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Talk75 Books Challenge for 2023

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Welcome, Friends!

Edited: Dec 23, 2022, 10:25 am

Welcome to the 15th year of the challenge! We get lots of new people each year, and we know it can be difficult to "catch up". This thread is just the place for you! The info below will help you get started and make your experience here a good one.

Please stop by our Introductions thread to meet folks.

First, where did we come from? Well, back in 2008, Cariola decided to start a group for folks who wanted to challenge themselves to read 75 books in a year. We were a small group, but loved our experience, so decided to do it again! Since then, I've made the yearly groups.

We're at bit of an amorphous organization. Members have jumped in to add features since. SqueakyChu runs the TIOLI challenge. Monthly themes are proposed by many of us - and some have carried over from year to year, like the Halloween read in October. If you've got an idea to try, propose it!

Dec 23, 2022, 11:03 am

I've been here from the start with you, Doc, and glad to have stuck it out. Though, this is the first year in all of them that I've actually accomplished the challenge. And I'm really glad that my Halloween read stood the test of time. Thanks for always getting us started, pal.

Dec 23, 2022, 11:22 am

I believe this will be my 13th year with the '75'ers and it has become very important to me both as a source for great reading referrals as well as a way to meet a lot of great people both in person as well as virtually. Thanks, Jim!

Dec 23, 2022, 9:39 pm

I've been looking for this thread since yesterday! Hurray! We're off and running into a New Year. Thank you so much, Jim, for keeping this group running for so many years.

Dec 26, 2022, 5:41 pm

Thanks for setting this up again Jim, this will be my Tenth year in the group and i love it, being amongst my friends.

Dec 28, 2022, 9:32 am

I don't have time to set up the 2023 thread this morning, but I'll aim for later today or tomorrow.

Dec 29, 2022, 9:10 am

Thank you ,for setting the challenge up again Jim. Pretty sure this will be my 5th year.

Dec 30, 2022, 6:26 pm

I think this my 3rd try. I've yet to make my goal but I'm in again.

Dec 31, 2022, 6:30 pm

This sounds like a great challenge. I'm excited to see what everyone is reading.

Dec 31, 2022, 7:14 pm

I'm switching over here from the 100 Books challenge, where I've been successful in years past but not in 2022 (only getting into the low 80s).

Edited: Dec 31, 2022, 11:50 pm

Going to give this a try- may help if I retire this year!

Jan 1, 10:46 am

>11 booksfindme: I recommend retirement; it's been great for me.

Edited: Jan 1, 1:45 pm

Thanks for all you do to make this possible.

LT and this group topic keep my reading a little more disciplined ā€” itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve accidentally read the same book twice!

2023 is off to a great start, my 11th year with this group.

Jan 1, 5:31 pm

>12 ArlieS: I second that!
But then I don't find it useful to let the books-read number be a burden. I want to enjoy what I read and some books take me a long time, because I want to fully absorb what I read. Walt Harrington's Crossings was like that. I had to renew it (public library) so that's a two-month saga for me. Caveat: it was also summertime and I was outside a lot.

I like that we can all set our own rules.
One of mine is that I count books in which I skim parts, because the catalogue is for me. I want to remember what I read and whether I liked it.
I also count re-reads. They're a soothing comfort during stressy times, especially re-reading ones from more than 5 years ago. Those live on my "fave" shelf.

Jan 1, 8:16 pm

Thanks again, Jim, for all you do to keep this running.

Jan 3, 1:06 pm

Hello there from Northern Virginia. I've had a profile on LT for a LOOONG time, but haven't even looked at it in years. Until today when a coworker mentioned this very group.

Not sure I'll get to 75 this year as I only hit 69 last year and that was including audiobooks. This year I have decided to not use any audiobooks, so my number should be lower. Anyway, glad to be here.

My goal this year really is to just finally read all of the books I already have in my house, and I don't know how many that is. LOL.

Jan 3, 1:16 pm

Jan 3, 6:10 pm

Glad to join this group of avid readers. I've never read 75 books in one year but I'm up to the challenge.

Jan 3, 9:46 pm

Jim, You have helped me many times by answering questions, or fixing a mistake I made! I deeply appreciate all the work you do for this group!

Jan 4, 2:49 pm

I haven't made it to 75 books before (closest was 67!) but I'm going to try my best this year. Less wasting time and more books is my goal for 2023.

Jan 5, 6:45 pm

Ill give 75 book a try. Just finished Confidence Man by Maggie Haberman. Now reading Sula by Toni Morrison.

Jan 6, 12:59 pm

Jan 7, 6:10 am

An excellent philosophy!

Edited: Jan 8, 4:58 am

Despite never having come close to achieving the 75 books target, I'll have another go this year. It is, after all, an excellent way to keep a record of one's reading!

Reading now:
Bruny by Heather Rose (fiction)

Books read so far:
1. All that's left unsaid by Tracey Lien (fiction)
A pull-no-punches debut novel by a new Vietnamese-Australian author, based in Cabramatta, South-West Sydney. The themes are many, but the story is dominated by the brutal effects of Australian racism on the Asian community, complicated by the inherited trauma of the refugee experience, and the heroin-pushing epidemic of the 1990s.
Having worked in Cabramatta for 23 years (1991-2014) I can vouch for the authenticity of the background to this story, and highly recommend it.

Jan 7, 3:45 pm

Adding another year to the tally. Fell short last year which balanced the over the mark numbers during COVID.

Jan 9, 3:44 am

>22 LyndaInOregon: I adore this, thank you!!!

Jan 12, 4:15 pm

Gosh, 75 books in a year? I'm enormously impressed you guys can manage to even get close. I think the only time I could get close to that total was in elementary school - very short books, no internet or video games at home other than Solitaire, lots of time to read - and a period in college where I was devouring paperback supernatural romances and had tons of time to read (buses to and from class, lunch and dinner, reading before class and during class breaks). Ironically I have more time to read now but I just can't read as often or as fast! I also read much longer books on average.

Anyway that was a lot about me for no reason. I'm super impressed with you guys setting this goal and getting close to meeting it! I only managed to read 3 books last year so I don't know if I want to aim for 75 yet. But since I joined librarything and I can see better just how big my book collection is I'm trying to aim to read actual books a bit more regularly. Seeing this group even EXISTS is inspiring to me - if you guys can make it to 75, or even 67, surely I can read more than 3 books this year!

I started "The Sixth Wife" by Suzannah Dunn already. Maybe my goal can be to finish that by the end of the month!

And there's a 100 books challenge as well?! Goodness gracious. I wish I could read that regularly, that would justify the 700 books I have.

Jan 13, 8:55 am

>27 momelimberham: The cool thing is that we don't really care about the numbers. šŸ˜€ We're just all about enjoying the books and the company of other book lovers. So join in, even if it's only 3!

Jan 15, 3:13 am

I will add my thanks for all you do Jim, this group would not run as smoothly without you.

I've had a very busy couple of months so I wasn't around for the end of the year. I think I finished on 100 books last year. I'm aiming for similar this year but considering my late start it might not eventuate.

Jan 19, 9:14 am

Hello I am currently reading Holes by Luis Sachar

Jan 19, 12:21 pm

Currently reading Apples Never Fall, by Liane Moriarty. I'm about halfway through it, and of course have all kinds of theories about who is responsible for the mother's disappearance and what the big secret is. I'm usually wrong when I try to second-guess Moriarty, but it's always fun to try.

Edited: Jan 23, 1:26 pm

Shrines of Gaiety by Kate Atkinson is #!

Jan 23, 1:25 pm

Fox Creek by William Kent Krueger is # 2

Jan 23, 1:28 pm

Bleeding Heart Yard by Elly Griffiths is #3.

Edited: Jan 23, 2:24 pm

>34 librarian1204: Hi Kathleen, generally this thread is used just for introduction messages to the group and any questions.

We normally don't keep track of our own reads in these "public" or shared threads, not that there's any rules against it :)

I would recommend going to the main group page, and then click the Post a New topic button to create your own thread.

It will ask for a Subject. This is the name of your thread. Its a good idea to put your name (handle or real or both) as a part of the subject. (for example, mine is mahsdad's (Jeff) 2023 Thread Q1). Then in the message, put whatever you want. This will be the first post in your thread.

I generally Star the thread, so I can get back to it. You can use the Starred Topics list or Started by You on the main Talk page to get to it, if you lose track.

Jim (drneutron) will also add your thread to the group's 2023 Threadbook.

Hope this helps

Feb 1, 1:40 am

2023 brings new books and new challenges. After 1 month, I have finished 10 books out my 150 reading challenge.

Feb 4, 7:51 pm

I have been too busy with work and my children to participate the last few years, so I'm excited to participate again this year! :)

Feb 7, 12:50 am

Started this year with 52 books goal, but after bumping in to this, and considering how it goes so far, I am all excited to join! Thanks for inspiring!

Feb 10, 6:51 am

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Started this year. Read a new book teaching Artificial Intelligence through storytelling to kids, sharing AI AI Captain with the community: https://a.co/d/ghcf9q8

Feb 10, 11:54 am

>39 me_captainai: Please don't post unsolicited advertisements for your book. Here's the link to LT's Author page where you can get setup as a LibraryThing Author and promote your book thru proper channels. Good Luck.


Feb 11, 11:21 am

I only regret not finding this website and this group a long time ago. I absolutely love to read and look forward to it every day. I read about 5-7 books at a time, sometimes more if I canā€™t resist waiting to start a new one. I rotate each by reading a chapter and then picking up the next book and reading a chapter, and this keeps me from getting bored. My goal is always to get through one chapter a day in each book, but because I have to earn a living too, I work 50 hours a week, and sometimes I only get to read 1 chapter of 1 book per day. I use Bookly to make sure I read at least 39 minutes a day, and so far I have a 46 day streak because I just discovered Bookly too. I got to this site because I was looking for ARCā€™s. I worked at Barnes & Noble for 3 years before I got laid off during COVID, and when it reopened with minimal staff I was asked to come back but gave my position up to one of the kids that didnā€™t have a job, because Iā€™m a nurse and had plenty of job opportunities at that time. I always thought Iā€™d stay at B&N forever and have missed it (and the ARCā€™s) ever since. Anyway, Iā€™ve said enough. I canā€™t wait to interact more and get to know the group!

Feb 11, 11:49 am

>41 TaylorFarnham: WELCOME! Lots of interesting options here for finding and sharing great reads.

I'm a "monogamous" reader -- at the other end of the scale. Very seldom read more than one book at a time, though I usually get through a couple of books a week. I think I would get the plots and characters confused if I had half a dozen going! Do you have a favorite author or genre?

Feb 11, 3:02 pm

Hi, fellow readers, I'm Shira, to most people, just over 50, and working on reading in each of my languages at least once per week (though that is not easy with Esperanto). I love to read historical fantasy, particularly Alexandre Dumas, Sr., of which there is quite alot in audio form, to my great surprise and delight. I review his works in particular on Fridays, when I am able.

Feb 11, 10:26 pm

>42 LyndaInOregon: I love the female mystery writers like Sue Grafton and JD Robb, and the Janet Evanovich - Stephanie Plum series. Ruth Ware, Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen psych thrillers). And for Romance, I like the Melanie Martins series. Oh, and all things Colleen Hoover. Mostly I love a good psychological thriller, or murder mystery, with the occasional lusty romance or beach read.

Feb 12, 3:07 pm

>44 TaylorFarnham: Plum is a favorite of mine, whenever I need a quick pick-me-up! They are often "rebound" books for me -- if I'm coming off something that took a lot of thought or left me feeling depressed, Stephanie and Lula can always make me feel better!

Guess I'm going to have to try a Colleen Hoover. I keep seeing her name. What's a good title to start with?

Edited: Feb 14, 11:04 am

Hello All! I'm a Massachusetts resident and I've been a legal assistant for 32 years. Other than that, my mom and dad are living with me along with my oldest son, his two kitties and my two kitties. I love to read but do a lot of re-reading which I'm not sure I will count on here so it might be a bit hard to reach the 75 book goal. I'm going to give it a shot though!

I mostly read fantasy, romance, LGBTQ+ romance, young adult and paranormal fluff. I'm hoping that having a goal might inspire me to read some of the unread books currently populating my book shelves.

Feb 14, 11:18 pm

If it's a book you've read long before, it definitely counts towards your 75. If you read it twice in one year...your choice whether to count it once or twice (I've done both, it depends on why and how I reread it).

Also, hello, book twin. Do you have a thread yet? I want to follow you and see what you're reading, because those are my genres too (well, plus science fiction and some mystery).

Feb 15, 8:50 am

>47 jjmcgaffey: Hi! I did just start a thread yesterday and was surprised to find that I actually already read five new books in January, I didn't even realize it. I'll have to check out your thread as well :-)

Feb 15, 2:02 pm

I'm in Club Read, not 75 Books - I tried keeping two threads but failed miserably. I'm not doing too well at one thread, so far...but I'm trying.

Feb 15, 2:31 pm

That explains why I couldn't find it LOL!

Feb 15, 11:22 pm

Here - easier than searching (particularly as I'm probably a couple pages down, since I haven't been posting much). https://www.librarything.com/topic/347370

Feb 17, 10:23 pm

Hi there! My name is Faith and I am a 50 year old mom of 4 and happily married for 22 years. I am newly retired from homeschooling my kids and am enjoying the extra time to get back to reading more. I have more books than I should, I continue to buy more to add to my ā€œcollectionā€ and make no apologies for that! Ha! I do give away or donate the books I am done reading, so that makes me feel a little better about my growing collection of books. I got the LT app because I could not keep track of what I owned already and was buying copies of books I already owned. I would LOVE to read 75 books this year, but I would be happy with 50. So far I have read 4 and am currently reading Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng. I love Stephen King, Kristen Hannah, Amy Tan and so many others. Glad to be here.

Feb 21, 2:30 pm

This will be my first year. So excited to join the group. I just turned 58, live in North Carolina and work full-time for a church. I travel as a missionary mostly to India. Have always loved to read and on my bucket list is to document 1,000 books read. I'm sure I've read more but haven't actually kept a record. This group will help me keep up with my goal.

Feb 23, 6:54 am

Hi! My name is Brandon, and this is my second try at the challenge. I failed miserably last year due to unforeseen circumstances. Iā€™ll be 31 in June and I work as a maintenance apprentice and going to school for maintenance. Iā€™m from North Carolina. I grew up reading a lot but got out of it but now trying to get back into my lost love.

Feb 25, 5:18 pm

I love to read, and this sounds like great fun.
Where do I post my read books?

Feb 25, 8:25 pm

>55 Pebblesgmc: Go to the page for this group 75 Books Challenge for 2023, click the Post a New Topic button. It helps to decide what you want to call your thread first, often including your id and name to help people know whose it is.

Feb 26, 5:00 pm

>53 VirlynBRice: >54 stormelite92: >55 Pebblesgmc:

Welcome to all three of you. I'm on my third year, and very happy here.

Mar 10, 3:08 am

Hello All,
So happy to have found this group. I hope audiobooks count - that's all I have time for these days...SMILE!!!

Mar 10, 4:07 am

I've read three stories this year, fated to love you, Twisted Fate, and The blue wolf. it's worth mentioning that this story is so interesting!

Mar 11, 3:21 am

Dropping in to say Hello. I have been with the Group since 2008, but have not been around since 2017.

Mar 21, 1:38 pm

Oh! Apparently I'm supposed to introduce myself. I've done some of that already on my reads thread that I posted yesterday. But, real quick, I'm Laura, hurtling rapidly this year towards 40, have three kids ages 6, 4, and 4, and three cats (two brown tabby DSH and one orange tabby Persian, also a rescue). I have been on librarything for a really long time but haven't really used its social features. I've mostly let my LT collection lie dormant the past several years because I've been moving so much and not really reading at all, but I have a little more time on my hands now and don't immediately fall asleep when I lie down in bed anymore.
The authors who have shaped me are: Robin McKinley, Anne McCaffrey, J.R.R Tolkien, Tamora Pierce, the incomparable Ursula K. Le Guin
Authors who have more recently knocked me on my ass: N.K. Jemisin, Neal Stephenson, Holly Black, and Ann Leckie
My 2023 thread is Here

Mar 21, 6:35 pm

>61 thelorelei: Hello Laura! Welcome!

Mar 22, 3:43 pm

>58 Madamxtra: I think audiobooks should count for sure :-)

>61 thelorelei: Hello, I see you like fantasy stories! I've read at least a little bit of most of the authors you listed. Did you read Tithe by Holly Black? I think that is my favorite by her.

Edited: Mar 22, 5:09 pm

>63 Jenson_AKA_DL: Ooh, yes, I read Tithe the year it was released. Then I revisited it recently with the three volume set of her Modern Faerie Tales. I very much enjoyed seeing some of the Tithe characters make cameos in her later works. Honestly though I'm just completely taken in by her recent Folk of the Air series. Such worldbuilding! Such psychological messiness!

Mar 25, 11:53 am

>43 ShiraDest: What books are in or have Esperanto that you've enjoyed? I've only started and almost finished the Saga Compendium (a graphic novel) by Brian Vaughan!

Apr 2, 5:53 am

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Apr 11, 6:24 pm

First time doing the 75, it will be fun!

Apr 11, 6:31 pm

>67 lydiamaris: Welcome and good reading!

Edited: Apr 16, 9:59 pm

Might try this again. I've tried it before but dropped it, just didn't post. Now I'm retired, downsizing my library which is difficult, and re-reading old friends.

Apr 18, 12:11 pm

>69 melsbks: Welcome to retirement; I'm now 15 months in myself, and loving it. Fortunately while I do need to reduce the amount of st0ff in my home, I'm retiring in place, so no really severe downsizing. But OTOH, I have no farther use for books in genres like "how to succeed in the workplace".

Jun 6, 2:55 pm

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Jun 6, 2:56 pm

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Jun 6, 2:57 pm

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Jun 6, 2:59 pm

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Jun 24, 8:46 am

Happy to give this a try. I have never kept track of the number of books I have read in a year.

Jun 24, 10:23 am

Welcome! Track a lot, track a little, donā€™t track. It doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re glad youā€™re here

Jun 24, 12:52 pm

>75 mnm123: It's fun and satisfying! And this is such a friendly group.

Jul 4, 6:08 pm

Lately, it seems that my online time has gone up and the number of books that I read has gone way down. So I think I want/need to do this challenge. I have only finished a few books during the first half of the year so I have some catching up to do. Thankfully I am now retired and have the time.

Jul 4, 7:09 pm

Great! Welcome to the challenge!

Jul 7, 4:10 pm

>78 achnlj: Hurrah for retirement! This is my first full year retired, and I couldn't be happier.

Welcome to the 75 books challenge.

Since you are starting at the half way point, perhaps aim for half of 75?

Jul 11, 10:28 pm

Hello, and Greetings from Oklahoma City! I learned about the Library Thing app this weekend and have started adding all my books! I am excited to find a place where books and reading are celebrated! I love to read and have read over 30 books so far this year. The latest book I read was Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor. WHOA! This book is intense from the opening lines. It is not a book for the faint of heart. It is translated from Spanish to English and the author's use of imagery is masterful. However, the book is filled with violence of every kind and for this reason, it is hard to read. The author's character development kept me engaged. The ending left me aching for a different outcome. I would love to know if anyone else has read this book.

Jul 12, 1:19 pm

Haven't read Hurricane Season, but welcome to LT and the 75ers!

Jul 14, 11:34 am

>81 AEWall: Howdy, neighbor! I hail from north Texas. Glad to see you are enjoying your reading!

Jul 24, 4:01 pm

My name is Eddie, I am a cat and sleep with one eye open...i answer to the name Miaow

Jul 27, 5:25 am

Hello Everyone, I have recently joined LibraryThing. I am still in the process of adding my book collections by starting out with my mangas, and comic books. I have mostly been reading comic books and manga this year, so I am joining the 75 books challenge, to force myself to read more varied types of books. So, far I have been reading over 88 comic books in 2023. And that is only counting hard copies and not reading manga chapters on the Shonen Jump app. But I will restart my count from 0 and include non-comic books on my reading list. I am aiming for at least half of my reading list to be non-comic books. Is anyone else in this group a fan of mangas? Let's enjoy reading more together.

Aug 16, 9:22 am

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