bad anime ideas

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bad anime ideas

May 10, 7:06 pm

kinda like Jonny RaZer's bad movie ideas, but for anime. Just type anything that you'd want to become an anime. I got a few but im lazy af rn lmao

Oct 4, 5:20 pm

i forgot this shit existed so lemme just turn into chat gpt and make an edgy gacha princess fanfic 💀 and yes this is an isekai because I have no ideas

TW: Sv!c!de

Yuri, an 18 year old girl, has found herself lost. Everything went downhill for young Yuri after 8th grade. Her grades were dropping, she had to leave her friends, and her mom is now dead. What's worse is that no one is nice in this town, everyone bullied her a made her crumble like a cookie, bit by bit. She eventually was on her last straw, and hung herself. She wanted to escape this hell, and never come back ever again. But after she died, she got transported to a land she only dreamt of when she was a small girl. It was all rainbows and sunshine, pink, fluffy, cotton candy clouds, and the best part is that her mom is alive. But she isn't aware that she isn't in heaven, and got transported to hell. What will she do now?? Wait 25896568987678909238 years for the manga to release to find out!!!

Oct 4, 6:03 pm

>2 katzuo_kxtty: lmaooo. (i sound very dry but i did laugh to the point my classmates looked at me weirdly like 'u laughing at us?')

Oct 4, 6:18 pm

I think they should make an anime about me

Oct 4, 6:33 pm


Oct 4, 9:31 pm

>2 katzuo_kxtty: first thing i thought of when i read the name yuri was yuri from ddlc
the second thing was yuri as in the genre

Oct 4, 9:37 pm

also i think bad anime ideas can turn into good anime if you somehow execute it properly
same goes for good anime ideas can turn into bad anime

Oct 4, 11:17 pm

>6 Randomz: hello fellow ddlc player

Oct 5, 9:42 am

>8 katzuo_kxtty: sup
im traumatised from that game

Oct 5, 11:09 am

>9 Randomz: i love ddlc sm 😻😻😻

Edited: Oct 15, 7:28 pm

bored so zombie apocalypse pov, the narrator/mc is a girl named Koyuki and is 19 and this takes place in japan in 2025 because its an anime ofc
I look outside the window of my apartment, seeing zombies eating each other, people running, some even fighting them. It became normal at this point to see someone get eaten alive on the streets. I remembered how it all happened. I wish it didn't, but thats just the way things go. Around two years ago, in 2023, people were warned of a new virus named NOriken-ENI-289. People were unfazed since the pandemic had already happened and were prepared. People with the disease had been reported to have zombie-like behaviors, such as not being able to think clearly, slowed down heartbeat, and sudden craving of human flesh. If the person had died, they would still be able to function as long as they ate humans. It became known as "zombie virus" since it was so similar to zombies. The first case occurred in Germany; and then it spread across other countries; and then, eventually, Japan. I had tried to flee to America multiple times, since it wasn't affected yet, but no one could go to the Airport. It wasn't safe anymore.
I look over to my sister who's currently cowering, wondering if onii-san was okay. "Uta-san, I'm sure onii-san is okay!!" In reality, I was scared too. Who wouldn't be scared when the world around you is an apocalypse? "But.. Nee-san.." She sniffed as she wiped a tear off her face. "What if Hakuji-nee doesn't come back?" "Well, we're not sure about that.. but I know he's going to, he's your big brother Hakuji! He will come back!!" At least I think he will.. but I was glad that Uta is happy and no longer stressed. Whenever she's happy, i'm happy. Her and Hakuji are the only family I have after all, since our parents had died to the virus. We escaped but I still miss them and wish they were here to protect us.
I went to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. There was barely anything there other than bananas, a few water bottles, instant ramen, and leftovers from last night. Food was scarce since everyone took anything they could get in their hands once the virus hit Japan. I grab a banana as I go back to my room, getting memories of college. There had been a little bunker inside the gym where students would stay for shelter. Although it didn't last too long, I made tons of memories there. We would play card games there and would get self-defense lessons. Eventually, someone caught the zombie virus and we all had to flee from the bunker. I wish I could go back to those days. Where we were carefree. Where we didn't have to live in dread every day. Where the world was actually peaceful.
yayyyy im done my fingers hurt lmaoooo

Oct 15, 8:51 pm

>11 katzuo_kxtty: ok so i read the first sentence and immediately thought of がっこう ぐらし! (gakkou gurashi or school-live!) (and yes i just wanted to flex my japanese keyboard)

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