Ronincats Renews her Residency

Talk75 Books Challenge for 2023

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Ronincats Renews her Residency

Jan 1, 7:42 pm

The local media obligingly posted this photo of this morning's sunrise, the first of 2023, today. One of the great things about Kansas is the skies. They go on forever.

Hi, I'm Roni and I've been a member of this group since 2008. For the last two years, I have been more absent than present after my husband died in late 2020 and I spent the first half of 2021 clearing out my house of 40 years in San Diego (with a BIG attic) and preparing for a move back to Kansas, which is where I grew up and where my mother and sister still live. I found a wonderful Craftsman bungalow that had just been refurbished and all the stuff I kept and brought with me fit into it perfectly (and the other 2/3 of stuff was disposed of. However, the time spent settling into a new house and organizing everything, plus twice weekly trips over to the neighboring town to spend the day with my mother, plus my garden during growing season and setting up my pottery studio, have really filled up my time and I have been very negligent in visiting the threads of my dear friends here, as well as seriously impacting reading time. No, I lie. If I stopped playing Seaport and Merge County and Diggy on my tablet, I would still have the time. It's amazing how much time they suck up. I am resolving to do better at both checking in and visiting threads this year.

I am primarily a genre reader of science fiction and fantasy, although I read some nonfiction, mystery, romance, and I love children's literature. I do NOT read horror and I rarely read popular fiction. I did not post any monthly stats on my reading (nor mostly the books read) in 2022 and I am also going to work on resuming the posting of books as I read them along with the monthly stats. However, I am going to post my stats for 2022 in the next post and I will have the actual books read in 2022 on my profile page. Before, I typically read around 150 books a year. I'm pretty sure I made it to 75 in 2021 and I finished 85 books in 2022. I'm hoping to reach 100 this year.

Welcome, all, old friends and new! And Happy New Year to us all!

Jan 1, 7:56 pm

2022 Reading Stats

Books Read: 85
Pages Read: 28236
Average Book Length: 332
Average Pages Read per Day: 77

New Reads: 43.
Library books: 18 Newly purchased: 24 Book off my shelf: 1
Rereads: 42

Science fiction: 18
Fantasy: 46
Children's: 2
Nonfiction: 6
General fiction: 1
Mystery: 8
Romance: 4

13 books were by authors outside of the USA, but all in the English-speaking world: England, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania

38 male, 65 female (two of the series I reread are coauthored by wife and husband)

I did not keep up with books acquired and books out the door. Maybe this year.

Jan 1, 8:01 pm

Hi Roni! *smooch*

Jan 1, 8:03 pm

Wishing you a year of comfortable reading dear Roni.

>1 ronincats: What a lovely sky.

Edited: Oct 12, 9:07 pm

Books Read in 2023

1. An Unexpected Peril by Deanna Raybourn
2. The Cat, the Quilt and the Corpse by Laura Sweeney
3. The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold
4. Enola Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer
5. Moira's Pen by Megan Whalen Turner
6. An Impossible Imposter by Deanna Rayburn
7. How To Manage Your Home without Losing Your Mind by Dana White
8. The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna
9. A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter
10. The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik
11. Mort by Terry Pratchett
12. Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana White
13. A Coup of Tea by Casey Blair
14. Tea Set and Match by Casey Blair
15. Royal Tea Service by Casey Blair
16. A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting by Sophie Irwin
17. Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne
18. Sorcery and Scones by S. R. Meadows
19. Tales from a Magical Tea Shop by Casey Blair
20. Saiyana's Challenge by Casey Blair
21. The Wizard's Butler by Nathan Lowell
22. Backpacking Through Bedlam by Seanan McGuire
23. Witchy Whiskers by Danielle Garrett
24. Pride & Paranormal by Adrienne Blake
25. Armageddon by Bart Ehrman
26. A Witchly Influence by Stephanie Grey
27. Salvage Right by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
28. The Tender Tempest by Jane Gray
29. Fangs and Frenemies by Sierra Cross
30. On Rereading by Patricia Spacks
31. The God of Lost Words by A. J. Hackwith
32. A Game of Traitors by Catherine Leslie
33. The Sinister Booksellers of Bath by Garth Nix
34. Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett
35. Murder on the Intergalactic Railway by Kate MacLeod
36. Extreme Medical Services by Jamie Davis
37. Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
38. Penric's Labors by Lois McMaster Bujold
39. Penric and the Shaman by Lois McMaster Bujold
40. Tsalmoth by Steven Trust
41. Opulence, Kansas by Julie Stielstra
42. The Wasp Queen by Julie Stielstra
43. Beyond by Mercedes Lackey
44. Into the West by Mercedes Lackey
45. I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett
46. Winter's Orbit by Evarina Maxwell
47. Soul Music by Terry Pratchett
48. Ocean’s Echo by Maxwell, Evarina
49. School Days by Lowell, Nathan
50. The Road to Roswell by Willis, Connie
51. Salvage Right by Lee and Miller
52. Working Class by Lowell, Nathan
53. Hogfather by Pratchett, Terry
54. A New Clan by Weber & lindskold
55. Zucchini Cake & Zombies by Workman, Rashelle
56. Hard Knocks by Lowell, Nathan
57. Deeds of Youth by Moon, Elizabeth
58. Becoming Crone by Hawke, Lydia
59. Witch King by Wells, Martha
60. Celebrating Kansas Breweries by Travis, Michael
61. Midlife in Gretna Green by Day, Linzi
62. Painting the Blues in Gretna Green by Day, Linzi
63.Ties That Bond in Gretna Gree by Day, Linzi
64. House Party in Gretna Green by Day, Linzi
65. Sleep No More by McGuire, Seanan
66. The Sanitorium by Pearse, Sarah
67. American Idolatry by Whitehead, Andrew
68. The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Barr, Beth Allison
69. The Aeronaut’s Windlass by Butcher, Jim
70. Warriorborn by Butcher, Jim
71. Seeing Red in Gretna Green by Day, Linzi
72. Cloudy with a Chance of Witchcraft by Roth, Mandy
73. The Librarian of Crooked Lane by C.J. Archer
74. The Tender Tempest by Jane Gray
75. Starter Villain by Scalzi, John

Jan 1, 9:17 pm

And this is another, as needed.

Okay, I'm done now. Welcome to Richard and Paul for dropping in already!

Jan 1, 9:19 pm

>1 ronincats: Beautiful topper!

Happy reading in 2023

Jan 1, 9:29 pm

Hi Roni, starred!

Jan 1, 9:37 pm

Hey Roni! Good to see you ... and for me, nice to be back with a thread in the 75-er group. I took an LT thread sabbatical in 2022.

I aim to be more active this year but I've set my participation to once a week to visit the group's Talk threads (after this crazy whirl, which I'll accommodate for a few days).

Jan 1, 10:05 pm

Happy new year, Roni!

Jan 1, 10:21 pm

Here's to a great reading year. All the best to you, Roni.

Jan 1, 10:45 pm

Happy new year Roni!

Jan 1, 10:46 pm

Jan 2, 12:50 am

Happy 2023, Roni! Looking forward to following your reading.

Jan 2, 6:38 am

Happy New Year and happy new thread Roni!

Jan 2, 10:01 am

Happy new year, Roni! Sounds to me like you've filled your time with pleasant and necessary activities, though I've missed chatting about books with you as often. Setting up house and keeping up gardens do take up a fair share of time, don't they?

Looking forward to getting more SFF book bullets from you in 2023. I very much enjoyed The Hands of the Emperor last year and will be reading more by Victoria Goddard soon.

Jan 2, 10:35 am

Happy new year, Roni!

Jan 2, 11:38 am

Happy New Year, Roni! That sunrise topper is full of gorgeous. Like Mary said, it sounds like you have been busy with happy making things. That is a goodness, so I say do what brings you the most joy.

So interesting that last year's reading was almost evenly split between new reads and rereads. I love rereading and am hoping to do more of it this year.

Hoping that today is kind to you, my friend.

Jan 2, 2:31 pm

Happy new year and new thread, Roni.

Jan 2, 2:33 pm

Found and starred!

Jan 2, 3:37 pm

Happy New Year .....

Jan 2, 5:05 pm

Happy New Year Roni - I hope you start reading some fabulous books as I like collecting BBs here.

Jan 2, 9:15 pm

What a beautiful topper photo!

Happy New Year and shiny new thread!

Jan 3, 12:15 am

Hi Roni, happy new year and thread! Starring as usual

Jan 3, 11:53 am

Happy New Year, Roni!

What a gorgeous sunset topper!

Looking forward to following your wonderful pottery and jewelry as well as your reading!

Edited: Jan 3, 6:02 pm

>1 ronincats: I think you and I both dropped off the 75ers map last year, Roni. I know that I did.

I am looking for tons of recommendations from you, especially in the sci-fi sphere, in 2023!

Jan 3, 6:32 pm

Book #1 An Unexpected Peril by Deanna Rayburn 336 pages

I have been reading the adventures of Veronica Speedwell this fall. This is a Victorian mystery series with a very atypical heroine and it is enjoyable, although I think the earliest ones were better. This is the sixth book; the seventh is out and will be read soon as I have it here from the library.

Jan 3, 6:36 pm

Happy new year and new thread!

Edited: Jan 3, 6:38 pm

It is so wonderful to see so many old friends drop in already! And it is good to be here. Welcome, Richard, Paul, Anita, Kriti, Sandy, Jim, Kerry, Susan, Kim, Steve, Nina, Mary, Diana, Mamie, Shelley, Fuzzi, Alex, Lucy, Vic, Janet and Stasia! And Misti!

Jan 3, 7:00 pm

Happy New Year, Roni! Beautiful sunrise up top!

Glad you are all settled in your new digs & new life and hope to see you around the threads more this year. I hope to get around the threads more this year too, though my spotty attendance of the past year(s) wasn't based on a good reason like yours was.

I've got Hands of the Emperor on my Kindle but other books keep intruding. I'll get to it soon. I've heard lots of good things about it!

Jan 3, 7:52 pm

Happy New Year, Roni!

I haven’t been visiting a lot either last year, for unclear reasons. But I’m dropping a star here. Hoping to do a bit better this year.

Jan 4, 4:51 am

Happy New Year and Happy New Thread, Roni!

Jan 4, 8:15 am

Hi Roni, and Happy New Year to you.

Congrats on reading 85 books last year given how busy you were.

Jan 4, 11:14 am

>27 ronincats: I'm working my way through this series as well, Roni, and although I'm a book or two behind you, I agree the earlier books were better.

Jan 4, 11:31 am

>27 ronincats: Adding that series to the BlackHole because, don't you know I need yet another series to read? Lol

Jan 4, 11:55 am

Glad to see you back Roni. Love the sky picture at >1 ronincats:. I have not seen clear sky for several days now.

Edited: Jan 4, 7:08 pm

Thank you, Mary, Ella, Thomas, Micky and Ron. You always need another series to read, Stasia!!

Book #2 The Cat, the Quilt and the Corpse by Leann Sweeney. 278 pages

This book was plucked out of my wishlist and sent me by my secret Santa Janet (streamsong). It's a cozy mystery with a lot of cat love involved, suggested to me by Nerilka over in The Green Dragon group way back in 2019. It made for an easy and entertaining afternoon read.

Jan 4, 7:18 pm

>37 ronincats: CHOO


dtsee yeu layder Rahdnee

Jan 4, 9:59 pm

Happy New Year! You are well on your way to 100 with two completions already!

Jan 5, 7:40 am

Roni, good to see you. I do look forward to seeing what you are reading this year. I dropped my star, of course!

Jan 5, 12:19 pm

Hi Roni! Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to your thread this year. I'm impressed that you've already finished two books! Besides reading and book chat, I always enjoy seeing your pottery and other creative pursuits so you can count me as a regular visitor.

Jan 5, 1:49 pm

Happy new year, Roni. I have you starred!

Jan 5, 8:24 pm

I love this!

Jan 5, 8:54 pm

Book #3 The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold 342 pages

Saw some road crews working on a culvert on the way over to Abilene on Tuesday and that triggered an itch to reread The Vor Game, for reasons quite understandable for those familiar with the work. Thoroughly enjoyed it, as always.

Jan 5, 8:57 pm

>44 ronincats: *hyukhyuk* yeeeup!

>43 ronincats: Oh. Perfect!

Jan 5, 10:38 pm

>44 ronincats: I love the Vorkosigan Saga books! I can't bring myself to read the last one because that means I'll be done. And the thought of that just makes me sad.

Oh, and please be careful with those BB. You've hit me with 2 already ;)

Jan 6, 4:04 am

>44 ronincats: I had to think about that one for a minute and then I got it. The Vorkosigan books are ones that I can reread at any time.

Jan 6, 9:41 am

>43 ronincats: That's a lovely thought. But I'm still hoping that "the right time" for several of them will be this year!

Jan 6, 9:58 am

>43 ronincats: I love it too!

Jan 6, 11:16 am

>47 SandDune: Oh, I agree, they are eminently rereadable. And I have reread the first several. I think I might pick them up again this year, as I obviously don't have enough to read ::cough, cough, yeah right, cough, cough::

Jan 6, 2:52 pm

I already want to reread all the Vorkosigan books, although it's been less than a year since my last readthrough.

Jan 6, 3:12 pm

Hi Roni, I've placed my star and I am looking forward to keeping up with you this year. I am still working on the Vorkosigan books, a series that you introduced me to, and I am still loving it. Of course, I also love the Liaden Universe books - another series you brought to my attention!

Here hoping 2023 brings you many great reads, along with peace and happiness.

Jan 6, 4:35 pm

>43 ronincats: Excellent philosophy!

Jan 6, 5:17 pm

>43 ronincats: Ha, someone sent me that this morning. It’s a good one. Dropping my star, Roni.

Jan 7, 6:09 pm

Roni, I agree with you on those beautiful Kansas skies...and plains. We have driven to Denver many times and I find it to be a peaceful experience driving or riding along and listening to an audiobook while admiring the light and scenery.

Congrats on getting a quick reading start this year. I am so looking forward to seeing you again...this time in Joplin, MO....whenever we decide to meet.

Jan 8, 4:40 am

>43 ronincats: I love it too!
Have a wonderful Sunday, Roni!

Jan 8, 5:08 am

Nice to see you so busy at the beginning of the year, Rhian.

Jan 8, 1:18 pm

Stopping by to wish you a happy 2023 Roni!

>44 ronincats: I think I need to queue up a Vorkosigan reread - it's been too long.

Jan 8, 1:57 pm

I am a newbie to the Vorkosigan books (I've just read Shards of Honor and Barrayar so far; Warrior's Apprentice is next) but I just love seeing how beloved this series is to so many people.

Jan 8, 6:29 pm

Hey Richard, Amanda, Rhian, Misti, Stasia, Kriti, Judy, Mary, Meg, Donna, Thomas, Paul, Heather and Natalie, thanks for stopping by! Agreed--the hardest part about reading a Vorkosigan book is stopping at just one! I am fighting the urge to pick up another. And I envy you, Natalie--you are about to meet Miles in all his manic miniature splendor.

I am putting off putting away Christmas even though Epiphany is my usual limit, but I have gotten the linens out of the kitchen and the bathroom to wash and put away. Also it got above 50 today and so I got out back to fill feeders and water dishes, load the recycling to go to the center later this week, flatten a bunch of boxes and put down cardboard in the center of the backyard lawn to prepare for a mandala garden there this summer. I may be feeling the cold more this winter than last--except for my days to go over and help Mom, I don't make myself get out if the temps aren't right and if the wind isn't blowing. Yesterday was wind and only in the 40s so I stayed in and watched the Chiefs and the Jayhawks win their games.

I also finished another book today, another one of my Christmas books from Janet.

Book #4 Enola Holmes: The case of the missing marquess by Nancy Springer 216 pp.

Nancy Springer has written so many things, including a lot of fantasy with a mythological roots, and I have read a number of Sherlock Holmes spin-offs featuring young female relatives as sleuths and enjoyed them all, so this was on my wishlist. It also has been made into a film on Netflix--I'd be interested in hearing how good a jog they did from someone who's seen it. It was a quick read and quite enjoyable--this time instead of a daughter or niece, it's a much younger sister. It's perfect for the young teen group but I had fun with the characterizations of Mycroft and Sherlock and didn't get bored.

Jan 8, 8:20 pm

>43 ronincats: That's awesome and so true :)

Jan 8, 8:28 pm

>59 curioussquared: Epiphany is usually my limit, too, and yet the tree is still up. I was going to do it today... definitely have to do it before our yard waste pickup day on Wednesday :)

>60 ronincats: I enjoyed the first Enola Holmes novel but haven't read more, not sure why. The Netflix adaptation was very fun! Millie Bobbie Brown is great. I haven't watched the second one yet but I plan to.

Jan 8, 9:30 pm

There you are; starred!

Jan 8, 9:44 pm

>59 curioussquared: I think it wasn't until Mirror Dance that I got a firm grip on the order of the books - I was buying for the library of the local SF club and making sure to get as many by women authors - especially ones who'd won awards - as I could since previous librarians were fine with same old same old.

Jan 9, 10:09 am

Morning, Roni! We loved the movie adaptation of Enola Holmes.

Hoping Monday is kind to you.

Jan 9, 11:12 am

>60 ronincats: I did not realize that Enola Holmes was a book series too. I will have to see if I can find it. Thanks for the mention, Roni.

Have a marvelous Monday!

Jan 9, 5:08 pm

Hi, Anita, Natalie, Cassie, Susan, Mamie and Stasia! Today is a lovely putter around the house day. I have washed the Christmas linens that need it and have the bin up from the basement to put them all in--I think that will be today's de-Christmasing. Tomorrow is a Mom day, but Wednesday will be putting away all the decor that is NOT trees or ornaments.

Two years ago I ran across a decluttering website that I really liked. Taylor has done a whole lot of work breaking decluttering tasks down into 15 minute segments across the whole year that hit every part of your domicile. Two years ago I couldn't do it because I was de-accessioning 2/3 of my possession from a 40 year residence over 6 months in preparation for a move. Last year I was still settling in. But I completed settling in last fall with the pottery studio set up and this year I am going to do it. She has a package she would love to sell you, but you can get the yearly calendar for free as well as sign up for the free email newsletter that sends you each task daily. If anyone would like to check it out and maybe partner me with it, here is the free calendar:

Jan 10, 12:41 am

Happy reading 2023, Roni.

Jan 10, 4:02 am

Happy reading in 2023, Roni!

Edited: Jan 10, 5:42 pm

>60 ronincats: I've loved both the Enola Holmes films, Roni. They're a lot of fun. However, I can't say how they compare to the books as I haven't read them.

Henry Cavill makes an excellent Sherlock...

Edited: Jan 10, 8:55 pm

>67 ronincats: Thanks for dropping by my club Read thread Roni. I would love to have someone to partner with on my decluttering journey! The first few months my goal is 15 minutes of decluttering a surface. (I have trouble dealing with paper.) I'll most likely use the calendar you linked to determine the room I'm in.

Jan 10, 11:19 pm

>1 ronincats: >26 alcottacre: >30 Storeetllr: >31 EllaTim: It's reassuring to know I've been in good company in falling off the LT wagon and wanting to do better this year.

>9 SandyAMcPherson: Once a week sounds like a reasonable goal. Maybe I'll follow your example.

>67 ronincats: and >68 ronincats: Thanks for this resource, Roni! With a proposed relocation in the fall, I need to get serious on decluttering and downsizing. You're my inspiration! You moved from west to center, and I'll be moving from center to west, just further north than your locations.

>72 markon: I know you weren't talking to me, but I would love a buddy! The older I get, the more I realize I need a buddy for pretty much everything.

Edited: Jan 11, 5:36 pm

I think we need a thread for organization buddies. I'll see about creating one tomorrow.

And I did. It's here:

And paper is my Achilles' heel as well, Ardene.

Jan 11, 8:43 pm

Tuesday did not end up as I thought it would. I called Medicare to see why they were suddenly pulling an extra $420 a month out of my bank account. Got through in 5 minutes and she explained that people who made over $180,000 a year had an additional fee. I said, I've never made that kind of money, and she said, well the IRS told Social Security you were making $270,00 a year. Call Social Security.

The SS voice mail AI said we are having long waits, all is in chaos here, website not working too well either, take your chances and stay on the line. I said no thanks and called the local SS office and in under 5 minutes spoke to a real person and explained and they said no problem, bring in your last year's return. So I did. In 10 minutes they had it fixed (hopefully). And all that basically took up the whole morning. But now they should credit my overpayments to my account and stop the extra charge.

Off to Abilene for lunch and helping Mom on errands. Back in late afternoon and an exciting late Jayhawk game on TV, too exciting but we won. And to bed.

Today my cleaning people were here and I spent the morning putting Christmas away. Still have the office tree to take the ornaments off, and one more Christmas linen to wash, and all the bins to take to the basement (currently in the mud room) but make a lot of progress. Then off for a haircut, drop off recycling, and gas up for the trip over to Abilene on Friday. Supposed to be rain and snow coming in overnight, but now I need go nowhere tomorrow so I can catch up on my kitchen decluttering tasks (2 days behind, but only 15 minute tasks for each) and stay in and stay warm and do some reading, because my copy of Moira's Pen arrived today, my first book acquisition of 2023.

Jan 11, 9:12 pm

>75 ronincats: Your income from 2 (two) years prior is used to affect your medicare premium (the extra deduction is called an IRMAA). If you had a capital gain from selling your San Diego house on your return that would cause the medicare premium spike (for one year).

Edited: Jan 11, 9:42 pm

>75 ronincats:

As a single taxpayer look on the chart on the Medicare page that shows your income bracket. (97,000 for basic Medicare premium - it was 91,000 before the increase. Married couples are twice that amount. My wife thinks there might be a one-time exclusion to use another year for cases like this).

Jan 11, 9:49 pm

Thanks, Ron. That's what we think happened. I'm below the limit for the basic premium, but I did have capital gain from 2020.

Jan 12, 11:40 am

Book #5 Moira's Pen by Megan Whalen Turner 205 pages

This is a collection of shorts, some of which were add-on bonuses in editions of her novels, interspersed with anecdotes about how things encountered in her travels inspired items in her books. Best appreciated by those thoroughly familiar with the Queen's Thief series, it provides another opportunity, however brief, to spend time in this world.

Jan 16, 12:01 pm

Book # 6 An Impossible Imposter by Deanna Rayburn 327 pages

The sixth in the Veronica Speedwell series (see book one for the year), this combines Victorian adventure with mystery with an unusual heroine. Enjoyable.

Jan 16, 6:12 pm

Looks like you are off to a good start with your 2023 reading.

Jan 17, 9:38 am

>80 ronincats: I quite like Deanna Rayburn's books!

Jan 17, 4:50 pm

Just dropped a star on your thread. I recognized the name from Ravelry -- unless there are two of you! Would be nice to have another knitting reader (or reading knitter!) to chat with here!

Jan 18, 4:20 pm

>81 thornton37814: Thanks, Lori.
>82 ChelleBearss: They are fun, Chelle.
>83 LyndaInOregon: I am more of a crocheter than knitter, Lynda. But there are other knitters here. Have you found the Needlearts group yet? There are several 75ers there.

Jan 18, 4:31 pm

Book #7 How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind by Dana K. White 223 pages

This is a reread of one of my two favorite books on organizing by White, in conjunction with my projects in that area chronicled in the 75ers' Organizing/Decluttering Support Group.

Book #8 A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter 336 pages

Read for the American Authors' Challenge. I loved this book and Freckles in my youth, along with Louisa May Alcott and Kate Douglas Wiggins and many more, but they certainly do write them different these days. It was hard for me to push through parts of the book and Elnora certainly is "an old-fashioned girl" (although she was probably quite modern back in 1909 when she was created). I won't say the Suck Fairy has visited, because I still ended up enjoying it, but it made me much more aware of why, even though I loved them in the 50s, later generations just have not appreciated them.

Jan 18, 7:13 pm

Hi Roni, one of my mother's best friends was named Elnora after this book. She always made a huge fuss over me so I have always had a soft spot for that name.

Jan 19, 5:51 pm

Oh? Is the Enola Holmes book part of a series? I didn't know that. D13's aunt bought it for her once and wanted her to read it, but D13 got rid of it without even trying it. She went through a super-picky phase a while back, but she's doing better now.

Jan 20, 3:32 pm

>85 ronincats: My mother had a pair of paperbacks called I hate to housekeep and I hate to cook by Peg Bracken. I haven't read just about anything in that genre since, but your #7 is looking tempting.

Jan 20, 5:22 pm

>86 DeltaQueen50: That's neat, Judy. I've never known anyone with that name.
>87 The_Hibernator: It seems that there are 8 of them now, Rachel.
>88 ArlieS: I'm going to be reading her other book next, Arlie, which is even better and very apropos of our challenge. It's Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning your never-ending battle with stuff, and was actually the first and even more helpful of hers I read.

Book # 9 The Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Bandanna 318 pages

This is a warm fuzzy found-family story with magic and witches. If you love T. J. Klune's books, you will like this. I found it an interesting enough story to read it in one sitting. It doesn't get too sugary or sickingly sweet and there is one sex scene. It's one of those that leaves you with a feel-good aura.

Jan 20, 7:39 pm

>89 ronincats: You got me with that one.

Edited: Jan 20, 11:37 pm

Happy New Year, Roni! I've enjoyed getting caught up here. Marina read and loved the entire Enola Holmes series years ago, and when she outgrew them she donated them to my library, where I can NOT get them to check out, even when I tie them to the movies/TV series! I haven't actually read them myself, so perhaps I should.

You also got me with The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. It seems like a perfect read for Marina.

Love that Kansas sunrise up top. Lovely.

Jan 21, 2:01 pm

>89 ronincats: Oh I had just seen that one on a boot riot post and put a library hold on it. Glad to see you liked it and compare it to TJ Klune as I adore his books.

Jan 21, 7:25 pm

It snowed all day today, big fluffy flakes drifting down right at the freezing point. I enjoyed watching it out all my windows today as I moved around the house. Between games (Jayhawks lost miserably, Chiefs look like they are going to win) I used up a bunch of my sourdough starter in the bread machine, and it's pretty tasty.

Thanks for visiting, Misti, Anne and Chelle. I think you'll all enjoy the book. I found mine at the library too.

Jan 21, 7:26 pm

>93 ronincats: Mmmmmm! I can almost smell the deliciousness!

Jan 21, 11:33 pm

>85 ronincats: I read Freckles but passed it along; it was OK but not stellar. Keeper of the Bees was better but still dated, but as Gene Stratton-Porter loved insects, she put in info on bee-keeping and bees. I am proud to say, however, that I own a first edition of Moths of the Limberlost—one of her memoirs/ nonfiction books.

Jan 22, 1:48 am

>93 ronincats: Yummie, I'm sure it tasts delicious. 😋

Jan 22, 5:52 am

>93 ronincats: I've just bought a new machine - my old one had developed some faults - and it has sourdough settings so I'm tempted to try it. Yours certainly looks good!

Jan 22, 6:56 am

>89 ronincats: Sounds like a good one when I next want a warm fuzzy story :) Which will probably be soon as February is coming!

Jan 22, 7:43 am

>93 ronincats: That looks so good Roni! And I bet it tastes good as well. Nothing better than homemade bread.

It’s been colder here as well. I want to declutter my pantry, there’s all sorts of flours in there, that I need to use. Barley meal. I thought of making pancakes with it. But maybe bread is an option as well…

Jan 22, 3:04 pm

>89 ronincats: Hi Roni, Had fun mooching around on your thread today.

I read a later book by Dana White, Decluttering at the Speed of Life back in 2019 and rated it 5*. I've read numerous tidy up/declutter books but Speed of Life was completely different. For me, she distilled the declutter aspect to a finer focus. Dana White's most effective contribution (in our household) was to this everlasting problem of accumulation, the "one in... one out" philosophy.

As well, in my review I wrote that The methods were so approachable. Declutter in 5 minute intervals or whatever time you have at the moment. No more making a huge mess to sort your stuff. You don't have to empty the whole room, the whole cupboard or an entire storage area.

As a fan of the Speed of Life book, I confess I didn't feel the same engagement for the earlier declutter book ... Without Losing Your Mind. I actually didn't follow the logistics very well and admit that I returned the book to the library without finishing it. I wonder if that's because I borrowed an e-book, which was all that was in our PL holdings? Some books seem easier to navigate when I read the physical book.

I'm hoping other folks who read Dana's book know that she seems to have varied her writing, stylistically speaking. So I was glad to turn to a different title. She's very amusing and she is so good at improving one's feelings of guilt about an overwhelmingly crowded house.

Jan 23, 2:36 am

>93 ronincats: This looks delicious - I'm getting hungry!
All the best for your start into the week.

Jan 23, 2:39 am

>93 ronincats: I enjoyed your description of the snow flakes coming down. You are an artist of pottery, reading and writing. I enjoy your posts tremendously.

Jan 23, 8:53 am

>93 ronincats: You have a few starters? (from that picture...)
I meant to try making a starter over the winter but I neglected my first try when I got too busy and it failed.

Jan 23, 11:35 am

>94 Storeetllr:, >96 Ameise1:, >97 CDVicarage:, >99 EllaTim:, >101 SirThomas:, >103 ChelleBearss: I have to admit, it does taste pretty good. Thank you. Yes, Chelle, I do have 3 starters there. One is all unbleached white flour, one is whole wheat flour, and one is a mix. I asked for and got jars specifically for sourdough starter for Christmas and also bought a packet of starter granules to get them going.

>95 CassieBash: I read Freckles as a kid, Cassie, and so was enthralled. Now I imagine it would be okay but not outstanding. Wow about your Moths book!

>98 sirfurboy: Definitely a warm, fuzzy story along the lines of Legends and Latte and the Klune books, Stephen. Seems to be an ongoing trend right now.

>100 SandyAMcPherson: Over in the Organization thread, I commented that while I like both of Dana's books, Decluttering at the Speed of Life is the one that spoke most to me. BUT it is important to remember her distinction--there are three layers to having a managed household. The first is the daily things, the second is the decluttering, and the third is actual cleaning. Her first book deals with that first layer. But I do love, love, love that second book too.

>102 Whisper1: Thank you, Linda. The beauty of that falling snow made it easy to wax lyrical over it.

Jan 23, 6:13 pm

>85 ronincats: Girl of the Limberlost was a favourite girlhood read for me. I think I have my grandmother's copy still. It wasn't one that I pressed on my own daughters to read, they didn't even 'get' What Katy Did.
Came back to comment after I came across mention of Limberlost by Robbie Arnott being listed as an Australian Booksellers favourite fiction read from 2022. ' Inspired by the real life experiences of the author's Grandfather, Robbie Arnott has attempted to bring his Grandfather's stories of growing up on an apple orchard in the Tamar Valley in Tasmania to life.'
In the book, the orchard, Limberlost, is named for the natural haven in Ned’s dead mother’s favourite book.

Jan 23, 6:19 pm

>105 avatiakh: I had a glimps at What Katy Did and it looks rather dauntingly moral.

Jan 23, 6:26 pm

>106 quondame: My girls were more of the Alice's Adventures in Wonderland type of reader.

Jan 23, 6:53 pm

>107 avatiakh: I'd be in their camp for sure. Girls aspiring to be "good" never was my thing, though I did like A Little Princess, so I don't mind them being good if that's who they are.

Jan 23, 11:51 pm

>89 ronincats: I do like Klune and this story sound fun and just what I am looking for right now. Not into dark and deep, so onto the WL it goes!

>93 ronincats: And the bread looks yummy. : )

Edited: Jan 26, 2:03 pm

>104 ronincats: Do the various starter types taste quite different once baked?

I got into bread making over the last year but I usually make french bread or sweet buns. I use my bread maker to make the dough but then bake it in my oven. I got a nice big dutch oven for the french bread and it makes it so nice and crispy. My SIL got me a lame and some proofing baskets too which I am starting to figure out how to use.

Jan 24, 5:32 pm

>110 ChelleBearss: Ah, I'd seen video's of a lame being used without knowing what it was called.

Jan 24, 5:51 pm

Learned something today! I never heard of a baker's lame and had no idea there was a special tool for slashing dough -- I always just used a paring knife!

Jan 25, 3:17 pm

I'm awful at the slashing - either I cut the loaf wide open or (more often) barely make a scratch. The razor blade of a lame makes it easier unless you keep your knives _very_sharp_. I finally got a proper lame and I'm a little better at it now (cause and effect? or just more practice? Who knows).

Jan 29, 12:08 pm

>85 ronincats: I was first introduced to A Girl of the Limberlost through a TV movie as a young adult, but I read the book soon afterwards. I loved it.

>93 ronincats: I love that cat cutting board!

Jan 29, 4:00 pm

Hi Roni! Hope your weekend is going well! Just a reminder about the Discworld group read since you thought you might not remember.

Jan 30, 7:43 am

>93 ronincats: Looks good ! I bet it tasted good as well. Nothing beats homemade bread.

Happy Monday!

Jan 30, 2:18 pm

>114 thornton37814: oh, how did I miss the cutting board?!

Me too.

Feb 2, 8:42 pm

Hi, all. I'm back after being out of town since Sunday morning. Hi, Kerry and Susan and Kim. Chelle, the starters are new enuf that I've only used the one to make bread so I don't know yet. I'll let you know when I do. Susan and Lynda and Jenn, I'm aware of a lame and its function but also just use a serrated knife. Thanks, Lori. My boys are very happy to have me back home. Rachel, now that I'm home, I'll pull Mort out for my next read. Hi, Anita and fuzzy.

Finished one book while I was away. I bought this when it came out, but procrastinated starting it because I hated for the series to be over.

Book #10 The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik 407 pages

This book wraps up the trilogy. I think the books set IN the Scholmance were stronger emotionally, but this definitely ties up all the loose ends.

Feb 3, 3:31 am

Hi Roni,
Apologies for the belated visit to your thread. I'm going to watch the decluttering thread with interest, as I could definitely do with some encouragement in that direction.

Your fresh bread looks amazing.

Feb 3, 12:18 pm

>118 ronincats: It was really satisfying as endings go, I agree. Glad you finally picked it up and it didn't disappoint.

Feb 5, 10:25 am

Well! After not posting monthly summaries in 2022, I am going to try to get back to them this year.

January Statistics:

Books read: 10
Pages read: 2988
Average pages/book: 299
Average pages read per day: 96

New to me: 7. Library-3, Off my shelves-3, Newly bought-1
Rereads: 3, all off of my own shelves

Genre: Science fiction-1, Fantasy-3, Children's-1, Nonfiction-1, Mystery-4

Authors: all female. 9 from USA, 1 from England

Original publication dates: 1909, 1990, 2007, 2009, 2016, 2021, and 4 from 2022

Books Acquired: 4

Three of these were from Prospero's and Rainy Day Books in KC, one ordered from The Meadow Project.

Moonsinger's Friends edited by Susan Shwartz
Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn
Threadneedle by Cari Thomas
Urban & Suburban Meadows by Catherine Zimmerman

Edited: Feb 6, 10:21 am

>93 ronincats: Looking majorly yummy, Roni. Is that a bread machine product? I've never had one of those. I'm one of the types that likes to get my hands in there and "play" with the dough!

Edited to say, I had to revisit way back on your thread to catch up. The Sangu Bandanna novel looks interesting. Is the content appropriate for a Tween-YA audience?

Edited: Feb 7, 6:15 pm

What an incredible photo, and a wonderful way to start your thread!!!!

I thought of you when I saw this Pamela Zagarenski image:

Feb 11, 8:57 pm

>122 SandyAMcPherson: Sorry about the delayed response, Sandy, but giggling at what your autocorrect did to Sangu Mandanna's name (mine tried to as well). I would say not, just because of the one fairly explicit sex scene in the book, although all the rest would be fine.

>123 Whisper1: What a lovely image, Linda!!

Not getting a lot of reading done, but in the middle of The Stardust Thief and A Lady's Guide to Fortune Hunting. Family keeps me busy, plus need to do crafts for an April 1 craft show and garden season is approaching.

Feb 12, 10:49 am

Hi Roni! I haven't been by in a while because your thread has been moving so fast but I'll try to keep up with you now.

Feb 13, 7:39 pm

I finally did the freezer clean-out/inventory this morning, then spent the afternoon in the pottery studio trimming and putting handles on 7 mugs and stamping garden stakes. So a productive day. Not to mention it got up to 65 today. But tonight is rain, and Wednesday night is snow, so I should get around to garden planning during the cold days Wed. and Thurs. Still not a lot of reading getting done, though.

Feb 13, 8:37 pm

>126 ronincats: Oh wow! You were quite the busy little beaver!

Feb 16, 4:14 pm

I find that I am mostly in the mood for cozy reads right now, and authors are indulging me by creating that genre in SFF. The Sangu Mandanna book above and Legends & Lattes are two recent examples. Now I'm devouring a series (3 books so far) which is absolute wish fulfillment and yet the principles of the main character are so much my own that I can't help but read it with very little caviling.

Book #11 A Coup of Tea by Casey Blair 402 pages
Book #12 Tea Set and Match by Casey Blair 424 pages

A princess of Istalam runs away rather than undergo a ritual ceremony dedicating herself to royal duties. After one very uncomfortable night, she begins assembling a diverse group of characters who of course will become found family, finding her way to who she wants to be and what she wants to dedicate herself to, and bringing down an evil lord. And I don't even LIKE first person present viewpoints. But the author makes this all so interesting that I am now onto the third book and totally enjoying myself.

Book #13 Decluttering At the Speed of Life by Dana K. White 221 pages

I originally read this book from the library. Then last year when I wanted to reread it again, I borrowed it from Kindle Unlimited. As I just finished my last reread, I decided it was time to support the author and so I purchased a paper copy to go with my copy of How To Manage Your House Without Losing Your Mind. This lady gets me and how my mind works and, out of a whole shelf of books on cleaning, organizing and decluttering, these are my favorites.

Feb 17, 4:10 am

>128 ronincats: That sounded perfect (you already got me with Sangu Mandanna), so I picked them up from the library - and got the book of short stories, too, which starts with the first three chapters of A Coup of Tea. Love it already.

Feb 19, 6:08 pm

>129 jjmcgaffey: Hope you enjoy them, Jenn. I finished the third book the same day.

Book #14 Royal Tea Service by Casey Blair 548 pages

This wrapped up the story line very well, I thought. Still very warm and fuzzy.

And I forgot to add Mort at the beginning of the month, read for the Discworld: Death Novels Group Read.

Book #15 Mort by Terry Pratchett 240 pages

This is about where Pratchett really takes off on his Discworld themes and stories, although this is still the weakest of the Death books. Still a fun read but the ones coming up knock it out of the ball park.

Feb 19, 10:52 pm

>130 ronincats: (That would be 'out of the cricket grounds' - or 'off the Disc'.)

Feb 20, 9:12 am

>128 ronincats: I like Dana White's approach in decluttering, too.
For me, Decluttering At the Speed of Life was my favourite.
Her container theory (a shelf, a box or whatever) is an inspiring way to decide on what to throw away/donate/sell/put in the recycle cart. I liked her humorous acceptance of life happens.

Feb 20, 9:31 am

>60 ronincats: I haven't read the book, but the Netflix film went down a treat with me because I really like Millie Bobbie Brown, the lead. Henry Cavill is quit good as Sherlock the big brother, as opposed to just the sleuth, too.

Feb 20, 1:18 pm

Love that you are focusing on cozy fantasy right now, Roni. Another one I've seen recommended for fans of Legends and Lattes (which I still need to get to! I got it for Christmas) is Can't Spell Treason Without Tea. I haven't read it but it seems to fit with your current reads!

Feb 20, 1:29 pm

>131 humouress: :-P

>132 SandyAMcPherson: Exactly!

>133 richardderus: If'n I had Netflix, I would definitely watch it.

>134 curioussquared: Ooh, that does sound good, Natalie! I just downloaded it from Kindle Unlimited. I had planned to plan my garden today, but maybe...

Not all cozy fantasy lives up to my standards. The House Witch, e.g., was a disappointment.

Feb 21, 5:16 pm

>128 ronincats: You got me with the Tea Princess books, of course.

Feb 22, 10:22 am

>136 foggidawn: You're not alone ;)

Feb 23, 1:32 pm

>136 foggidawn:, >137 dreamweaver529: 😁

Book # 16 A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting by Sophie Irwin 335 pages

I do not recall on whose thread I encountered this title--several of you have read it or mentioned it lately--but I was able to borrow it on my Kindle Unlimited account and I'm always willing to try for a good Regency romance.

First of all, it is clear Irwin is a Heyer fan. It is also clear that she has not yet mastered Heyer's pacing, side character development, or sparkling repartee. She has included at least three of Heyer's plots in addition to the main one as subplots, which for me slowed the pace of the book as well as being very predictable. That said, I did enjoy the main characters' development throughout the book and felt that was the more original and interesting part of the story. I also felt that her settings were better than the average Regency.

I have hope that this author may develop into a solid Regency author. Now that she has gotten all those pesky plots in her head unloaded into this story, may she work on pacing and side character development beyond the stereotypical (being possible with fewer subplots).

Feb 23, 1:34 pm

>138 ronincats: Hah! That one is already on my list!

Feb 23, 1:37 pm

Hi Roni! I'm still working on Mort, lol. Such. A. Slow. Reader.

Sounds like "Lady's Guide" could be a bit better. I just read a Regency romance Sixteen Scandals which was cute, albeit a bit flighty. I forgot how much I loved the genre.

Feb 23, 2:46 pm

Will have to check out that Tea Princess trilogy….thanks for the 3 rounds of BBS…. ;)

Feb 23, 9:16 pm

I'm a reading machine for cozy fantasies right now, it seems! Here's another, and I have two more cued up. Two days at home with lots of reading.

Book #17 Can't Spell Treason without Tea by Rebecca Thorne 339 pages

The author specifically acknowledges Lattes & Legends as her inspiration. This is not as good imho. The romantic attachment is already established at the beginning of the story; it's the reason the palace guard leaves the wicked queen to meet up with the archmage and the two of them go off to a neutral town and start a tea shop and bakery and then have to deal with dragons, supply lines, and the queen. Not completely hopeless, but the pacing is uneven and there's a lot of angst about the relationship.

Feb 23, 10:44 pm

>142 ronincats: I read that as "Can't spell 'afternoon' without 'tea'" then twigged...heh.

Feb 25, 10:00 am

Hi Roni - new to your thread & glad I found it. I'm on a SFF binge these days. I've added Naomi Novik to my TBR list based on your recommendation.

Feb 25, 1:11 pm

>138 ronincats: Hi Roni,
I reviewed and extolled A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting awhile ago and didn't mind the "borrowed" plots. I suspect that I wanted to cut Irwin some slack because this novel was a debut effort. I did enjoy the story despite a few niggles.

You caught the aspect I missed perfectly by noting that "sparkling repartee" was missing. I hadn't figured out what was a bit off or why the story bogged down a bit in the middle. Good review!

Feb 25, 2:31 pm

>143 richardderus: Well, that works too, Richard dear!

>144 ChrisG1: Welcome, Chris! Novik is well worth your attention.

>145 SandyAMcPherson: I suspect I took this book bullet from you, Sandy. I wouldn't necessarily mind the borrowed plots if only she didn't try to use them all in the same book! I also hope she will develop into a solid writer.

Feb 25, 8:13 pm

>144 ChrisG1: I really have enjoyed Naomi Novik's books since the Temeraire series. I likes some of the Temeraire books but not all.

Feb 28, 9:32 am

Edited: Feb 28, 9:40 am

>148 ronincats: Rude and antisocial is underrated.

Feb 28, 12:41 pm

Edited: Feb 28, 2:17 pm

>148 ronincats: He's the Captain, and he can read anything he wants!

Feb 28, 3:39 pm

>148 ronincats: Love this. Thank you for posting it.

Feb 28, 9:44 pm

Hi Roni, I was a little behind here as I spent last week in hospital with some heart issues. I am home now, and feeling better. I am finding that light reading is working well for me right now so I have taken note of the Tea Princess Chronicles and A Lady's Guide to Fortune Hunting.

Mar 2, 4:37 am

>148 ronincats: LOL!

Happy Thursday, Roni.

Mar 2, 4:45 am

>144 ChrisG1: Quick! Escape while you still ... too late. I see the gravitational pull of good books has sucked you in. Well, I warn you now, expect a hail of book bullets.

Mar 2, 7:27 am

>148 ronincats: I have yet to figure out why I privilege house chores over reading to such an extent...

>149 swynn: Absolutely. Total agreement

Mar 8, 12:11 pm

I owe you a medium-long message about all the copycat "cozy" fantasies I've been reading that really are not worth your time. People saw the success of Legends & Lattes (which I enjoyed) and have written what are basically clones (rip-offs) of the formula, with bakery, teashop, etc. substituted for the coffee shop in the original and the weird assortment of odd characters merging into a feel-good found family. However, today is not the day. In two hours I board a van headed for Kansas City and the Big XII basketball tournament, and I have been packing and watering plants and setting up cat food and water and litter stations for while I am gone. This has been a bucket-list item for a very long time and I am thrilled to finally be doing it! All 9 games, and I will be back very late Saturday night (or early Sunday morning). See you on Sunday!

Mar 8, 1:54 pm

>157 ronincats: "People saw the success of Legends & Lattes (which I enjoyed) and have written what are basically clones (rip-offs) of the formula, with bakery, teashop, etc. substituted for the coffee shop in the original and the weird assortment of odd characters merging into a feel-good found family."

Thank you for the spot-on description of so many cozy series. There really ought to be a specific word for these. It also describes the neighborhood-yarn-shop or bookstore cozy clone, of which there are also legions. It's the "feel-good found family" portion of the formula that was eluding me in trying to describe these things.

Enjoy your trip to the tournament!

Mar 10, 12:29 am

6 games down and KU is through to the semi-finals.

Mar 10, 2:08 am

Happy Friday and go KU! I assume we are talking Bball? : )

Mar 10, 6:54 am

Sounds like a fun trip, Julia, and I'm sure you're having a great time!

Mar 23, 12:10 pm

>157 ronincats: how did it go?

Mar 29, 2:55 pm

>158 LyndaInOregon: Cookie cutter cozies? Cozy clones? I think that whatever the term, it needs alliteration…. :)

Mar 29, 7:16 pm

>163 CassieBash: I like "cookie cutter cozies" for the term!

Mar 30, 8:13 am

>164 LyndaInOregon: And ironically fitting since this discussion was spawned around places you could get cookies (tea shops, bakeries, etc.). ;)

Mar 30, 8:53 pm

Wow, didn't mean to be gone for three weeks! We did fine until the championship game, where we lost miserably. I came home and promptly came down with a head cold. KU lost in the second round, and then the next round all the other number one seeds tumbled, in the NCAA tourney. But our KU women are in the WNIT championship game on Saturday! They really should have been invited to the women's NCAA--they've really outclassed the competition so far.

Been reading a lot, mostly junk, but also the new Lee and Miller eARC, Salvage Right, and the new Seanan McGuire, Backpacking Through Bedlam, in the Encrypted series. I will get those listed after Saturday, which is my craft show over in Abilene. I've been busy making wire earrings and pendants, and here is the latest out of my kiln going to the show.

Mar 30, 9:13 pm

So good to see you, Roni! The plant markers are fantastic. As always, I like the blue mugs but for whatever reason, the greens are really standing out to me this time around, and I love the sunflower plate.

By the way, I've continued on reading several of Victoria Goddard's books this year, and I've been greatly enjoying them.

Mar 31, 12:09 am

Beautiful pottery , Roni! The sunflower pot is gorgeous!

Mar 31, 10:39 am

>166 ronincats: Pretties! All so nice!

Mar 31, 11:47 am

>166 ronincats: All gorgeous -- I'm particularly loving the greens!

Mar 31, 12:24 pm

>166 ronincats: Beautiful things!
Get well soon and have a wonderful weekend, Roni!

Apr 1, 1:21 am

Lovely pottery, Roni!!!!! I want all those cups but especially that light green one with the random white dots and its matching bowl. I wish you well tomorrow!

Apr 1, 1:22 am

>166 ronincats: Lovely! My favorite is the coffee color coffee cup, natch!

Apr 2, 1:52 pm

I love the plant markers! Such a great idea.

Apr 2, 2:32 pm

>166 ronincats: I covet the persimmon-colored mug!

The c-a-t one, not at all, of course. The white-spattered bowl (and similar mug) looks very interesting. Did you use a flick technique to get the stochastic pattern? I'm particularly partial to that shade of green matched to that shde of blue, as well.

Your garden/pot markers are a wonderful idea! They'll be so much easier to spot than the ugly little plastic doohickeys they replace, besides being pretty in themselves.


Apr 2, 3:38 pm

>166 ronincats: That sage and tan mug to the far left is wonderful, as is the red one in the back row (though that one seems a bit small)! And the plant markers are a great idea! So much more lovely than plastic knives saved from to-go orders (which is what I am using this year, along with the plastic forks and spoons).

Hope your sale went well and you sold out!

Apr 2, 5:41 pm

I always enjoy seeing all the ceramics you make. Of course I love mugs but the plant sticks are excellent. I used to use markers around my garden for flowers and shrubs but they never lasted long and if they did, the writing would come off. What a brilliant idea. I am sure that they will sell quickly!

Apr 12, 9:20 pm

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted here! The sale went well overall, but no one bought the mugs or the bowl, although the sunflower plate went. Only two plant stakes sold, but a lot of my older cat plates did, and some of my earclimbers, so I did okay. All the mugs were on the small side, and I think that had something to do with why they didn't move.

Richard, the glaze has crystals in it which create "blooms" when it is fired.

I have been keeping very busy since the sale, both with my two days a week over helping my mom and with getting the garden set up. Straw bales are supposedly conditioned and I will start planting in them next week. Pea seedlings are ready to transplant then and they like the cooler weather--not that it's been cool, in the 70s up to the low 80s. I finally have all my seeds in flats under the lights in here, and next week I go down to Hesston and Wichita to pick up native plants and vegies. Average last frost is the weekend after that.

I have been getting some reading done, mostly light stuff of no particular value.

Book #18 Sorcery and Scones by S. R. Meadows 189 pages

Book #19 Tales from a Magical Tea Shop by Casey Blair. 231 pages
Book #20 Saiyana’s Challenge by Casey Blair 49 pages

Book #21 The Wizard’s Butler by Nathan Lowell 350 pages

Book#22 Backpacking Through Bedlam by Seanan McGuire 340 pages

Book #23 Witchy Whiskers by Danielle Garrett 290 pages

Book #24 Pride and Paranormal by Adrienne Blake. 370 pages

Book #25 Armageddon by Bart Ehrman 266 pages

Book #26 A Witchly Influence by Stephanie Grey 262 pages

Book #27 Salvage Right by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller 416 pages

Book #28 The Tender Tempest by Jane Gray 350 pages

Book #29 Fangs and Frenemies by Sierra Cross. 268 pages

Book #30 On Rereading by Patricia Meyer Spacks 280 pages

Book #31 The God of Lost Words by A. J. Hackwith. 353 pages

Book #32 A Game of Traitors by Catherine Leslie 372 pages

Book #33 The Sinister Booksellers of Bath by Garth Nix 416 pages

Book #34 Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett. 353 pages

Books 18, 23, 24, 26, 28, and 29 are all cozy fantasies and mostly forgettable. After I got into #24, I rather enjoyed its variations on the theme. Several of these were long overdue ER wins.

Books 19 and 20 are short stories and a novella from the Tea Shop series I so enjoyed, not to be read on their own but as adjunct stories.

Book 22 is the latest in the Encrypted series by Seanan McGuire, wrapping up a number of loose ends and starting a few more.

Books 25 and 30 are nonfiction. I’ve enjoyed Ehrman’s books on the Bible although this isn’t his meatiest. And #30 was a book bullet from someone here in the 75ers and was of interest if not fascinating.

Book 27 is the new Liaden book out by Lee and Miller, in eARC form at the moment, clearly to be devoured at the earliest possible time but not before reading the previous books in the series.

Book 31 is the concluding book of the Unwritten Library trilogy, and I have really enjoyed this series. Very original and simply good reading!

Book 32 was an ER book which appeared to be a simple regency romance and turned out to be much more—I will be looking for future works by this author.

Book 33 is the second of Garth Nix’ Left-handed Booksellers fantasy series and I find them quite enjoyable as well.

And Book 34 is a reread of Reaper Man for the 75er group reads of the Death novels in the Discworld series. I came to this book late, after I’d read most of the other books to that point (somewhere shortly before Thud) and have always really liked it, second best of all the Death books imho.

Apr 13, 9:51 am

Oooh, I hadn't realized the sequel to The Left-handed Booksellers of London had come out. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

Apr 15, 7:49 am

>179 bell7: Same here!

Apr 23, 8:42 pm

The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah--I did not finish. I read 181 pages and it looked pretty predictable and had several of my least favorite tropes, so I sent it back to the library.

Book #35 Murder on the Intergalactic Railway by Kate MacLeod 209 pages

A quick read, very much a Young Adult feel to it, from the age of the protagonists to the lack of depth. Exactly what the title promises. First of a series.

Book #36 Extreme Medical Services by Jamie Davis 218 pages

A newly graduated EMT is sent to an unusual ambulance station--one that provides medical services to supernatural others--werewolves, vampires, sirens, etc. Pretty episodic as he encounters these persons for the first time (knowingly, at least) but with an underlying issue--is someone targeting them? Okay first book, but I don't want to continue with the series.

Book #38 Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett 325 pages

A reread of this, the third Tiffany Aching book, whereupon she draws the attention of an elemental and has to deal with it. Full of good quotes, as always with Sir Pterry.

Book #39 Penric's Labors by Lois McMaster Bujold 326 pages

I went to the library for the library sale, and checked out the new book shelves, and this hardback compilation of three of the Penric novellas jumped out at me. I have them all on Kindle, but let's let the library know she's a popular author, huh? Now I may reread at least the first three...

And speaking of said library sale, not a great haul but still some nice ones, especially to add to my Kansas collection!

Apr 24, 12:04 am

>181 ronincats: I noticed that our library has a nice collection of Penrics on my last visit. Almost grabbed some.

Glad you found a library sale!

Edited: Apr 24, 10:08 am

>181 ronincats: I am awaiting Penric's Labors at our library but it is *still* not even ordered though I understand it was in the queue for being available by now to at least request. I so enjoy that series.

Edited to say (*blush*), I kept looking for it and finally realized my problem: I was searching for Penric's Labours... I know, I know... I've now successfully requested it.

Apr 24, 11:09 am

>181 ronincats: Nice haul from the library sale! I see I'm not the only person still buying music CDs! (In fact, I bought two at Goodwill yesterday.)

Too bad the Extreme Medical Services book didn't come up to snuff -- it does have an interesting premise!

Apr 25, 12:52 pm

>181 ronincats: I had that Jim Croce album but in vinyl.

Apr 26, 8:30 am

Hi, Ron, Sandy, Lynda and Misti! Yes, I still keep a lot of CDs handy--listened to all of these yesterday and they are all good. Misti, I had a cassette tape of that album at one point but wore it out. It is such a fantastic album.

There is an excellent article on LeGuin and the Scholomance series on here

Apr 26, 9:15 am

>186 ronincats: "The greed upon which society grows will ultimately consume it, particularly if, as in The Golden Enclaves, the powerful only agree to find a new way forward when it becomes “a matter of immediate self-preservation” (398). There is a timely practicality to this warning..." What a wonderful piece that was, Roni, and thanks for sharing it. The Scholomance series is now on top of my TBR.


Apr 26, 9:32 am

>186 ronincats: You've got fuzzi and me confused, I think! I do like Jim Croce, but I've never had any of his albums. :-)

Apr 26, 10:13 am

>187 richardderus: So glad you appreciated it, Richard dear! *smooch*

>188 foggidawn: You are so right, Misti. Foggi, fuzzy--I should have gone back up screen and checked instead of relying on my lamentable memory.

Sorry, fuzzy--no disrespect meant and I still adore that album.

As threatened, I did fill some time rereading Penric and the Shaman and Penric's Fox for #s 40 and 41.

Currently working between Tsalmoth and Tress of the Emerald Sea.

Apr 26, 12:26 pm

>189 ronincats: no problem, I'm not upset. Sometimes it gets confuzzling here...

I was tickled when my son talked about Time in a Bottle, which was used on one of the Marvel X-Men movies. The use of older rock on the Guardians of the Galaxy movies also has opened up classics to a new generation.

Apr 26, 12:42 pm

>186 ronincats: Great article! Thanks for sharing, Roni :)

Apr 26, 4:33 pm

>186 ronincats: I enjoyed that analysis of the Scholomance books. Of course LeGuin is at the top of my fantasy authors list.

Edited: Apr 27, 8:47 am

>190 fuzzi: The older rock does really resonate with our generation, doesn't it.
>191 curioussquared:, >192 quondame: It was just too good of an article not to share!

Speaking of which, Lois McMaster Bujold just gave 5 stars to this nonfiction book on Goodreads:
Growing Up Human: The Evolution of Childhood by Brenna Hassett

You can read her review here:

Apr 27, 5:34 pm

>193 ronincats: I put Growing up Human on my libraries' recommended lists.

Apr 28, 8:54 pm

Well, the absolutely neatest thing just happened. I was gone all day, but when I got home, there was a package in the mail. I hadn't requested an Early Reviewers book in ages--there was a whole time period a year or so ago when Amazon was changing how to add outside books to your Kindle and switching from .mobi to .epub files and so there were some ER books I couldn't read because of the old format and others because I couldn't figure out how to get them on my reader. I got a couple of stern messages from Abigail about that. So recently I went through and figured out how to get about 5 of that backlog onto my reader and reviewed them (they are all up above somewhere) and so this month I requested The Wasp Queen by Julie Stielstra. And this month's choices just closed out a couple of days ago, but here it was!

And that's not all. I have a personal note from the author thanking me for my interest. AND because I'm in Salina and she lives part of the year in Ellinwood, Kansas, and because her earlier novel is set in central Kansas with an appearance by the Cozy Inn (google it!), she sent me Opulence, Kansas as well! I of course haven't had a chance to read them yet, and they do target YA (which I often enjoy), but that is just a grand gesture! I'm looking forward to reading them.

Apr 28, 9:07 pm

>195 ronincats: That's the nicest thing, Roni. I love that this author reached out to you so warmly.

Apr 29, 1:33 am

>105 avatiakh: Wow! Good for you, Roni! Very good for Ms. Stielstra who will profit from your review!!

Apr 29, 9:07 am

Indeed wow! What a lovely gesture. I'll look forward to your comments.

Loved both the piece on Scholomance and the Bujold review. Had to put that book on my WL.

May 1, 12:47 am

>195 ronincats:
We used to stop at Cozy's all the time. For a time they had a branch in Manhattan - down in Aggieville and I would stop there on my way back to Alabama to get Cozy burgers. I had forgotten that the official name was Cozy Inn. We just called it Cozy's.

May 1, 3:14 pm

>195 ronincats: how charming of her to do that for you. It's such a great investment of time to use the personal touch. Now I am inclined to get her work which I would never have even heard of had it not been for you mentioning it.

A happy New Sunday *smooch*

May 7, 5:42 pm

>183 SandyAMcPherson: Hmm. I never know, when I search, to what extent it will find things I didn't type exactly. I've encountered everything from a search that expects me to type whole words "rejudice" won't find Pride and Prejudice to searches that "correct" a French or German word to some English word of vaguely similar spelling, and then look for that. (The handling of accented or umlauted characters also varies wildly.) About half would find "labor" if I typed "labour" and vice versa. But almost none come complete with an explanation of what they actually do, and some change policies from time to time without notice. (IIRC, LibraryThing itself appears to have multiple different behaviours, depending on which search you use.)

p.s. My apologies for being this far behind on your thread. Sadly, 2 weeks behind isn't any kind of record for me.

May 13, 11:31 am

I was drinking tea from one of "your" cups yesterday and it occurred to me I hadn't seen you on LT for ages so I checked and I had never tagged your thread. I think I'm caught up now!

May 19, 7:46 am

Loving the tea theme!

So a Sci-Fi book I liked that had a strong tea theme was Ancillary Justice by Anne Leckie. I forget if we discussed it before. But yes, tea gets mentioned to a fault.

May 19, 12:28 pm

I hope you are well Roni, have a wonderful weekend!

May 19, 12:47 pm

Hi Friend! Your opening image is breathtaking.

Are you gardening alot? I planted seeds last month, and the ground is green with seedlings that are slowly calling to be watched and water. It is such a wonderful time of year.

Thinking of you and sending all good wishes.

May 19, 10:42 pm


May 20, 4:58 pm

Dropping in to say hello!

>195 ronincats: What a great surprise. Hope the two books are good reads for you when you get to them.

May 22, 9:09 am

>181 ronincats: I'm gradually collecting the Penric series omnibus as they come out in paperback though I haven't read any of them yet. I'm saving them up to savour them.

>183 SandyAMcPherson: You would think a library could spell properly. Honestly! ;0)
I've run into the same problem myself a few times.

>195 ronincats: So cool!

May 29, 10:03 am

May 29, 10:45 am

>209 ronincats: No lie detected....

May 29, 11:02 am

>208 humouress: Re, #183: it's the case of Canadian vs American spelling styles. I should pay attention to this variation when I'm looking for an American author's work, since Canada's publishers don't publish much by American writers.

May 29, 10:02 pm

>209 ronincats: Retirement at it's best. A bag of biscotti wouldn't come amiss.

Jun 7, 6:47 pm

>195 ronincats: Score!! What a nice gesture. I hope you enjoy both the books. : )

Jul 4, 9:30 am

Dropping by to say "hi."

Jul 5, 12:05 am

Hello Roni, your pottery further upthread is so lovely! Like others here, I love the idea of plant markers.

I hope you are having a nice summer - I look forward to seeing you in CO next month!

Jul 5, 7:24 am

Hope your summer's not being too unbearably hot, Dear Roni!

Jul 16, 10:37 pm

I do love the Goodwill Librarian's posts. Got them all with a little work on the last two.

Jul 17, 12:00 am

That was fun , Roni! Thanks for posting . I was stuck on #10 for a while , but then it came to me .

Jul 18, 8:54 am

Got my morning out-loud laugh already!

Jul 18, 10:03 am

>219 ronincats: LOLOL


Jul 25, 9:35 am

Hi Roni,
I seem to drop by and miss the pictures. The url signature expires by the time I visit. Are they all from FaceBook? I guess there's some time limit on posting with their urls?

Aug 1, 11:38 am

Waving *hello!* Roni.

Aug 27, 11:26 pm

Good night, Roni! I can't get the pictures either, but I've seen the Goodwill Librarian's cartoon just lately, so maybe I already know that one.

We're fine, and so is out friend!

Aug 27, 11:36 pm

Hi Roni..I'm stopping by to let you know I am thinking of you.

Sep 11, 7:11 am

>224 Whisper1: What Linda said. xx

Sep 11, 9:45 am

How lovely that you and Birddude got to meet up! A real pleasure to see y'all looking all beery together. *smooch*

Sep 11, 6:36 pm

That was a lovely picture of you and Mark. I have shirt envy as well as meet-up envy.

Oct 12, 8:56 pm

Anne (AMQS) and I had a meet-up just north of Denver at the Westminster Tattered Cover and then a microbrewery across the street last Sunday.

As usual, it was a lot of fun.

Edited: Oct 12, 9:08 pm

Also, just before leaving for Denver, I hit the 75 book mark for the year with Scalzi's Starter Villain.

Complete list in Message #5 here:

Oct 12, 8:58 pm

Congrats on reaching 75 and having such a lovely meet up with Anne!

Oct 12, 9:24 pm

Congratulations for 75 reads!

Oct 12, 10:30 pm

Congratulations on your 75 and on your LT meet-up!

Oct 13, 12:40 am

Congratulations on reaching 75 books! What great picture of you and Anne.

Oct 13, 1:28 am

Congratulations on your 75 and YAY on your LT meet-up!

Oct 13, 2:23 am

>228 ronincats: Lovely photo Roni!

Oct 13, 9:27 am

>5 ronincats:

Brava for cracking the total! Glad you an Anne could spend some meet-up time, too. *smooch*

Oct 13, 12:10 pm

Congratulations on 75!

Oct 13, 12:22 pm

Congrats on 75! Wish I could have joined you and Anne - I'd love to see you both again.

Oct 13, 12:26 pm

Hooray for 75! Lovely photo of you and Anne.

Oct 13, 1:01 pm

>228 ronincats: You are two lovely, lovely women!!!!

Also, great congratulations on achieving the magic number! YAY!!!!

Oct 13, 4:19 pm

Congratulations on reaching 75, Roni!

Edited: Oct 14, 11:50 am

Great photo, and it looks like you two were having a wonderful time!

I lost my dearest Book Buddy a couple of years ago and still think of her first when I finish a really good read -- Gosh, Dru will love this. ... and then remember we won't be able to discuss it.

And congrats on making the goal!

Edited: Oct 14, 1:41 pm

Hi Roni. We had a nice video chat with my granddaughter (the one you met at lunch in San Diego...actually my only one) about her future plans. I thought you might like to know since you were so kind with advice to her. She's now a junior at UC Merced with a 4.0 gpa. She did some volunteer work with a children's choir last year and is involved with Justice League now. She is on track to graduate a semester early in December 2024 and has decided that she wants to be a child and family therapist. She is thinking an MFT and her #1 choice for grad school is SDSU but she's also looking at other So. Cal. schools. We're super proud and thought you'd be interested too :)

Oct 14, 11:49 pm

>243 RebaRelishesReading: Congratulations to your remarkable granddaughter!

Oct 15, 6:03 am

>228 ronincats: Great pic! Glad you had fun.

Congrats on reading 75 books!

Oct 15, 5:46 pm


Oct 16, 3:49 pm

Thank you, everyone!

Saw this on Cherryh's Facebook page and posted it on the Group Announcements.

Jane Fancher and Cj Cherryh are talking about their newest book. "The date is Wednesday, October 18 at 7 PM ET (that's 4 PM where they reside). DEFIANCE, their latest novel in the FOREIGNER series, is being released that week, and we are quite thrilled to have this dynamic team make their NYRSF Readings debut..
NYRSF can be watched LIVE at or at (We have discovered fewer glitches on the YouTube feed.)"

Oct 17, 11:17 am

Hi Roni! Oh, it was so nice to see you, to meet Judy, and to finally meet after so many years of LT friendship! I always love visiting the Tattered Cover. I thought that one was understocked, and now I think I know why: that location will be closing soon. This news just came out yesterday:
Sad news for Denver-area book lovers.

Oct 17, 1:15 pm

>248 AMQS: I hate when good bookstores close!!

Oct 17, 1:25 pm

>249 RebaRelishesReading: Me too. It's only three of their locations closing, but still. I was telling Roni that what I would really like is a Tattered Cover on the west side of town, but that won't be happening.