Interesting Articles

Talk75 Books Challenge for 2023

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Interesting Articles

Dec 23, 2022, 10:29 am

If you run across an interesting article or web site, post it here for everybody to see. As with the Group Announcements, we'd like to keep discussion of the articles to a minimum on this thread.

Jan 26, 1:13 pm

Learning to Love Paper Books Again (The author even mentions LT!)

Jan 30, 8:44 am

About great bookstores (specifically Barnes and Noble, but most great ones follow this model)

Feb 1, 4:35 pm

Auction of Gregory Peck's scripts and more, including his script for To Kill a Mockingbird. Surely one among us should snatch that up?

Edited: Feb 7, 11:43 am

An article that gives me great comfort about my forgetfulness of books I've read:
from the New Yorker 2013

Feb 20, 6:41 pm

Noting the current controversy over Penguin (Puffin) Publisher's decision to drastically edit Roald Dahl's books -
'Dahl’s publisher, Puffin, has been criticised in recent days after hiring sensitivity readers to go over his texts to make sure the books “can continue to be enjoyed by all today”. Some have said derogatory references to people’s physical appearances, as well as other characteristics, in Dahl’s work are not suitable for young readers.'

'On Monday, UK PM Rishi Sunak’s official spokesperson said: “When it comes to our rich and varied literary heritage, the prime minister agrees with the BFG that we shouldn’t gobblefunk around with words. I think it’s important that works of literature and works of fiction are preserved and not airbrushed. We have always defended the right to free speech and expression.”'

Feb 20, 6:46 pm

"I think it’s important that works of literature and works of fiction are preserved and not airbrushed." Agreed. TALK about what's in them and why it may be out of favor. You really can't make Roald Dahl's books "nice".

Edited: Feb 20, 7:20 pm

Yes, I agree. They are better off just not re-publishing them if they are going to tinker with the contents.

Also heard on my local radio about a UK govt. organisation , Prevent, who've listed a slag of books, tv shows & films that encourage far right extremism - so ridiculous when you see the list.
'Mr Murray wrote in The Spectator magazine: ‘A number of books are singled out, the possession or reading of which could point to severe wrongthink and therefore potential radicalisation... It seems that RICU is so far off-track that it believes that books identifying the problem that it was itself set up to tackle are in fact a part of the problem.’ He concluded that RICU’s work was ‘pathetic’ and called for ‘accountability’ for its errors and ‘sackings by the score’. The list has emerged following a major review into the Prevent scheme by William Shawcross.
RICU: Research, Information and Communications Unit
Some books, shows and films on list:
The Canterbury Tales
The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost
The Four Feathers
Lady Hamilton
The Dam Busters
The Bridge On The River Kwai
The Great Escape
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
House Of Cards Trilogy (UK)
Ray Mears’ Bushcraft Survival
David Starkey’s Monarchy
BBC’s Great British Railway Journeys

Feb 21, 3:44 pm

If You Don't Want Kids in Restaurants, You Should Just Stay Home

I can't really get behind the author's argument since she gives the impression that restaurants are the only places where children are in contact with the community, which I don't think is true: they're in stores, libraries, theatres, and countless other places where they have the opportunity to learn social skills. Dining out is a treat for a lot of people and having to deal with other people's poorly behaved children doesn't make for a pleasant night out. I'm not suggesting all restaurants should ban all children, I just wish the author of the article didn't think that not wanting to deal with a screaming child running around while you're trying to eat means *you* are unreasonable and should stay home.

Feb 23, 2:01 am

Children's writer, Hazel Edwards on being accused of cultural appropriation - 'I’m not Indigenous. I’m not Muslim. I’m not a refugee. I’m not transgender. I’m not disabled. And I’m not a hippopotamus who eats cake.

But as a professional author of more than 200 books across 50 years, I’ve always used diverse characters from varied backgrounds and ages in all my stories. And as a 70-ish, white grandmother, I find this diversity is increasingly being challenged.'

Feb 23, 8:37 pm

>10 avatiakh: ...and one of the co-authors has a go at Hazel Edwards in Meanjin Magazine -

Mar 20, 8:16 pm

Which Writers of Today Will Stand The Test of Time?
One of the disadvantages of literary prizes is the fact that authors are writing to please a Book Award Committee, instead of writing to spread an authentic message.

Quite an interesting website as well, so worth a visit.

Mar 23, 10:09 pm

>13 amanda4242:. That’s a great article, and now I want to read all of them. 🤘

Mar 23, 10:19 pm

>14 mahsdad: I can confirm The Godfather movie is better than the book, but I think American Gods TV series only seems better than the book because of Ian McShane.

Mar 27, 8:24 am

What makes a book hoarder? And wo are they? (besides LTers)

Mar 27, 10:32 am

>17 jessibud2: Only a thousand books makes a book hoarder? I don't consider myself a hoarder- I thin my collection regularly and I don't have much in the house I have not already read but trimming it all down to less than a thousand would be very painful., and seems unnecessary.

Mar 27, 1:05 pm

Oh, well, it's Shelfari that claims 1000 books makes a hoarder. GIGO.

There's also zero mention, in either article (the linked one or the one about 1000 books making a hoarder) of ebooks. I have 13,000+ books - but only a little under 6000 in "my library" which is the collection that holds physical books in my home. Still, tsundoku definitely applies, to both physical and ebooks - far more unread than read (4000-, though that's short of reality - there are (some) books I read before LT that aren't in my Read category).

Mar 27, 5:18 pm

>19 jjmcgaffey: Oh, I keep coming across books I know I've read, but that aren't in my catalog on LT. I've made a category for them as they come to my attention - 'the before times'. If I could list them all, it would be the largest collection, of course.

For my purposes, e-books don't count as hoarded, since they don't take up physical space (except on some serves, I guess). With limited square footage, each time I want to do something new, I have to triage what's already in place.

Apr 4, 11:31 am

This is unfortunate news, especially for our Gift exchanges.

May 3, 3:23 pm

Sep 19, 3:43 pm

Perhaps all hope is not lost: Texas Book Rating Law Blocked

Oct 4, 12:24 pm

>28 laytonwoman3rd: That is very good news!!

Oct 15, 9:49 pm

The Best Speculative Fiction About Gods and Godlike Beings recommended by Karen Lord