Talk75 Books Challenge for 2023

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Edited: Feb 5, 9:22 pm

Well I am back again to challenge myself to read more books. I am not even sure how many books I actually read this year. I have to work on that this week. I started tracking my reading on my phone with an app that I use to time myself while reading. That has all the books I have read this year. I will update my previous thread maybe later today.

My tracker:

Dec 28, 2022, 12:18 pm

Books & book related items received for Christmas/Secret Santa 2022

Dec 28, 2022, 12:18 pm

Books purchased at after Christmas Sale at B&N and Amazon

Dec 28, 2022, 4:20 pm

Welcome back, Monica!

Dec 28, 2022, 9:01 pm

Thanks Jim! It is good to be back.

Dec 29, 2022, 2:01 pm

Wishing you a comfortable reading year in 2023, Monica Lynn.

Dec 29, 2022, 4:52 pm

Dropped my star off Monica my dear.

Jan 1, 8:44 am

Have a great year of reading!

Jan 1, 9:00 am

Happy 2023, Monica!

Jan 1, 5:06 pm

Happy New Year, Monica.

Jan 11, 3:36 pm

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!

Jan 12, 9:37 am

Happy reading in 2023, Monica!

Jan 25, 3:43 pm

I have finished 3 books so far.

1. Bed Breakfast and Murder (Fiona Fleming, #1) by Patti Larsen

A Cozy Mystery. I read this for the Book Hoarder's Monthly Challenge Prompt. I enjoyed meeting Fiona Fleming in this first book. Fiona has inherited her grandmother Iris’ Bed & Breakfast. Then she learns that her grandmother signed it over to someone else. Now she needs to figure out who killed the man Wilkins and if her grandmother did sign the B & B over to him.

5 Stars

2. Down River by John Hart

This is actually a re-read for me. Our book club read this book. I haven't read it since 2010 and I couldn't remember what happened. I was still WOWed by the ending. This was my review from my first time reading it:

WOW was my reaction to John Hart's novel Down River. I found myself reading this book when I should have been doing my job and cleaning the house. I just couldn't put the book down. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time that I read this book.

Down River is a mystery book that is different then what I have read in the past. The main character, Adam Chase was acquitted 5 years ago for a murder he did not commit. Adam is exiled by his family and the population of Rowan County after his acquittal and he doesn't want to go back when he receives a call from one of his friends, Danny Faith asking him to come back. Adam had pushed his past out of his head until he received that call from Danny, begging him to come back. Adams return is one filled with many different emotions. Some people have missed him and are happy yet angry to see him back in town.

No sooner is Adam in town and dead bodies start showing up again so everyone begins to ponder what is happening again in their town. Everyone believes Adam is the one who has committed the murders. The cops, judges and even some family members think he is responsible for the past murder and the new ones that happen in Down River. The twists and turns in the pages of this story kept me trying to figure out who was the murderer. I have to admit that I would read a chapter and then try to figure out who dunnit. I was pleasantly surprised by the actual ending and will be thinking about this book for awhile.

Looking for a wonderful mystery to read then I recommend Down River by John Hart!!

5 stars

3. The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill

I had started this book last year and just couldn't find the time to read it and get into it. So I decided to give it a try again. I enjoyed the story. I did listen to the audio because I couldn't find my copy of the book.

4 stars

Feb 4, 8:22 pm

The Girl Who Drank the moon- With a title like that how could you not read it?

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Feb 5, 9:17 pm

>14 figsfromthistle: I know! I hope you had a great weekend too!

Feb 5, 9:19 pm

I finished a book today. I also visited with my daughter, granddaughter and my son in law.

4. Say You're Sorry by Melinda Leigh

A surprising good read

I really enjoyed this book. Morgan is starting a job in the DAs office until her neighbor’s son is arrested for tape and murder. Morgan knows he is innocent and is determined to prove it.

I found myself not wanting to put this book down. I will be adding the next book to my wishlist and TBR list.

5 stars

Feb 5, 9:52 pm

>16 crazy4reading: Family and books are a great combination, especially when they give you the time and peace to read!

Feb 13, 3:55 pm

>17 PaulCranswick: That is so true. I went to my daughter's again yesterday for the Super Bowl and my granddaughter was still napping and my daughter and SIL were reading. I was able to read before my granddaughter woke up from her nap. It is nice knowing my daughter does enjoy reading even though she seemed to fight me on reading.

Mar 12, 11:22 pm

Here are some more books that I have finished:

5. The Wife Before by Shanora Williams

OMG!! This book had me hooked from the very beginning. I couldn’t put the book down! The ending was not what I expected. It sure had a shocking twist!! This book grabbed me right from the start! I decided to read it for a Kindle challenge. Short review is this man meets this woman at a party she is waitressing at. She doesn't know him. It turns out he is a famous golfer that was accused of killing his first wife. Her brother finds out they are dating and gives her the deets and she still decides to date and then marry him. This book kept me enthralled and wanting to know did he really kill his wife??? The ending was a shocker and had such a great twist!

Mar 12, 11:28 pm

6. Throwing my Life Away by Liz Czukas

I read this book for a challenge where the title had to have Me, My, Myself in the title. It was a cute story of a girl that is heading to college. She had pictures galore on her walls and they accidentally all went to be shredded. Now this story follows her as she tries to recreate all of those memories again. She learns as she goes through these recreations that she is creating new memories.

4 stars

Mar 12, 11:31 pm

7. The Book With No Pictures by B. J. Novak

I purchased this book for my granddaughter and decided to read it before giving it to her for her birthday. A cute book with silly words to make you use your imagination instead of just looking at pictures. My daughter told me that she didn't need picture books anymore.

5 stars

Mar 12, 11:34 pm

8. Mrs. Jeffries and the Three Wise Women by Emily Brightwell

I enjoyed listening to this story. This is my first book in this series. I enjoyed getting to know the characters. This one is the murder of Christopher Gilhaney. Inspector Witherspoon is asked to help solve the murder 6 weeks after it happened. I enjoyed the women asking questions around town to help the Inspector.

This is also my first book by Emily Brightwell. The story flowed quickly. Witherspoon's household is worried about having to abandon their holiday plans to solve this case. Luty Belle, Ruth, and Mrs. Goodge do not want this case to be left as a cold case and decided to help the Inspector solve the case. The ending was eventful as the killer is caught.

5 stars

Mar 16, 10:01 am

9. The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck

This was a book for our library book club. I enjoyed the story about women during WWII from Germany side. Most of the books I have read that are historical fiction are usually about the Polish, Jews, etc. Tis was the first one that I remember reading that took it from the German side and the resistance that could of happened or that did happen.

Marianne is the main character. She was a person that you could like and also dislike at the same time. There are certain things that she did and ways that she dealt with other women that made you question her ethics. She was sometimes very rigid in her decisions. Some of the other women like Benita and Aina had dealings with Marianne that made them question themselves.

The one thing I did not care for in this book was the way the chapters/sections went. You would read one chapter/section and be in 1938 and then the next chapter you are in 1945. Then go back to 1939. That made it hard at times to figure out what was happening or even confusing. The book was well written and kept my interest.

4 stars

Apr 30, 9:14 pm

>23 crazy4reading: That one got me!
I also have a problem with vaulting back and forth in time in fiction but this one does seem worth the trouble.

Oct 13, 4:18 pm

I have to start posting my reviews. How is everyone doing?

Oct 14, 12:02 pm

>25 crazy4reading: Nice to see you posting, Monica! All is keeping well at Chez Fine.

I hope the backlog of reviews isn't too intimidating.