The Retired Librarian tries again, part #3

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The Retired Librarian tries again, part #3

Dec 30, 2022, 6:28 pm

They say three's a charm; so for the third year in a row, I'm challenging myself.

Dec 31, 2022, 8:59 am

Welcome back!

Jan 1, 8:48 am

Have a great year of reading!

Jan 3, 5:31 pm

>4 theretiredlibrarian: Always glad to see another "In Death" series reader. I flat out love this particular series.

Happy New Year!

Jan 8, 6:28 pm

3. Seduction in Death by J. D. Robb

Jan 12, 7:47 am

Happy reading in 2023, Shannon!

Jan 28, 6:05 pm

6. Inner Harbor by Nora Roberts

Jan 28, 6:09 pm

I don't know how I missed your thread, Shannon. Welcome back. x

Edited: Feb 11, 9:38 am

Aug 18, 4:18 pm

>30 theretiredlibrarian: I still have not read any of Patricia Briggs's books. I really need to fix that at some point.

Aug 19, 10:32 am

>32 alcottacre: I enjoy them all very much. Start with Moon Called.

Sep 12, 3:43 pm

36. The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett

I have watched the movie many times, but never read the book. Enjoyed it very much, and the movie was pretty close to the book. For a book written in the 1930s, I was surprised at the salty language! I am taking advantage of free kindle books from the public library, and since the wait list for most new books is weeks, I'm turning to some older books that I've never gotten around to reading. There is a 2 week wait list for The Maltese Falcon, which I'm on now.