Where have all the Local Members gone ?

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Where have all the Local Members gone ?

Apr 14, 8:03 am

Around my area at least, there used to be double the number of pages of Local Members. The number has over the past year dropped precipitously. And many of those remaining are either commercial spam or have 0 books. Is it that member numbers are dropping overall ? Or that fewer people are willing to include their location ? Or is there some bug in the newer versions so far as tracking and displaying these ?

Just wondering if anyone has any insights.

Apr 14, 10:28 am

I haven't noticed a huge drop in Local Members to me. That said, I live in Maine where the population isn't very dense and we're all pretty open/friendly, so maybe that's a factor? LibraryThing's HQ is also in Maine, so...

Apr 14, 11:25 am

There's an issue with calculating locations that might be related: https://www.librarything.com/topic/349352

Apr 14, 4:33 pm

Yes, I am seeing that too. The distances to Local Venues are all correct and reasonable. But as far as my Favorites (local bookstores) of which I have 30 or so, four are correct and all of the rest are shown as being 5710.3 miles away. Heaven help me if that were true. I presume this has already been posted on Bug Collectors so there is no need to post it there again. There is no apparent reason why those four are the only correct ones.

Apr 15, 2:47 am

>4 cns1000: O_O My favourites have "moved", too. 3600+ miles away, instead of ~2 km. The fact that Amsterdam (80 km), Den Haag (100 km) and Sweden(! 1500 km) are 0 miles away is equally surprising. And why is everything in miles??

Apr 18, 5:39 am

>2 kristilabrie: my population is very dense. That's why i'm here.

Apr 18, 8:19 am

Aug 11, 8:46 am

I note today that the distance calculation for Favorites seems to have been fixed. Nice to know that all my favorite bookstores are no longer 5710.3 miles away ! Thank you to whoever fixed this. However, it does not seem to have been related to the disappearing-local-members question, since that situation has not been improved by the fix.

Aug 28, 7:21 am

I have my location set, but LT seems to think I'm near Buffalo instead (a continent away)

Aug 28, 10:14 am

Could that be related to this bug: https://www.librarything.com/topic/349352?