct 1, 9:43 pm



January - North Africa: Saharan Sands
hope and other dangerous pursuits4.5

February - Lusophone Africa
the book of chameleons 4.5
the first wife a tale of polygamy4.5

March - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie or Buchi Emecheta

April - The Horn of Africa
the wedding of zein 5*

May - African Nobel Winners

things fall apart 5*

June - East Afric
a girl is a body of water5*

July - Chinua Achebe or Ben Okri

August - Francophone Africa
so long a letter5*
co wives co widows5*
the civilized world 4.5*

September - Southern Africa
the coconut 4

October - Scholastique Mukasonga or Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
our lady of the nile
the upright revolution

November - African Thrillers / Crime Writers

December - West Africa

Edited: Oct 17, 6:15 pm


January Feathered Friends
haven 5*

February 'lions and tigers and bears"
The Elephants Journey 3*

March Notorious Women
the jokes on you 4.5*

April April fool
The talented mr ripley 5,0

May Cities
the city we became

June the 50s
Fredrick the great5*

July Revolutions
mixed harvest4*

August immigration
after the romanovs3

Septermber school days
The Lost Education of Horace Tate: Uncovering the Hidden Heroes Who Fought for Justice in Schools 4.5

October traditions bread givers4

November indigineous people 2 old women 5*


Edited: Oct 10, 6:48 pm


1st quarter WWI
Back to the front 4.5*

2nd quarter in between wars April-June
re read broken road 4

3rd quarter WWII June-September
evening chorus 5
good night irene3

4th quarter RTT Quarterly - October-December 2023 - 1946 - Present



1st quarter Jan - March 2023: The Baltic Sea region

fair play4.5*

the summer book5*

The wonder adventures of Nils 4,5*

the line in the world4*

2ns quarter Banned books

3rd quarter The Black Sea Region
the border to the edge of Europe4.5*
black sea DNF

4th quarter ww2 - present


January adventure classics

February before 1900
the blazing world and other writings4*

March: classics on screen
the bridge of san luis rey 5*

April: classics mystery

May: childrens lit Little Men 4

June: humor in pursuit of love 4

July: classic you missed reading
droll stories4

August : classic in translation
the man who walked through walls 5

September non fiction classics
a short history of the world 3.5

October women classics
old new york 5



the brothers ashkenazi 4.5

the hidden palace4


February Mort 4.5*
April reaper man 3.5
June soul music 4.5
Augusthogfather 4
October theif of time

Edited: Oct 1, 9:11 pm


Sylvia Townsend Warner
kingdom of the elvin DNF

Chaim Potok
gates of november

Elizabeth Von Armin
The Intoduction of Sally 5.0

Edna Farber
show boat4.5
the girls4.5

Honore Balzac 5.0
droll stories

Emily St. John Mandel
last night in montreal 3

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
notes on grief5

Jul 26, 7:37 pm

I am now reading two travel narratives

Reading this for the RTT quarterly theme The Black Sea.the border: a journey to the edge of EuropeThe author is from Bulgaria,her family emigrated to australia and later the US. She has returned to her homeland to look at the borders of Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece and the pain of forced migration (or ethnic cleansing)

an ottoman traveler Mentioned in the book above he was famous for his travel narratives in the 1600s. Like Ibn Battua, he visited many places in the known world and desribes what he has seen, in ten volumes. This book takes some from each volume as a way of introduction. Not sure if the volumes hav been translated into English

Just about finished The Djinn falls in love and other Stories

Jul 27, 7:39 am

I love all your themed reads this year, Cindy.

Jul 28, 7:39 pm

thanks lisa, glad you popped in!

Border: a journey to the edge of Europe review

why did you choose this book
read it for the Reading Globally third quarter theme"the black sea region


During Kapka Kassabova's childhood, Bulgaria's southern border was part of the Iron Curtain, a mysterious and deadly zone, out of bounds to everyone except border guards and a few specially vetted and supervised shepherds and foresters, a place where desperate East Germans would make futile attempts to escape to the West under the pretext of beach holidays by the Black Sea. Now it's the southern frontier of the European Union, the point where desperate people from countries like Syria are trying to get in.

Kassabova returns to the region to explore this border, from both sides, visiting the Strandja mountains on the Black Sea coast, the Rhodope mountains in the west, and the Thracian plain around Edirne (Adrianople) in between the two. This isn't the kind of travel book that has a lot of actual travel in it, though: she is more interested in people and their stories than in scenery or buildings, so she takes the time to stay where she is, sit in cafés, and let the locals come and talk to her. She finds out about local practices and beliefs that seem to go back a long way before Christianity and Islam (firewalking, divination, sacred springs, etc.), about smugglers, treasure-hunters and former border guards, about the region's many minority groups, and about the uncountable individual human tragedies that go with the "bigger historical picture", from the pre-WWI Balkan Wars and the Treaty of Lausanne right through to Bulgaria's forced de-islamisation programme of the late eighties and the Syrian refugee crisis that was at its height while she was researching this book. (Thorolds review)

what kept you reading

"Her reporting on several fronts,She finds out about local practices and beliefs that seem to go back a long way before Christianity and Islam (firewalking, divination, sacred springs, etc.), about smugglers, treasure-hunters and former border guards, about the region's many minority groups, and about the uncountable individual human tragedies that go with the "bigger historical picture", from the pre-WWI Balkan Wars and the Treaty of Lausanne right through to Bulgaria's forced de-islamisation programme of the late eighties and the Syrian refugee crisis that was at its height while she was researching this book". (Thorolds review)

Her writing is very good, I enjoyed her description of the land and the stories of the people she intervews

I knew some of the history of the area and times during the ottoman empire and WWI, and how the lines in the sand created problems that are still with us today. There was a lot I didn't know about that added more context. I enjoy and participate in Bulgarian dancing and music, so was aghast what the govt was doing to its own people. But they werent alone the governments of Greece and Turkey were doing to much tthe same to their own people, and what people will do to return to their former homes.

what stopped you

a couple of things: 1 there is a map but its in very small print and was rather confusing 2 think some of her stories needed to be edited I thought she told the same stories over again, and 3 and this is the big one: midway through she decides to go on a journey with someone she really needed to know better and at one point she realizes no one knows where she is. All was well, but I was surprised when she took the risk she did (Mark if you are reading this, Id appreciate your comments on this section)

who would you give this book to? Anyone interested in the history of the area, or is interested in traveling there (tho this is not a travel guide)

rating 4.5*

Aug 2, 7:38 pm

>11 cindydavid4: Enjoyed your review

Edited: Aug 4, 9:41 pm

thanks to both of you.

also reading broken road for the Black Sea theme. Its a re read and Im having more trouble with it then I did from the first. Its the third of this authors books detailing his travels as a young man in 1936 from Amsterdam to Costantiople. It was published posthumously in 2011, following along with what he already wrote with additions from letters and diaries . I was so excited about the publication of this third book as were the fans of his earlier works, and read through it quickly, not really paying attention to the issues I know have . Wanting to finish it, but while I loved his descrriptions and attention to details Im slowing down alot, thinking he really needed an editor. But when you think of that time period just before WWII, the people and places and cultures he met that are no longer- it is a picture of that world. so I cant complain to much. If you are interested in his travels, his first book a time of gifts is the place to start

Aug 3, 11:41 am

Hi Cindy! Happy New Thread!

I also have Border: a journey to the edge of Europe home to read for the Black Sea challenge. I enjoyed your comments, although it may be next month before I get to it.

I don't always enjoy a couple of the members of that group, so I tend to pop in and out. :) I know, I know, I shouldn't take comments so personally, but a couple of the members can really get under my skin.

Edited: Aug 5, 6:54 am

>14 streamsong: check your messages pls

Aug 5, 6:53 am

finished the civilized world which I rated 4.5so long a letter and co-wives, co-widowsIts fun reading them in tandem; a little confusing but enjoyable

Aug 8, 8:39 pm

reading after the Romanovs for the RTT august theme: immigration

Edited: Aug 13, 9:52 pm

my carpal tunnel is back, haven't been able to do reviews. going to sign off for a bit, but Ill keep reading!

Aug 16, 11:43 am

So sorry to read about your carpal tunnel issues. Ouch! I battled that as a lab technician.

Aug 16, 9:25 pm

thanks for all your best wishes! doing better, wrist brace, meds and excercises seem to be working

Starting good night irene will be travling next week so bringing it with.

Aug 17, 9:32 am

so it looks like Im doing double reading; last night found the hands of my father at the bookstore. Ive read stories like these before (in this sign) when the hearing child must interpet for the deaf parents. (Yes I have seen CODA: Troy Kotsur who won the best acting emmy grew up in my town) This is a beautifully written memoir, and expect to finish it soon.

Aug 23, 9:33 pm

finished Orwells Roses Loved this book esp as she starts with 'bread and roses" my fav protest song. I have lots of good thoughts about this book but have trouble putting them in a review Sassy Lassy has one that says it all and wth her permission I am including it here

"It's somehow comforting to discover that George Orwell loved roses. This man, with one of the bleakest perspectives on his times and the future, found solace in that most elemental of human activities, cultivating a garden, the solution preferred by another philosopher in another turbulent age.

In April, 1936, Orwell moved to a small rented cottage in Wallington, one with a tin roof, lacking gas, electricity, and indoor toilet. While fairly standard rural living for the times, it was not exactly easy living. He immediately planted a garden, one focussed mainly on food, but he also planted roses; not an obvious choice given the circumstances. Later there would be goats.

Gardens are full of life and death, but also of hope. This is the influence on Orwell and his writings Solnit examines in these essays.

At first they seem to meander, but then suddenly they return to the subject, and everything falls into place. How else does Ralph Lauren's 1980s insistence on chintz and roses morph into a discussion of the imperial passion for importing the products of empire, and then connect to Jamaica Kincaid and her visceral reaction to the colonisation of her Antigua home? Solnit suggests The Road to Wigan Pier provides the parallel and the answer, with Orwell saying You have got to choose between liberating India and having extra sugar. Which do you prefer?

Another essay. "In the Rose Factory", quotes Orwell on coal, saying It is only very rarely, when I make a great mental effort, that I connect this coal with the far-off labor in the mines. Solnit visited an actual rose factory in Bogata, describing the process of growing roses for the floral industry, and the condition under which the female workers work, ending with was even more rarely that anyone connected the roses to the invisible toil in these greenhouses. They were the invisible factories of visual pleasure.

Orwell's Roses is not by any means a standard biography. Rather, it is an exploration and a meditation on the writer, his works, and how he is viewed today. Solnit certainly knows her subject and his writing. Her thoughts often provide a different way of viewing them; ideas that definitely inspire another look at Orwell.

As for those roses he planted, they were still there at the cottage when Solnit visited in 2016."

highly recommended 5*(my rating)
Edit | More

Aug 23, 9:35 pm

also finished hogfather it was fun, lots of fun at first then it turns dark quicly. He has a tendency to make a muddle of his middle When i first read his books I didnt mind, now not so much. But the ending is great so I have to forgive him 4*

Aug 23, 9:46 pm

now reading hands of my fathers and travel light which is lots of fun. Stil reading goodnight Irene

Aug 27, 10:32 pm

I finished after the romanovs for the RTT august theme Immigration. At the end of it, I had a fairly good overview of the many groups and individuas over the 50 year period from 1900 onwards. she begins with a 16 page listing of names of royalty, all assuming their exile will be short. when the realize it will be forever, they each find ways to live and many ended up poor and homeless. in fact I did find that so many of them had the same story and it stopped being interesting still Id recommend it, and rate a 4*

Aug 27, 10:54 pm

>20 cindydavid4: what meds do they give for carpal tunnel? I use wrist brace when it flares up. Usually bothers me most in my sleep.

Aug 28, 8:04 am

>20 cindydavid4: and >26 dianeham: And what exercises for carpal tunnel? The doctor I went to said the only thing to do is surgery, which I don't want to do. I am seeking a second opinion.

Edited: Aug 28, 11:08 am

>26 dianeham: Ive been taking tylenol and celebrex for general body pain and swelling. I think they can give shots but Im not sure. . Ive also tried some of these exercises that seem to help.

i dont do them all every day, even just a few a day seems to help..' If you have a dr or PT check to see whick ones will be right for you

>27 arubabookwoman: personally Id avoid surgery. Id second a second opinion My PT gave me instructions on how best to sit at the computer, and to use my other hand to give the affectd hand a break. that seems to help

Edited: Aug 29, 5:59 pm

travel light was a wonderful fantasy that I would have loved back in the day:strong heroine, dragons ,, gods, magical capes....But I tired of it towards the end. Given that this was written in 1926 (published in 1952) her journey and coming of age was prefect for the time period. The book is alsO referenced in this is how you lose the time war which means I need to reread it to see how its referenced. Anyway if you like light fantasy, strong woman characters (but she really is little) and dragons, you'll probably enjoy it. Im rating it 4,0 but others might like it much more than that

Aug 29, 5:30 pm

still reading the man who walked through walls and Napoleon of Notting Hill both of which are so much fun!

Sep 1, 5:03 pm

finished the hands of my father , a memoir of a young boy with deaf parents, in the 30s Despite his frustration at having to interpret the world for them at a very young age, there is so much love between them all. His father was a very wise and loving man, but also angry at the hearing world that treated them so badly (this was in the days when signing was frowned upon; neither family learned how to communicate with their children) This memoir is a tribute to both his parents and was indeed a language of love. 5*

Sep 3, 8:14 pm

the lost education of horace tate for the RTT september theme school days

Sep 6, 12:56 am

HG Wells history of the world for classic challenge-non fiction

Edited: Sep 18, 6:08 pm

Just finished Napoleon of Notting Hill satire written in 1904 and takes place in 1984. According to lecture by Dale Ahlquist, President, American Chesterton Society "This was the man who wrote a novel called The Napoleon of Notting Hill, which inspired Michael Collins to lead a movement for Irish Independence." I have no thoughts about this but interested in others reactions

I dont remember which challenge this was for, but Mark recommended it to me This was the authors first book, and I think it shows in repetition and digressions. I did enjoy the humor and satire, but somewhere along the way I got lost, possibly because I didn't pick up on some local references. Glad I read it, id give it a 3.5

Edited: Sep 22, 11:25 am

Review of the lost education of Horace Tate non fiction

why did I choose this book for RTTs September theme school days. I was looking for something different and found this on a list.

synopsis without spoilers from publishers weekly
n this narrative history backed up with detailed scholarship, Walker, professor of African-American educational studies at Emory University, sheds light on the mostly unsung heroes—black teachers, principals, and other school personnel—in the battle for equal education in the South leading up to Brown v. Board of Education. Drawing on two years of interviews and the long-hidden archives of lifelong education activist Horace Tate, a former Georgia state senator who was a school teacher and principal in his younger years, the author recounts how Tate and others secretly fought the “separate but equal” ethos to get roomier buildings, school buses, and other educational necessities for African-American pupils. The book covers the years of his life 1922-2002

what kept me reading.

i was hooked in the first paragraph describing a clandestine drive by between an principal and teacher to share information It was important that this not get out because the price to pay if it did was too high. The author starts with Horace Tate as a small boy encountering the rules in south georgia Jim Crow law circa 1920, The author continues through his school years as a student, teacher principal and state senator. I thought I knew about how bad it was for poc back then but I had no idea. When Horace is promised new books for his hard fought school He finds out the these go to the white kids, and when they were done his kids could have them. This trickery was constant, tho Horace saw that he could play that game himself.

what slowed me down The author was able to obtain Tates files after his death and she obviously researched for this book throughly. Unfortunately it shows. There were many pages about meetings between the georgia teacher association and groups like NAACP and others, including actual minutes. This was interestng at first, but as time goes on so do the meeting. i get why she wants to show every detail of this work, but I think these could have been put togethr differently to show how those involved put together strategies for their cause. That being said once the topic of intergating the two organizations came up, I was once again pull in the book So this a minor concern

One meeting that is decribed takes place in May 1968 between the both the white and black teacher associations. The speaker was Martin Luther King jr. King . my heart broke realizing how soon hed be gone

at the end of the book the authoe describes Tates last year, when she had access to his hidden files, and she decribes how she put together this book. That by it self was very interesting

despite any issue I had, this is a very important book in the history of education for poc children over the years. Im going to give it 5*

I recommend this book to anyone interested in Civil Rights and the history of the the movement, It certainly opened my eyes to their 'school days'. I grew very angry at every instance of disrespect, rudeness, threats and violence that i read , because it happened then, and that its still happening now This is a book that needs to be read.

Sep 12, 9:12 am

>35 cindydavid4: Fascinating. Thanks for bringing this book to our attention.

Sep 12, 10:23 am

Happy to do it, jk

Sep 15, 9:19 pm

>34 cindydavid4: Orwell wrote 1984 in 1949.

Sep 18, 6:10 pm

>38 dianeham: duh dont know where that came from fixed

I really have been out of the reading mix, while I have plenty to read, the last few weeks. I know Ill get there, with the right book and right mood. Maybe when it starts cooling off?

Sep 19, 7:37 am

>39 cindydavid4: Maybe when it starts cooling off?
That's when my reading picked up again. Fortunately Maine cools off early and stays that way longer.

Sep 19, 10:01 am

nice and cool this morning, so its coming! Still in the hundreds during the day

Edited: Sep 22, 11:10 am

well that didnt take long. elsthread some of us were talking Emma Donogue and while Id read several, I realized I never read astray her collection of short stories that I had on my shelves!. How wonderful these are, each is based on an event in the past, and with her usual undersanding of human nature, she comes up with some real gems. Hope the rest of them are as good

ETA as usual she makes any of these stories interesting, tho I was bored with the Gold Rush ones, but thats just me, no reflection on her writting 4.5*

Oct 1, 8:56 pm

finished coconut whichI liked very much. Decided not to read shining girls didn't seem like a book Id want to read.

Oct 1, 9:06 pm

>43 cindydavid4: I agree - don’t read Shining Girls.

Oct 1, 9:07 pm

yeah I read a few chapters, then went back to check the synopsis, no, just no

Oct 2, 10:51 pm

My dr just told me I need cateract surgery. I know many people have had it so Im not concerned about the procedire but Id appreciate knowing about others experiences; how long it takkes to be able to do regualar activities, esp reading, and when can I exercise, how soon do they do the second surgery.anything else you think I might need to know Thanks

Oct 2, 11:44 pm

My second surgery was 2 weeks after the first. I was able to read with my reading glasses right after surgery and then the new lens improved and didn’t need the glasses. I got corrective lens implants so I wouldn’t need glasses at all. There are different kinds you can get and health insurance doesn’t usually cover the cost of lens implants. I got tri-focal lenses in both eyes - cost 4500 total. The problem with them is glare from headlights at night. But I don’t drive anymore so not an issue. I think it was a week to 10 days before I could bend over or lift anything. The lens implant in my right eye doesn’t seem to work as well as the one the left. Mt left eye was alreadt 20/30. But despite that I don’t need glasses to read or see distance with both eyes open. But I can’t read thru just my right eye. The surgery itself was a breeze.

Oct 3, 10:50 am

Hi Cindy - I've also had cataract surgery, although mine was probably a little different since I had diabetic cataracts. I chose to go longer between surgeries, because I couldn't see well after the first one. Living by myself, I needed to be able to do everyday things like drive and pay bills, so I chose to wait until the first eye had stabilized before having the second one done. For some reason, this infuriated my ophthalmologist, (did he think I was dissing his surgery?) but after I was all done, he said he himself might have chosen to do it the way I did.

Surgery was a breeze as Diane said. I still wear glasses. Driving at night is out of the question for me, too, due to the glare of oncoming traffic and the streetlights.

Oct 3, 12:16 pm

>47 dianeham: didnt know about the affect on night driving but I hardly do anyway Looking forward to not needing glassas (tho I have a very strong perscrption so well see how much it helps) Can they fix the one on the right so you can see? Does medicare cover this? I know they dont glasses, but this is surgery. what do you do about not bending down? My husband works so id be home alone. Can you use reaching tool? would i be able to walk? how long till you could move about normally and drive?

>48 streamsong: I remember hearing about yiurs, glad you were able to get it down how y ou needed

thanks guys

Oct 3, 3:09 pm

>49 cindydavid4: they said I could bend over quickly but don’t do things like gardening.I’m sure you can walk but wear sunglasses outside.

Edited: Oct 10, 7:00 pm

thanks. I dont see him till next month; Ill see what happens

Been behind on my reviews; heres a recent one

Managed to finish bread givers but it was a struggle. I read this for the RTT October tradition theme. Book is important beccause more of a memoir of the author, writing about her life on the lower east side in an ultra orthodox jewish home. The father spent his time studying Torah and did not work, almost causing his daughters to starve. I wanted to read it as a witness to what she suffered and how she succeded. But there were way too many melodramatic moments, and felt that the characters werent fully develped. Excellent look at traditions taken to the nth degree, and at the struggle for young people to hold on to them, while aching for the life of the new world. the descriptions of the that time and place were very visual. The prelude and intro tells the authors story, and how this book when from being out of print to being a best seller, becuase a few people noticed it. A good book for this theme, but really hard to read. Recommended for readers wanting an early immigrant experience in NYC of that time. Rating it a 5 for her description of that traditional life, and for the descritpions of time and place, but a three for writing style,with might be more indicative of the time written. so a 4* I guess but tbh a 3.5*.

Oct 9, 12:14 pm

BTW I don't plan to make a fourth quarter thread, just gonna stick around here. Will jot down my fav reads of the quarter

border a journey to the edge of europe

civilized world

hands of my father

Orwells roses

the lost education of Horace tate

mixed harvest

a line in the world

evening chorus

Read 23 books this quarter, most of the non fiction for a total of 71 books well on my way of topping last years total of 85

Oct 9, 5:32 pm

>52 cindydavid4: Kudos Cindy. Lots of good reading this year.

Oct 10, 7:00 pm

so I picked up my Kindle, wondering what I was going to read next when I realized I had not finished the man who walked through walls for the Classic challenge August classic in translation. I was already liking this when I got distracted by september reads. Just started back with "the problem of summertime" and fell in love with it again. The story involves the government decidjng that time should be sped up by 19 years. Our man realizes this, then appears in a place where its still 19 years ago. Crazy multiple universes and all that. with a sober ending. Will have to complete this before I go on to my Oct reads!

Speaking of which, I forgot to note that I read the October classic "womens classics" already, by reading old ny which is rating abig 5*

You wonder what happened to September? the theme was non ficrtion and I ws going to read HG Wells Outline of Histoy. and some how it flew by without me reading it.

Its making me think Im in a strange parallel universe in my reading......

Oct 12, 9:21 pm

I just spent the afternoon with a book that I am sure will be on my top ten list for this year, the book is two old women Read this for next months RTT theme "indiginous people' Its the legend from Athabascan tribe Alaska (where the author is from) about a starving tribe leaving two old women to die because there is not enough food. what happens next is not surprising, but is written so well that the ending is indeed a surprise. 5* highly recommended (she has two more books that I plan to read as well)

Oct 13, 7:25 am

>55 cindydavid4: That sounds interesting. Onto the inexhaustible wishlist it goes.