HOPE TO READ SOON: a tribute to Rebeccanyc

TalkClub Read 2023

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HOPE TO READ SOON: a tribute to Rebeccanyc

Edited: Jul 8, 1:11 pm

In 2022, five years after her passing away, we started a project to read all the books we think Rebecca (rebeccanyc), our regretted and valued friend here at LT, still wanted to read.
In 2022, 34 participants managed to strike off 360 of the 641 books of her Hope to read soon collection. In 2023 we will continue with this project.
Everyone can join the challenge and post which book of the list they have read.

More information about this project in 2022 can be found here

Currently read: 366/641

Participants: 35

Edited: Jul 8, 5:25 am

Book 1-100

1. Abasiyanik, Sait Faik. A Useless Man : Selected Stories - read by DieFledermaus
2. Abe, Kobo. Secret Rendezvous - read by pamelad
3. Ābele, Inga. High Tide - read by Dilara
4. Achebe, Chinua. A Man of the People - read by PaulCranswick, by SassyLassy
5. Achebe, Chinua. Anthills of the Savannah - read by thorold, by FAMeulstee
6. Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. Americanah - read by Caroline_McElwee, by japaul22, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee, by cindydavid4
7. Agnon, S. Y.. A Book that Was Lost: and Other Stories - TBR by PaulCranswick
8. Agus, Milena. From the Land of the Moon - read by DieFledermaus
9. Ahamed, Liaquat. Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World - read by PaulCranswick
10. Aidt, Naja Marie. Rock, Paper, Scissors - read by AlisonY
11. Aira, César. How I Became a Nun - read by DieFledermaus, by kidzdoc
12. Aira, César. The Seamstress and the Wind- TBR by avatiakh
13. Akpan, Uwem. Say You're One of Them - read by labfs39
14. Aleksievich, Svetlana. Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster - read by pamelad, by FAMeulstee
15. Allen, Esther. The Man Between : Michael Henry Heim & a Life in Translation
16. Allen, Frederick Lewis. Since Yesterday: The 1930's in America, September 3, 1929-September 3, 1939 - read by pamelad
17. Alter, Robert. The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary - read by dchaikin
18. Amado, Jorge. Tieta
19. Amato, George. Conservation Genetics in the Age of Genomics
20. Amundsen, Roald. The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the Fram, 1910-1912 - read by thorold
21. Anderson, Fred. Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766
22. Anderson, Jessica. Tirra Lirra by the River - read by Caroline_McElwee- TBR by pamelad
23. Andrić, Ivo. The Slave Girl: and Other Stories about Women
24. Ang, Li. The Butcher's Wife (Peter Owen Modern Classics) - read by arubabookwoman
25. Anonymous. Beowulf : a new verse translation - read by Caroline_McElwee (Seamus Heaney trans), by WelshBookworm (in the original Anglo-Saxon and in translation), by laytonwoman3rd (multiple transl.), by DieFledermaus (a new verse transl.), by thorold (Heaney version and bits of the original), by cindydavid4, by SassyLassy (the Seamus Heaney translation)
26. Anonymous. The Mabinogion - read by WelshBookworm
27. Anonymous. The Song of Roland - read by Settings
28. Atta, Sefi. A Bit of Difference
29. Attlee, James. Nocturne: A Journey in Search of Moonlight
30. Babel, Isaac. The Complete Works of Isaac Babel
31. Baez, Fernando. A Universal History of the Destruction of Books: From Ancient Sumer to Modern Iraq
32. Bailey, Anthony. Vermeer: A View of Delft - read by Caroline_McElwee
33. Bainbridge, Beryl. According to Queeney - read by pamelad
34. Bainbridge, Beryl. Another Part of the Wood - read by edwinbcn - TBR by PaulCranswick
35. Bainbridge, Beryl. Injury Time - read by PaulCranswick
36. Bainbridge, Beryl. The Bottle Factory Outing - read by thorold
37. Bainbridge, Beryl. Winter Garden - read by Caroline_McElwee
38. Baingana, Doreen. Tropical Fish: Tales from Entebbe
39. Banerjee, Abhijit V.. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty
40. Banville, John. Doctor Copernicus - read by SassyLassy - TBR by PaulCranswick
41. Basara, Svetislav. The Cyclist Conspiracy - read by DieFledermaus
42. Beard, Mary. Confronting the Classics: Traditions, Adventures, and Innovations
43. Beattie, Owen. Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition
44. Beevor, Antony. Stalingrad - read by labfs39, by SassyLassy
45. Beinecke, Frances. Clean Energy Common Sense: An American Call to Action on Global Climate Change
46. Bellos, Alex. Here's Looking at Euclid: A Surprising Excursion through the Astonishing World of Math - read by NanaCC, by wandering_star
47. Bellos, David. Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything - read by thorold
48. Bely, Andrey. Petersburg - read by PaulCranswick, by SassyLassy, by FAMeulstee
49. Benjamin, Arthur. The Magic of Math : Solving for x and Figuring Out Why
50. Bergelson, David. The End of Everything- TBR by avatiakh
51. Bernanos, Georges. Mouchette
52. Béroul. The Romance of Tristan; and The Tale of Tristan's Madness
53. Bhattacharya, Rahul. The Sly Company of People Who Care
54. Binding, Tim. A Perfect Execution - read by Caroline_McElwee, by SassyLassy
55. Bodor, Ádám. The Sinistra Zone
56. Bondurant, Matt. The Wettest County in the World
57. Borges, Jorge Luis. Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings - read by thorold, by tonikat
58. Bradbury, Malcolm. To the Hermitage - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
59. Brennan, Maeve. The Springs of Affection: Stories of Dublin- TBR by pamelad
60. Broch, Hermann. The Sleepwalkers: A Trilogy - read by arubabookwoman
61. Brockman, Max. Future Science: Essays from the Cutting Edge
62. Brod, Max. Reubeni, Prince of the Jews: A Tale of the Renaissance
63. Bronsky, Alina. The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine - read by thorold
64. Brown, Frederick. Flaubert: A Biography
65. Browne, E. Janet. Charles Darwin: The Power of Place- TBR by edwinbcn
66. Browne, E. Janet. Charles Darwin: Voyaging- TBR by edwinbcn
67. Bruder, Edith. The Black Jews of Africa: History, Religion, Identity
68. Bryce Echenique, Alfredo. A World for Julius - read by ELiz_M
69. Buarque, Chico. Spilt Milk
70. Budiansky, Stephen. The Nature of Horses : Exploring Equine Evolution, Intelligence, and Behavior
71. Bulgakov, Mikhail. Diaboliad and Other Stories
72. Bulgakov, Mikhail. Heart of a Dog - read by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy, by laytonwoman3rd- TBR by pamelad
73. Bulgakov, Mikhail. Notes on the Cuff & Other Stories
74. Buzzati, Dino. The Tartar Steppe - read by ELiz_M, by tonikat, by FAMeulstee
75. Cabrera Infante, G.. Three Trapped Tigers - read by pamelad
76. Calvino, Italo. Cosmicomics - read by DieFledermaus
77. Calvino, Italo. Why Read the Classics? - read by thorold
78. Camara, Laye. The Dark Child - read by ELiz_M
79. Camus, Albert. L'étranger - read by Trifolia, Caroline_McElwee, by DieFledermaus, by thorold, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee, by tonikat, by SassyLassy
80. Canfield Jr., Cass. Masterworks of Latin American short fiction : Eight nNovellas
81. Cao Xueqin. The Story of the Stone, Volume I: The Golden Days - read by ELiz_M
82. Čapek, Karel. Tales from Two Pockets - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus
83. Čapek, Karel. Three Novels : Hordubal; Meteor; An Ordinary Life - read by pamelad
84. Cărtărescu, Mircea. Blinding: The Left Wing
85. Carter, Angela. Nights at the Circus - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus, by thorold- TBR by japaul22, by rhian_of_oz
86. Castellanos Moya, Horacio. Senselessness - read by DieFledermaus, by kidzdoc
87. Castellanos, Rosario. The Book of Lamentations- TBR by arubabookwoman
88. Catton, Eleanor. The Luminaries - read by Trifolia, by lisapeet, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee
89. Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca. Genes, Peoples, and Languages
90. Chandra, Vikram. Love and Longing in Bombay: Stories - read by avatiakh
91. Chandra, Vikram. Red Earth and Pouring Rain - read by Dilara86
92. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (selected): An Interlinear Translation - read by WelshBookworm, by laytonwoman3rd, by thorold, by cindydavid4
93. Chejfec, Sergio. My Two Worlds - read by PaulCranswick
94. Chejfec, Sergio. The Dark
95. Chejfec, Sergio. The Planets
96. Chekhov, Anton. A Journey to the End of the Russian Empire
97. Chekhov, Anton. Sakhalin Island - read by thorold
98. Chekhov, Anton. The Essential Tales of Chekhov - read by thorold- TBR by laytonwoman3rd
99. Cheney, Dorothy L.. Baboon Metaphysics: The Evolution of a Social Mind
100. Cherchesov, Alan. Requiem for the Living

Edited: Jul 8, 5:25 am

Book 101-200

101. Cherry-Garrard, Apsley. The Worst Journey in the World - TBR by SassyLassy
102. Chevillard, Eric. Prehistoric Times - read by kidzdoc
103. Childers, Erskine. The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of Secret Service - read by pamelad, by thorold, by FAMeulstee, by SassyLassy
104. Christensen, Clayton M.. The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
105. Claus, Hugo. Wonder - read by kidzdoc- TBR by FAMeulstee
106. Coe, Michael D.. The Maya, 8th ed.
107. Cohen, Albert. Book of My Mother - read by kidzdoc
108. Cohen, Patricia Cline. The Murder of Helen Jewett: The Life and Death of a Prostitute in Nineteenth Century New York - TBR by laytonwoman3rd
109. Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages, Revised and expanded edition - read by SassyLassy
110. Cokinos, Christopher. The Fallen Sky: An Intimate History of Shooting Stars
111. Colley, Linda.. The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh : A Woman in World History - read by wandering_star
112. Collier, Paul. The Plundered Planet: Why We Must, and How We Can, Manage Nature for Global Prosperity
113. Collins, Wilkie. Hide and Seek - read by SassyLassy
114. Conquest, Robert. The Great Terror: A Reassessment - read by SassyLassy
115. Coover, Robert. The Origin of the Brunists - read by SassyLassy
116. Cortázar, Julio. From the Observatory - read by kidzdoc
117. Couperus, Louis. Eline Vere: A Novel of The Hague - read by Trifolia, Caroline_McElwee, by thorold, by FAMeulstee
118. Couto, Mia. The Tuner of Silences - read by kidzdoc - TBR by japaul22
119. Crane, Peter R.. Ginkgo: The Tree That Time Forgot - read by SassyLassy
120. Currey, Mason. Daily Rituals : How Artists Work- TBR by arubabookwoman
121. da Cunha, Euclides. Rebellion in the Backlands
122. Danticat, Edwidge. Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work - read by kidzdoc
123. Darío, Rubén. Selected Writings
124. Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection of the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life - read by lisapeet
125. Darwīsh, Maḥmoud. Journal of an Ordinary Grief
126. Darwīsh, Maḥmūd. In the Presence of Absence - read by kidzdoc
127. Davies, Peter. The Fairies Return: or, New Tales for Old
128. Davies, Robertson. The Cunning Man - read by SassyLassy, thorold
129. Davis, Mike. Planet of Slums - read by SassyLassy
130. de Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex - read by pamelad, by SassyLassy
131. de Lorris, Guillaume. The Romance of the Rose - read by Dilara86
132. de Loyola Brandão, Ignácio. Zero
133. de Nerval, Gérard. The Salt Smugglers - read by kidzdoc
134. de Ségur, Philippe-Paul. Defeat: Napoleon's Russian Campaign - TBR by SassyLassy
135. del Paso, Fernando. Palinuro of Mexico
136. DeLay, Brian. War of a Thousand Deserts: Indian Raids and the U.S.-Mexican War
137. Demick, Barbara. Besieged: Life Under Fire on a Sarajevo Street - read by labfs39
138. Dennys, Joyce. Henrietta's War: News from the Home Front 1939-1942 - read by pamelad, laytonwoman3rd
139. Denon, Vivant. No Tomorrow - read by DieFledermaus
140. Déry, Tibor. Niki: The Story of a Dog - read by DieFledermaus
141. Deutscher, Guy. Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages - read by Bragan
142. Di Benedetto, Antonio. Zama
143. Díaz, Junot. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - read by ELiz_M, by kidzdoc
144. Dickens, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities - read by WelshBookworm, by pamelad, by laytonwoman3rd, by japaul22, by thorold, by cindydavid4, by tonikat, by SassyLassy
145. Dikötter, Frank. Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-1962 - read by SassyLassy
146. Dillard, Annie. Three by Annie Dillard - read by laytonwoman3rd
147. Dirda, Michael. On Conan Doyle, or, The Whole Art of Storytelling
148. Doctorow, E. L.. Creationists: Selected Essays - read by dchaikin
149. Doerries, Bryan. The Theater of War: What Ancient Greek Tragedies Can Teach Us Today
150. Donoso, José. The Obscene Bird of Night - read by kidzdoc- TBR by FAMeulstee?
151. Douglas, Ann. Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s
152. Dovlatov, Sergei. The Zone : A Prison Camp Guard's Story- TBR by pamelad
153. Dowden, Stephen D.. A Companion to Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain
154. Dowlatabadi, Mahmoud. Thirst
155. Drakulić, Slavenka. Two Underdogs and a Cat : three reflections on communism
156. Dudman, Clare. One Day the Ice Will Reveal All Its Dead - read by Linda92007
157. Duras, Marguerite. The Lover - read by pamelad, by japaul22, by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy
158. Duras, Marguerite. Yann Andréa Steiner
159. Eagleman, David. Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives - read by Caroline_McElwee
160. Eco, Umberto. The Prague Cemetery - read by Caroline_McElwee
161. Edelman, Gerald M.. Wider than the Sky : The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness
162. Edlow, Jonathan A.. The Deadly Dinner Party: and Other Medical Detective Stories - read by arubabookwoman
163. Ehle, John. The Land Breakers - read by japaul22, by SassyLassy
164. Ehrenburg, Ilya. The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry
165. Eliach, Yaffa. There Once Was a World: A Nine-Hundred-Year Chronicle of the Shtetl of Eishyshok- TBR by laytonwoman3rd
166. Elkins, James. What Painting Is: How to Think about Oil Painting Using the Language of Alchemy
167. Emecheta, Buchi. The Joys of Motherhood - read by DieFledermaus
168. Emmerson, Charles. The Future History of the Arctic
169. Énard, Mathias. Street of Thieves - read by thorold
170. Epstein, Edward Jay. The Annals of Unsolved Crime
171. Farmer, Paul. Haiti after the Earthquake
172. Farmer, Paul. Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues - read by kidzdoc
173. Farmer, Paul. Partner to the Poor: A Paul Farmer Reader
174. Faust, Drew Gilpin. This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War- TBR by laytonwoman3rd
175. Fenyvesi, Charles. When the World Was Whole: Three Centuries of Memories
176. Fermor, Patrick Leigh. In Tearing Haste: Letters Between Deborah Devonshire and Patrick Leigh Fermor - read by thorold
177. Fermor, Patrick Leigh. Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese - read by Caroline_McElwee, by thorold, by FAMeulstee, by cindydavid4, by tonikat
178. Fermor, Patrick Leigh. Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece - read by thorold, by cindydavid4, by tonikat
179. Ferrante, Elena. My Brilliant Friend - read by Trifolia, by WelshBookworm, by thorold, by FAMeulstee
180. Figueras, Marcelo. Kamchatka
181. Finley, M. I.. The World of Odysseus - TBR by WelshBookworm
182. Firestein, Stuart. Ignorance: How It Drives Science - read by Bragan
183. Fisher, M. F. K.. How To Cook a Wolf - read by lisapeet, by laytonwoman3rd
184. Fishman, Charles. The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water - TBR by cindydavid4
185. Flannery, Tim F.. The Eternal Frontier : An Ecological History of North America and its peoples
186. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary - read by Caroline_McElwee, by japaul22, by DieFledermaus, by FAMeulstee, by SassyLassy
187. Foner, Eric. The Story of American freedom
188. Forster, E. M.. Aspects of the Novel - read by pamelad, by thorold - TBR by Caroline_McElwee
189. Foster (ed.), David R.. Forests in Time : The Environmental Consequences of 1,000 years of Change in New England
190. Foster, Thomas C. How To Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide To Reading between the Lines - read by Trifolia
191. Fowles, John. The Tree - read by thorold
192. Fox, Paula. News from the World: Stories and Essays
193. Frazier, Ian. Family
194. Fumaroli, Marc. When the World Spoke French - TBR by SassyLassy
195. Fussell, Paul. The Great War and Modern Memory - read by Nickelini
196. Gadda, Carlo Emilio. That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana - read by thorold
197. Galeano, Eduardo. Century of the Wind - read by ELiz_M
198. Galeano, Eduardo. Faces and Masks - read by ELiz_M
199. Galeano, Eduardo H.. Genesis - read by ELiz_M
200. Galsan Tschinag. The Blue Sky, - read by pamelad, by labfs39 - TBR by PaulCranswick

Edited: Jul 8, 1:09 pm

Book 201-300

201. Garfield, Simon. Just My Type: A Book about Fonts - read by thorold
202. Garvey, Mark. Stylize : A Slightly Obsessive History of Strunk & White's The Elements of Style
203. Gellhorn, Martha. The View from the Ground - read by pamelad, by laytonwoman3rd
204. Gelman, Juan. Dark Times Filled with Light: The Selected Work of Juan Gelman
205. Ghosh, Amitav. In an Antique Land - read by laytonwoman3rd, by cindydavid4
206. Gibbons, Stella. Westwood, or The Gentle Powers- TBR by edwinbcn
207. Gibler, John. Mexico Unconquered : Chronicles of Power and Revolt
208. Gilliatt, Penelope. A State of Change - TBR by PaulCranswick
209. Glantz, Margo. The Wake
210. Glassie, John. A Man of Misconceptions: The Life of an Eccentric in an Age of Change
211. Glatstein, Jacob. The Glatstein Chronicles
212. Gleeson-White, Jane. Australian Classics: 50 Great Writers and Their Celebrated Works - read by pamelad
213. Godden, Rumer. The Greengage Summer - read by arubabookwoman, by PaulCranswick, by SassyLassy
214. Gogol, Nikolai. Dead Souls - read by Trifolia, by DieFledermaus
215. Gogol, Nikolai. Taras Bulba - read by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy, by labfs39
216. Gogol, Nikolai. The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol - read by ELiz_M
217. Goldberger, Paul. Why Architecture Matters
218. Goldstein, Daniel B.. Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish history
219. Gombrowicz, Witold. Bacacay
220. Gombrowicz, Witold. Ferdydurke - read by ELiz_M
221. Goncharov, Ivan Alexandrovich. Oblomov - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy
222. Goossen, Theodore W.. The Oxford Book of Japanese Short Stories
223. Gopnik, Adam. Winter: Five Windows on the Season - read by Dilara86
224. Gopnik, Alison. The Philosophical Baby: What Children's Minds Tell Us about Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life - read by WelshBookworm
225. Gordon, Jaimy. Shamp of the City-Solo
226. Gospodinov, Georgi. The Physics of Sorrow - read by AnnieMod, by DieFledermaus
227. Gotthelf, Jeremias. The Black Spider - read by DieFledermaus
228. Gracq, Julien. A Dark Stranger
229. Grenville, Kate. The Lieutenant - read by arubabookwoman - TBR by PaulCranswick
230. Gribbin, Mary. Flower Hunters - read by SassyLassy
231. Grimm, Jacob. Selected Tales of the Brothers Grimm - read by WelshBookworm
232. Grossman, Edith. Why Translation Matters - read by kidzdoc, by pamelad
233. Grunberg, Arnon. Tirza - read by Trifolia, by FAMeulstee
234. Gruša, Jiří. The Questionnaire, or Prayer for a Town & a Friend - read by DieFledermaus
235. Grushin, Olga. The Dream Life of Sukhanov - read by DieFledermaus
236. Gur, Batya. Murder in Jerusalem - read bylaytonwoman3rd
237. Gurnah, Abdulrazak. Desertion - read by kidzdoc
238. Gurnah, Abdulrazak. Paradise - read by thorold, by kidzdoc - TBR by japaul22
239. Gutiérrez, Pedro Juan. Dirty Havana Trilogy: A Novel in Stories - read by ELiz_M - TBR by SassyLassy
240. Haddad, Hubert. Rochester Knockings : A Novel of the Fox Sisters
241. Hämäläinen, Pekka. The Comanche Empire
242. Hardy, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd - read by AlisonY, by pamelad, by laytonwoman3rd, by japaul22, by DieFledermaus, by thorold, by FAMeulstee, by SassyLassy
243. Hareven, Gail. Lies, First Person
244. Hartley, L. P.. The Hireling - TBR by PaulCranswick
245. Hašek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Švejk: and his fortunes in the world war - read by pamelad, by thorold, by FAMeulstee - TBR by SassyLassy
246. Hawkes, G. W.. Surveyor - read by laytonwoman3rd
247. Heather, Peter. The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians
248. Hemming, John. Tree of Rivers: The Story of the Amazon
249. Hemon, Aleksandar. Best European Fiction 2010 - read by pamelad
250. Henderson, Gretchen E.. The House Enters the Street
251. Higgins, Aidan. Balcony of Europe
252. Hoffman, David E.. The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacy
253. Hoffman, Eva. Time
254. Horne, Alistair.. A Savage War of Peace : Algeria, 1954-1962 - read by kidzdoc - TBR by SassyLassy
255. Hrabal, Bohumil. Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age - read by labfs39
256. Hrabal, Bohumil. I Served the King of England - read by DieFledermaus, by thorold
257. Hua, Yu. Brothers: A Novel - read by Dilara86, by arubabookwoman, by SassyLassy - TBR by PaulCranswick
258. Hugo, Victor. The Last Day of a Condemned Man - TBR by PaulCranswick
259. Hustvedt, Siri. The Blazing World - read by japaul22, by thorold
260. Huxley, Aldous. Point Counter Point - read by pamelad, by thorold, by SassyLassy
261. Igov, Angel. A Short Tale of Shame - read by AnnieMod
262. Irwin, Robert. The Alhambra - TBR by wandering_star
263. Jacoby, Karl. Shadows at Dawn: A Borderlands Massacre and the Violence of History
264. James, Bill. Popular Crime: Reflections on the Celebration of Violence
265. James, C. L. R.. The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution - read by thorold
266. James, Clive. Cultural amnesia : necessary memories from history and the arts
267. James, P. D.. Talking about Detective Fiction - read by laytonwoman3rd
268. Jamie, Kathleen. Findings - read by PaulCranswick, by tonikat
269. Jančar, Drago. The Galley Slave
270. Jaramillo Levi, Enrique. Duplications and Other Stories
271. Jergović, Miljenko. Mama Leone
272. Jergović, Miljenko. Sarajevo Marlboro - read by Dilara86
273. Jiles, Paulette. News of the World - read by WelshBookworm, by cindydavid4
274. Johnson, Denis. The Name of the World - TBR by SassyLassy?
275. Josipovici, Gabriel. What Ever Happened to Modernism?
276. Judt, Tony. Ill Fares the Land: A Treatise on our Present Discontents - read by Trifolia
277. Judt, Tony. Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945 - TBR by PaulCranswick
278. Kalman, Maira. And the Pursuit of Happiness
279. Kamen, Henry. The Escorial: Art and power in the Renaissance
280. Kamenetz, Rodger. Burnt Books: Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav and Franz Kafka
281. Kaniuk, Yoram. Life on Sandpaper
282. Karabashliev, Zachary. 18% Gray - read by AnnieMod
283. Kästner, Erich. Going to the Dogs: The Story of a Moralist - read by thorold, by kidzdoc
284. Keene, Donald. The Pleasures of Japanese Literature - read by kidzdoc
285. Khouri, Elias. As Though She Were Sleeping - read by kidzdoc
286. Khoury, Elias. White Masks - read by labfs39
287. Kidder, Tracy. Good Prose: The Art of Nonfiction - read by Linda92007
288. King, Charles. Odessa: Genius and Death in a City of Dreams - TBR by SassyLassy
289. King, Gilbert. Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America - read by arubabookwoman - TBR by japaul22
290. Kiš, Danilo. The Attic
291. Kiš, Danilo. The Encyclopedia of the Dead - read by DieFledermaus, by thorold
292. Kiš, Danilo. The Lute and the Scars
293. Klima, Ivan. Judge On Trial - read by pamelad
294. Klima, Ivan. Lovers for a Day: New and Collected Stories on Love
295. Knausgaard, Karl O.. A Time for Everything - read by dchaikin
296. Knausgård, Karl Ove. My Struggle: Book 1: A Death in the Family - read by AlisonY, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee
297. Knausgård, Karl Ove. My Struggle: Book Two: A Man in Love - read by AlisonY, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee
298. Koerner, David. Here Be Dragons: The Scientific Quest for Extraterrestrial Life
299. Kolbert, Elizabeth. The Ends of the Earth: An Anthology of the Finest Writing on the Arctic and the Antarctic - TBR by wandering_star, by arubabookwoman
300. Konrád, George. The Case Worker - read by ELiz_M

Edited: Jul 8, 5:22 am

Book 301-400

301. Konwicki, Tadeusz. The Polish Complex - read by DieFledermaus
302. Kopperud, Gunnar. The Time of Light - read by arubabookwoman
303. Kourouma, Ahmadou. Waiting for the Wild Beasts to Vote - read by kidzdoc
304. Kpomassie, Tété-Michel. An African in Greenland - read by DieFledermaus, by thorold, by kidzdoc - TBR by SassyLassy
305. Kraf, Elaine. The Princess of 72nd Street
306. Krasznahorkai, László. Satantango - read by Caroline_McElwee
307. Krasznahorkai, László. Seiobo There Below
308. Krasznahorkai, László. The Melancholy of Resistance - read by FAMeulstee
309. Kroodsma, Donald E.. Birdsong by the Seasons: A Year of Listening to Birds
310. Kroodsma, Donald E.. The Singing Life of Birds: The Art and Science of Listening to Birdsong >>> Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist - TBR by karspeak
311. Kropotkin, Peter. In Russian and French Prisons - read by SassyLassy
312. Kross, Jaan. The Czar's Madman - read by pamelad, by SassyLassy
313. Krzhizhanovsky, Sigizmund. Memories of the Future - read by DieFledermaus - TBR by SassyLassy314. Kuznetsov, Anatoli. Babi Yar: A Document in the Form of a Novel; New, Complete, Uncensored Version - read by SassyLassy
315. Kyomuhendo, Goretti. Waiting - read by Eliz_M
316. Laâbi, Abdellatif. The Rule of Barbarism
317. Labbé, Carlos. Navidad & Matanza - read by kidzdoc
318. Lakhous, Amara. Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus, by kidzdoc
319. Lampedusa, Giuseppe Di. The Leopard - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus, by thorold, by FAMeulstee
320. Lao She. Camel Xiangzi - read by arubabookwoman - TBR by SassyLassy
321. Lathrop Jr., Richard G.. The Highlands: Critical Resources, Treasured Landscapes
322. Lazarus, Arnold A.. In the Mind's Eye: The Power of Imagery for Personal Enrichment
323. le Carré, John. The Little Drummer Girl - read by Caroline_McElwee, by thorold, by SassyLassy
324. Lehrer, Jonah. Proust was a Neuroscientist
325. Leigh Fermor, Patrick. The Traveller's Tree: A Journey through the Caribbean Islands - read by cindydavid4
326. Leigh, Julia. Disquiet - read by Settings
327. Lepore, Jill. The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity
328. Lepore, Jill. The Secret History of Wonder Woman - read by dchaikin - TBR by cindydavid4
329. Leskov, Nikolai. The Enchanted Wanderer and Other Stories - read by ELiz_M?
330. Levi-Strauss, Claude. Myth and Meaning: Cracking the Code of Culture
331. Lévi-Strauss, Claude. Anthropology Confronts the Problems of the Modern World
332. Lezama Lima, José. Paradiso- TBR by arubabookwoman
333. Lind, Jakov. Soul of Wood
334. Lindqvist, Sven. "Exterminate All the Brutes"
335. Loeb Classical Library. A Loeb Classical Library Reader
336. Louv, Richard.. Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder - read by cindydavid4
337. Ma, Jian. The noodle maker - read by SassyLassy - TBR by PaulCranswick
338. Machado de Assis. The Alienist - read by kidzdoc, by cindydavid4
339. Madden, Deirdre. The Birds of the Innocent Wood - TBR by wandering_star
340. Magris, Claudio. Danube - TBR by PaulCranswick
341. Mak, Geert. In Europe: Travels through the Twentieth Century - read by thorold, Caroline_McElwee, by FAMeulstee
342. Malcolm, Janet. In the Freud Archives - read by DieFledermaus
343. Manea, Norman. The Lair
344. Manguel, Alberto. The library at Night - read by Caroline_McElwee
345. Mannes, Elena. The Power of Music: Pioneering Discoveries in the New Science of Song
346. Marable, Manning. Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention - read by kidzdoc
347. Marai, Sandor. Embers - read by Caroline_McElwee, by pamelad, by laytonwoman3rd, by DieFledermaus, by cindydavid4
348. March, Jenny. The Penguin Book of Classical Myths
349. Marías, Javier. All Souls - read by thorold
350. Marías, Javier. Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me - read by DieFledermaus, by thorold
351. Marie de France. The Lais of Marie de France - read by Settings
352. Marinković, Ranko. Cyclops
353. Martin, Simon. Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient Maya, 2nd ed.
354. Matthiessen, Peter. At Play in the Fields of the Lord - read by lisapeet
355. Matthiessen, Peter. Bone by Bone
356. Matthiessen, Peter. Killing Mister Watson- TBR by arubabookwoman
357. Matthiessen, Peter. Lost Man's River
358. McCann, Colum. Dancer - read by Linda92007
359. McCann, Colum. This Side of Brightness - read by Linda92007 - TBR by PaulCranswick
360. McCann, Colum. Zoli - TBR by PaulCranswick
361. McCarthy, Dennis. Here Be Dragons: How the Study of Animal and Pplant Distributions Revolutionized Our Biews of Life and Earth
362. McCullers, Carson. The Heart Is aLonely Hunter - read by Caroline_McElwee, by AlisonY, by lisapeet, by pamelad, by laytonwoman3rd, by kidzdoc, by cindydavid4, by SassyLassy
363. McKelway, St. Clair. Reporting at Wit's End: Tales from The New Yorker
364. Mendelsund, Peter. What We See When We Read: A Phenomenology - read by labfs39
365. Mengestu, Dinaw. How to read the air - read by kidzdoc
366. Mercier, Pascal. Night Train to Lisbon - read by pamelad, by thorold, by cindydavid4
367. Meyer, G. J.. A World Undone: The Story of the Great War, 1914-1918
368. Michalopoulou, Amanda. Why I Killed My Best Friend
369. Michon, Pierre. The Eleven - read by kidzdoc, by SassyLassy
370. Miles, Valerie. A Thousand Forests in One Acorn: An Anthology of Spanish-Language Fiction
371. Miller, Larissa. Dim and Distant Days
372. Miłosz, Czesław. A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry
373. Miłosz, Czesław. The Captive Mind - read by thorold - TBR by PaulCranswick, by tonikat, labfs39
374. Mishra, Pankaj. From the Ruins of Empire: The Intellectuals Who Remade Asia - TBR by wandering_star
375. Mo Yan. The Garlic Ballads - read by labfs39, by SassyLassy
376. Mochulsky, Fyodor Vasilevich. Gulag Boss: A Soviet Memoir
377. Mokeddem, Malika. Of Dreams and Assassins
378. Monzó, Quim. A Thousand Morons - read by kidzdoc
379. Monzó, Quim. Guadalajara - read by kidzdoc
380. Moore, Brian. The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne - read by Caroline_McElwee, by japaul22, by SassyLassy
381. Moore, Brian. The Temptation of Eileen Hughes - read by Caroline_McElwee
382. Morris, Craig. The Incas
383. Mosbahi, Hassouna. A Tunisian Tale
384. Mosley, Charlotte. The Mitfords: Letters Between Six Sisters
385. Mozzi, Giulio. This Is the Garden
386. Munro, Alice. The Love of a Good woman: Stories - read by Nickelini - TBR by wandering_star
387. Myśliwski, Wiesław. A Treatise on Shelling Beans - read by Trifolia, by FAMeulstee
388. Myśliwski, Wiesław. Stone upon Stone - read by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee
389. Nadler, Steven. Rembrandt's Jews
390. Nash, Roderick. Wilderness and the American Mind
391. Natsume, Sōseki. And Then - TBR by PaulCranswick
392. Neuman, Andrés. The Things We Don't Do
393. Neuman, Andrés. Traveler of the Century - read by thorold
394. Ngũgĩ wa Thiongʾo. The Black Hermit
395. Nguyen, Kien. Le Colonial
396. Norwid, Cyprian. Poems
397. Nthunya, Mpho 'M'atsepo. Singing Away the Hunger: The Autobiography of an African Woman
398. O'Brien, Edna. The Country Girls - read by Caroline_McElwee, by laytonwoman3rd
399. O'Brien, Flann. At Swim-Two-Birds - read by thorold
400. O'Brien, Flann. The Third Policeman - read by thorold

Edited: Jul 8, 5:20 am

Book 401-500

401. O'Connor, Flannery. Wise Blood - read by laytonwoman3rd, by japaul22, by kidzdoc
402. Ojaide, Tanure. Stars of the Long Night
403. Onetti, Juan Carlos. A Brief Life - read by baswood
404. Oppenheimer, Judy. Private Demons: The Life of Shirley Jackson - read by pamelad
405. Orr, David W.. Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse
406. Ouředník, Patrik. Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century - read by DieFledermaus
407. Pamuk, Orhan. The White Castle - read by AnnieMod, by FAMeulstee - TBR by PaulCranswick
408. Pastoureau, Michel. The Bear: History of a Fallen King
409. Pavić, Milorad. Dictionary of the Khazars (F): a lexicon novel in 100,000 words - read by ELiz_M
410. Pavlov, Oleg. Captain of the Steppe - read by SassyLassy
411. Pears, Iain. An Instance of the Fingerpost- read by Trifolia, by DieFledermaus, by cindydavid4
412. Pearson, Richard. Driven to Extinction: The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity
413. Penny, Louise. Still Life - read by laytonwoman3rd
414. Perutz, Leo. Leonardo's Judas - read by DieFledermaus
415. Perutz, Leo. The Master of the Day of Judgment - read by DieFledermaus
416. Pilch, Jerzy. My First Suicide
417. Poe, Edgar Allan. Great Tales and Poems - read by Settings
418. Pollock, Lindsay. The Girl with the Gallery: Edith Gregor Halpert and the making of the Modern Art Market - read by japaul22
419. Porter, Katherine Anne. The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter - read by lisapeet
420. Poulin, Jacques. Mister Blue - read by labfs39, by kidzdoc, by SassyLassy
421. Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Footsteps
422. Pramoedya Ananta Toer. House of Glass
423. Pritchard, Evan. Native New Yorkers: The Legacy of the Algonquin People of New York
424. Prose, Francine. Caravaggio: Painter of Miracles
425. Prose, Francine. Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932 - read by lisapeet
426. Prus, Bolesław. The Doll - read by DieFledermaus, by FAMeulstee
427. Queirós, Eça de. The City and the Mountains - read by DieFledermaus
428. Radiguet, Raymond. The Devil in the Flesh - read by ELiz_M, by SassyLassy
429. Rankin, Ian. Dead Souls - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
430. Rankin, Ian. Set in Darkness - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
431. Rankin, Ian. The Hanging Garden - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
432. Read, Herbert. The Green Child - read by cindydavid4
433. Redniss, Lauren. Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout - read by labfs39
434. Rees, Siân. The Floating Brothel: The Extraordinary True Story of an Eighteenth-Century Ship and Its Cargo of Female Convicts - read by SassyLassy
435. Reinhart, Carmen M.. This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
436. Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front - read by pamelad, by thorold, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee, by cindydavid4, by SassyLassy
437. Rexroth, Kenneth. Classics Revisited
438. Rhodes, Richard. John James Audubon: The Making of an American (Vintage) - TBR by laytonwoman3rd
439. Ribeyro, Julio Ramón. Chronicle of San Gabriel
440. Rilke, Rainer Maria. Auguste Rodin
441. Ritsos, Giannēs. Diaries of Exile
442. Roa Bastos, Augusto Antonio. I, the Supreme - read by Dilara86 - TBR by thorold
443. Roberts, David. Once They Moved Like the Wind: Cochise, Geronimo, and the Apache Wars
444. Roberts, Paul. The End of Oil : On the Edge of a Perilous New World
445. Rodoreda, Mercè. War, So Much War
446. Romer, Stephen. French Decadent Tales - read by DieFledermaus
447. Ross, Alex. The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century - read by DieFledermaus
448. Rotem, Śimḥa. Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto fighter: The Past within Me - read by avatiakh
449. Roth, Joseph. The Antichrist
450. Roth, Joseph. The Collected Stories of Joseph Roth
451. Roth, Joseph. One Hundred Days - read by FAMeulstee
452. Roth, Joseph. The Wandering Jews - read by SassyLassy
453. Roth, Philip. Zuckerman Bound : The Ghost Writer, Zuckerman Unbound, the Anatomy Lesson, Epilogue : The Prague Orgy - read by Caroline_McElwee
454. Rovelli, Carlo. Seven Brief Lessons on Physics - read by FAMeulstee
455. Rufin, Jean-Christophe. The Abyssinian- TBR by avatiakh, labfs39
456. Rufin, Jean-Christophe. The Siege of Isfahan- TBR by avatiakh
457. Rulfo, Juan. The Burning Plain and Other Stories - read by ELiz_M
458. Ruskov, Milen. Thrown into Nature - read by AnnieMod
459. Rutkow, Eric. American Canopy: The Role of Trees in the Shaping of a Nation - read by karspeak
460. Rybczynski, Witold. A Clearing In The Distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the 19th Century - read by SassyLassy
461. Rynell, Elisabeth. To Mervas - read by kidzdoc
462. Rytkhėu, Yuri. The Chukchi Bible - read by Dilara86
463. Saer, Juan José. La Grande
464. Saer, Juan José. The One Before
465. Saer, Juan José. The Witness - read by ELiz_M
466. Salter, James. The Art of Fiction
467. Sand, Shlomo. The Invention of the Jewish people
468. Sandweiss, Martha A.. Print the Legend: Photography and the American West
469. Sansal, Boualem. The German Mujahid - read by labfs39, by kidzdoc, by FAMeulstee
470. Saramago, José. Baltasar and Blimunda - read by thorold - CBR by SassyLassy
471. Saramago, José. Death with Interruptions - read by DieFledermaus, by kidzdoc
472. Saramago, José. The Stone Raft - read by thorold, by kidzdoc
473. Saramago, José. The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - read by thorold, by kidzdoc
474. Sarduy, Severo. Firefly
475. Sarrazin, Albertine. The Runaway
476. Scarry, Elaine. Thinking in an Emergency
477. Schalansky, Judith. Atlas of Remote Islands: Fifty Islands I Have Never Set Foot On and Never Will - read by Nickelini
478. Schama, Simon. Landscape And Memory - read by thorold - CBR by SassyLassy
479. Schama, Simon. The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age - read by thorold, by FAMeulstee
480. Schele, Linda. A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya
481. Schlögel, Karl. Moscow, 1937
482. Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
483. Schulz, Bruno. The Street of Crocodiles and Other Stories - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus
484. Schwartz, Marion. A History of Dogs in the Early Americas
485. Schwarz-Bart, André. The Last of the Just - read by labfs39, by SassyLassy
486. Sciascia, Leonardo. The Moro Affair; and The Mystery of Majorana - read by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy
487. Scott, Walter. The Heart of Mid-Lothian - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
488. Sebold (ed.), Alice. The Best American Short Stories 2009 - TBR by wandering_star
489. Sedakova, Olga. In Praise of Poetry
490. Segalen, Victor. René Leys - read by SassyLassy
491. Seghers, Anna. The Seventh Cross - read by pamelad, by SassyLassy
492. Selimović, Meša. Death and the Dervish - read by DieFledermaus
493. Serge, Victor. Memoirs of a Revolutionary - read by rebeccanyc (>71)
494. Seth, Vikram. From Heaven Lake: Travels through Sinkiang and Tibet - read by thorold
495. Settle, Mary Lee. Learning to Fly: A Writer's Memoir
496. Shalamov, Varlam. Kolyma Tales - read by labfs39
497. Shamash, Violette. Memories of Eden: A Journey through Jewish Baghdad - read by wandering_star - TBR by cindydavid4
498. Shephard, Ben. The Long Road Home: The Aftermath of the Second World War
499. Sherratt, Thomas N.. Big Questions in Ecology and Evolution
500. Shi Nai'an. Outlaws of the Marsh - read by ELiz_M

Edited: Jul 8, 5:23 am

Book 501-600

501. Shishkin, Mikhail. Maidenhair
502. Shore, Marci. The Taste of Ashes: The Afterlife of Totalitarianism in Eastern Europe
503. Sigurdsson, Sölvi Björn. The Last Days of My Mother
504. Silvers, Robert B.. Writers on Unforgettable Friendships: The Company They Kept, Vol. II
505. Simenon, Georges. Pedigree- TBR by arubabookwoman
506. Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Love and Exile: An Autobiographical Trilogy - read by labfs39
507. Singer, Isaac Bashevis. More Stories from My Father's Court - TBR by PaulCranswick
508. Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - read by lisapeet, by WelshBookworm, by laytonwoman3rd, by DieFledermaus, by kidzdoc, by cindydavid4, by SassyLassy
509. Škvorecký, Josef. The Engineer of Human Souls - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy
510. Smith, Patti. M Train - read by Caroline_McElwee, by FAMeulstee
511. Smith, Patti. Woolgathering - read by Caroline_McElwee
512. Snyder, Timothy. The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke - read by FAMeulstee
513. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Vol. 1 (Parts I and II) - read by thorold, by AnnieMod
514. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Vol. 2 (Parts III and IV) - read by AnnieMod
515. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation, Vol. 3 (Parts V-VII) - read by AnnieMod
516. Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus, by thorold, by kidzdoc, by cindydavid4
517. Sōseki, Natsume. The Gate - read by ELiz_M, by FAMeulstee
518. Soskice, Janet Martin. The Sisters of Sinai: How Two Lady Adventurers Discovered the Hidden Gospels- read by Trifolia
519. Soufan, Ali H.. The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War against Al-Qaeda - TBR by PaulCranswick
520. Spar, Debora L.. The Baby Business: How Money, Science, and Politics Drive the Commerce of Conception
521. Specter, Michael. Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens our Lives
522. Stambolova, Albena. Everything Happens As It Does - read by AnnieMod
523. Stange, Mary Zeiss. Woman the Hunter
524. Stavans, Ilan. Dictionary Days: A Defining Passion
525. Steegmuller, Francis. Flaubert and Madame Bovary
526. Stein, Benjamin. The Canvas
527. Steiner, George. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation - read by thorold
528. Steiner, George. George Steiner at The New Yorker
529. Stewart, George R.. Names on the Land: A Historical Account of Place-Naming in the United States
530. Stockenstrom, Wilma. The Expedition to the Baobab Tree - read by Settings
531. Stone, Robert. Damascus Gate - read by DieFledermaus, by SassyLassy
532. Stone, Robert. Fun with Problems - read by SassyLassy
533. Stone, Roger D.. The Mightier Hudson: The Spirited Revival of a Treasured Landscape
534. Storm, Theodor. The Rider on the White Horse - read by FAMeulstee - TBR by SassyLassy
535. Stow, Randolph. The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea - read by PaulCranswick
536. Stradling, David. Making Mountains: New York City and the Catskills
537. Stringer, Chris. Lone Survivors: How We Came To Be the Only Humans on Earth - read by Nickelini
538. Sullivan, Rosemary. Villa Air-Bel: World War II, Escape, and a House in Marseille
539. Suma, Nova Ren. Imaginary Girls
540. Summers, Anthony. The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama bin Laden
541. Svevo, Italo. A Perfect Hoax - TBR by FAMeulstee
542. Sweeney, Edwin R.. Cochise: Chiricahua Apache chief - TBR by laytonwoman3rd
543. Szerb, Antal. The Third Tower - read by DieFledermaus
544. Szewc, Piotr. Annihilation
545. Tabucchi, Antonio. Little Misunderstandings of No Importance: Stories - read by kidzdoc
546. Tabucchi, Antonio. Requiem: A Hallucination - read by kidzdoc - TBR by PaulCranswick
547. Tabucchi, Antonio. The Flying Creatures of Fra Angelico - read by kidzdoc
548. Tabucchi, Antonio. The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro - read by kidzdoc
549. Tabucchi, Antonio. The Woman of Porto Pim - read by kidzdoc
550. Tallamy, Douglas W.. Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in our Gardens - read by karspeak
551. Tanpınar, Ahmet Hamdi. A Mind at Peace - TBR by kidzdoc
552. Taylor, Elizabeth. A Game of Hide and Seek - read by DieFledermaus, by thorold
553. Teffi. Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea - read by pamelad, by SassyLassy
554. Teffi. Subtly Worded and Other Stories - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus
555. Teffi. Tolstoy, Rasputin, Others, and Me : The Best of Teffi - read by pamelad, by SassyLassy
556. Tesson, Sylvain. The Consolations of the Forest: Alone in a Cabin on the Siberian Taiga - read by FAMeulstee
557. Thackeray, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero - read by japaul22, by DieFledermaus, by thorold, by SassyLassy
558. The New York Times. Writers on Writing: Collected Essays from The New York Times
559. Thirlwell, Adam. The Delighted States: A Book of Novels, Romances, & Their Unknown Translators, Containing Ten Languages, Set on Four Continents, & Accompanied by Maps, Portraits, Squiggles, Illustrations, & a Variety of Helpful Indexes
560. Thomas, Hugh. Cuba: A History
561. Thomas, Keith. Religion and the Decline of Magic - read by dchaikin, by SassyLassy
562. Thompson, Mark. Birth Certificate: The Story of Danilo Kiš
563. Thomson, Peter. Sacred Sea: A Journey to Lake Baikal
564. Tišma, Aleksandar. The Use of Man - read by SassyLassy
565. Todd, Charles. A False Mirror - read by NanaCC
566. Todd, Charles. A Matter of Justice - read by NanaCC
567. Todd, Charles. A Pale Horse - read by NanaCC
568. Tokarczuk, Olga. House of Day, House of Night - read by DieFledermaus, by FAMeulstee
569. Tomalin, Claire. Thomas Hardy - TBR by PaulCranswick
570. Tomasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe. The Professor and the Siren - read by FAMeulstee
571. Tomkins, Calvin. Lives of the Artists
572. Trelles Paz, Diego. The Future Is Not Ours: New Latin American Fiction
573. Tressell, Robert. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
574. Trollope, Anthony. Marion Fay
575. Truxes, Thomas M.. Defying Empire: Trading with the Enemy in Colonial New York
576. Tsypkin, Leonid. Summer in Baden-Baden - read by arubabookwoman
577. Tuchman, Barbara W.. A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century - read by WelshBookworm, by thorold, by SassyLassy
578. Turgenev, Ivan. Sketches from a Hunter's Album: The Complete Edition - read by thorold
579. Turgenev, Ivan. Virgin Soil - read by ELiz_M
580. Tutuola, Amos. The Palm-Wine Drinkard ; and, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts - read by thorold
581. Tyson, Neil deGrasse. Space Chronicles: Facing the Ultimate Frontier
582. Ugresic, Dubravka. Europe in Sepia
583. Ugrešić, Dubravka. Karaoke Culture - read by thorold
584. Undset, Sigrid. Marta Oulie: A Novel of Betrayal - read by DieFledermaus
585. Unsworth, Barry. The Songs of the Kings - TBR by PaulCranswick
586. Urrea, Luis Alberto. Into the Beautiful North - TBR by PaulCranswick
587. Vaculík, Ludvík. The Guinea Pigs - read by labfs39
588. Vaillant, John. The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival - read by Linda92007
589. Vargas Llosa, Mario. A Fish in the Water
590. Vargas Llosa, Mario. The Bad Girl - read by pamelad, by SassyLassy
591. Vargas Llosa, Mario. The Way to Paradise
592. Venturi, Franco. Roots of Revolution: A History of the Populist and Socialist Movements in 19th century Russia, Revised Edition
593. Vicens, Josefina. The Empty Book: A Novel
594. Vitebsky, Piers. The Reindeer People: Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia - read by Nickelini
595. Voĭnovich, Vladimir. The Life & Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin - read by thorold - TBR by SassyLassy
596. Volodine, Antoine. Post-Exoticism in Ten Lessons, Lesson Eleven
597. von Kleist, Heinrich. Selected Prose of Heinrich von Kleist - read by thorold
598. von Rezzori, Gregor. Memoirs of an Anti-Semite - read by pamelad, by DieFledermaus
599. Wamsley, Douglas. Polar Hayes: The Life and Contributions of Isaac Israel Hayes, M.D.
600. Warhus, Mark. Another America : Native American Maps and the History of Our Land

Edited: Jul 8, 5:13 am

Book 601-641

601. Warner, Sylvia Townsend. Summer Will Show - read by japaul22, by SassyLassy
602. Warren, Robert Penn. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce: Who Called Themselves the Nimipu "The Real People" - read by Linda92007
603. Watson, Winifred. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - read by pamelad, by japaul22, by DieFledermaus, by cindydavid4, by SassyLassy
604. Weatherford, Jack. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World - TBR by SassyLassy
605. Wedgwood, C. V.. The Thirty Years War - TBR by PaulCranswick, by SassyLassy
606. Weinberger, Eliot. Elsewhere
607. Weiss, Gordon. The Cage: The Fight for Sri Lanka and the Last Days of the Tamil Tigers - read by SassyLassy
608. Wells, H. G.. In the Days of the Comet - read by thorold
609. Wells, H. G.. The Country of the Blind and Other Selected Stories - read by thorold
610. Wells, H. G.. Tono-Bungay - read by AnnieMod
611. West, Rebecca. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon - read by quondame
612. Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence - read by Caroline_McElwee, by japaul22, by DieFledermaus, by cindydavid4
613. Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth - read by AlisonY, by laytonwoman3rd, by japaul22, by DieFledermaus
614. Wharton, Edith. The New York Stories of Edith Wharton - read by DieFledermaus
615. Wharton, Thomas. Icefields - read by arubabookwoman, by SassyLassy
616. White, Patrick. Riders in the Chariot - read by thorold
617. Wilde, Oscar. The Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray - read by Caroline_McElwee, by cindydavid4, by SassyLassy
618. Williams, Glyn. Arctic Labyrinth: The Quest for the Northwest Passage
619. Williams, John. English Renaissance Poetry: A Collection of Shorter Poems - read by WelshBookworm
620. Williams, John. Stoner- read by Trifolia, by lisapeet, by thorold, by SassyLassy
621. Willis, Connie. Blackout - read by labfs39
622. Wilson, Jonathan. Marc Chagall
623. Winterbach, Ingrid. The Book of Happenstance
624. Winterbach, Ingrid. The Elusive Moth
625. Wohlleben, Peter. The Hidden Life of Trees : what they feel, how they communicate : discoveries from a secret world - read by FAMeulstee - TBR by japaul22
626. Wolf, Christa. City of Angels or The Overcoat of Dr. Freud - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
627. Wolf, Ror. Two or Three Years Later: Forty-Nine Digressions - read by thorold
628. Wood, James. How Fiction Works - read by thorold
629. Woodward, Christopher. In Ruins: A Journey Through History, Art, and Literature - TBR by cindydavid4
630. Yamashita, Karen Tei. I Hotel - read by kidzdoc
631. Yates, Richard. The Collected Stories of Richard Yates
632. Yŏm Sang-sŏp. Three Generations
633. Yoshimura, Akira. Storm Rider - read by arubabookwoman
634. Zola, Émile. La conquête de Plassans - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
635. Zola, Émile. The Conquest of Plassans - read by thorold, by SassyLassy
636. Zola, Émile. Thérèse Raquin - read by pamelad, by laytonwoman3rd- TBR by japaul22, by SassyLassy
637. Zupan, Vitomil. Minuet for Guitar (in twenty-five shots)
638. Zweig, Stefan. Confusion: The Private Papers of Privy Councillor R. von D. - read by DieFledermaus
639. Zweig, Stefan. Fear - read by DieFledermaus
640. Zweig, Stefan. Journeys
641. Zweig, Stefan. Selected Stories - read by DieFledermaus

Dec 21, 2022, 2:44 pm

So glad this is continuing. Thanks Trifolia!

Dec 21, 2022, 3:04 pm

You're welcome :-)

Edited: Dec 27, 2022, 1:29 pm

There are a few works on the list that are on my TBR and some I was planning to but did not finish reading this year.

I will try to read the following books in 2023:

65. Browne, E. Janet. Charles Darwin: The Power of Place (currently reading)
66. Browne, E. Janet. Charles Darwin: Voyaging
206. Gibbons, Stella. Westwood, or The Gentle Powers

Dec 27, 2022, 9:11 pm

I think this is such a wonderful tribute. Thank you for doing it again, Monica. Last year I read two from the list, Besieged: Life Under Fire on a Sarajevo Street and Taras Bulba. This year I hope to read:

373. Miłosz, Czesław. The Captive Mind
455. Rufin, Jean-Christophe. The Abyssinian

Dec 31, 2022, 3:44 pm

Thank you, Monica, for setting up and maintaining this tribute to Rebecca.

I have 152. Dovlatov, Sergei. The Zone : A Prison Camp Guard's Story and will read it soon.

Dec 31, 2022, 4:09 pm

>13 pamelad: That's one I've wanted to read too. I'll look forward to your review.

Dec 31, 2022, 5:39 pm

Three more titles from the list that I intend to read: Cochise (542), The Murder of Helen Jewett (108) and John James Audubon (438).

Jan 1, 11:43 am

I started a Collection in my LT Library of rebeccanyc books I have on the shelf which I have not read. There are 74 books in the collection. Unfortunately I did not get to any of them last year. I will try to do better this year (including the ones I said I would read last year).

Jan 2, 12:19 pm

Thanks for creating this thread and reminding me of rebeccanyc, Monica. I looked at the list of unread books that I own early this morning, and found a dozen books that I own but haven't read yet:

Chico Buarque, Spilt Milk
Sergio Chejfec, The Planets
Mahmoud Darwish, Journal of an Ordinary Grief
Paul Farmer, Haiti After the Earthquake
Marcelo Figueras, Kamchatka
Witold Gombrowicz, Bacacay
Jonah Lehrer, Proust Was a Neuroscientist
Pankaj Mishra, From the Ruins of Empire: The Intellectuals Who Remade Asia
Cyprian Norwid, Poems
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, A Mind at Peace
Mario Vargas Llosa, A Fish in the Water; The Way to Paradise

I certainly won't get to all of them this year, but I'll try to read a few of them, most likely Journal of an Ordinary Grief, Haiti After the Earthquake, and A Mind at Peace.

Edited: Jan 3, 1:15 pm

>16 arubabookwoman: A separate collection is a good idea. I think I'll do that too.

I neglected to note here that I finished Therese Raquin in January of 2022, so the designation of CBR can be changed in the list.

Feb 2, 5:43 pm

Just finished 119: Ginkgo

As I said on my thread, I would really like to know how this got on rebecca's list, and what she would have thought about it.

Feb 3, 2:52 am

Thanks for doing all the admin again, Monica! My thoughts and updates for this year:

7 A book that was lost and other stories — I’m hoping to get to Arnon on my nobeliad, but no promises…
128 The cunning man — read last year, I must have forgotten that it was on this list. Sorry!
442 I, the supreme — I think I’m getting closer to reading this, it’s almost the oldest book on the TBR!
527 After Babel — I don’t have a copy yet, but I do mean to read this soon…

Edited: Feb 8, 10:29 am

I recently read a book that is not on the list (because Rebecca did read it), The Bottom of the Jar by Abdellatif Laâbi. Another of the author's works is on the list, at No. 316. I had some issues with the translation of the novel, so I don't think I want to tackle his poetry.

I have begun the massive There Once Was a World (No. 165), which is excellent, but I will be at it for a while. It is 700 pages, double columns, large format. Certainly not a volume I will be taking to bed with me!

Jul 7, 10:11 am

Are people still doing this? So far this year, I read:
131 The Romance of the Rose (and so did dchaikin)
442 I, the supreme

Edited: Jul 7, 2:18 pm

I'm still working on There Once Was a World. It is excellent, full of marvelous detail about all aspects of life in a Jewish village through the centuries before the Holocaust. It has to be taken in portions, like Torah. It simply cannot be absorbed all at once.

Jul 7, 10:25 am

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Jul 7, 11:11 am

I’m still working on a book, too.

Edited: Jul 7, 2:05 pm

I read

373. Miłosz, Czesław. The Captive Mind
527. Steiner, George. After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation

earlier this year but forgot that they came from this list. Can be crossed off. Still haven’t got to I, the supreme

Jul 7, 5:09 pm

I read 232. Grossman, Edith. Why Translation Matters, which had already been read by kidzdoc, and have two more on my shelf:

59. Brennan, Maeve. The Springs of Affection: Stories of Dublin
152. Dovlatov, Sergei. The Zone : A Prison Camp Guard's Story

Jul 8, 5:37 am

Thank you all for participating in this tribute and adding your progress and projected reading here. Slow progress but nevertheless, there's progress.

I have updated the list i.e. I added who actually read a book and who seems to have clear plans to read the book from this list this year. It's not always that easy to interpret one's intentions :-)

So we are currently at 365/641 books read.

Jul 8, 7:44 am

Here's another one I read but somehow missed in the list, probably because I didn't like it very much...
223. Gopnik, Adam. Winter: Five Windows on the Season

Jul 8, 1:10 pm

Currently read: 366/641

Edited: Jul 8, 6:13 pm

Thanks for keeping the list up. Realized from October 2022 I read 320: Camel Xiangzi, moving it off the TBR. It also has the title Rickshaw Boy. It doesn't move the total currently read any further though.

Jul 16, 5:48 pm

I've recntly finished this collection of very short stories:
270. Jaramillo Levi, Enrique. Duplications and Other Stories

Jul 21, 12:56 pm

I finished #310 Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist, which has over 75 hours of birdsong recordings available digitally, either by scanning QR codes in the text or via a website. The author’s passion and knowledge come through on every page. This book could be used as a reference, as you spot certain birds in your yard and want to learn about their particular songs. But the author means for the reader to go much deeper, offering lectures on various topics and presenting different unanswered questions that amateur birders could help answer. This book is extremely in-depth and is probably best for the more ardent birders.

Jul 23, 5:42 pm

152. The Zone: A Prison Camp Guard's Story by Sergei Dovlatov

Instead of the usual disclaimer, Dovlatov wrote:

The names, events, and dates given here are all real. I invented only those details that were not essential.

Therefore, any resemblance between the characters in this book and living people is intentional and malicious. And all the fictionalizing was unexpected and accidental.

In the sixties Dovlatov had dropped out of university and been drafted into the Soviet Internal Troops to work as a prison guard in high security camps. Unlike the camps for political prisoners that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote about, these camps are for criminals. They are so isolated and remote that the guards, as well as the criminals, are effectively serving a sentence. Distinctions between guards and prisoners break down.

The book is a series of first-person narrations by various guards, who appear in each other's stories from different perspectives. What they all have in common is a bleak and sardonic humour. Interspersed with the guard's narrations are letters written by the author to his New York publisher. The book is coming along in fits and starts as random sections are smuggled out from the USSR. The author's works have never been published there and have circulated in samizdat. Parts have been lost, and the author discusses with the publisher how he will manage the gaps. He talks about what he will include and what he will leave out, and his writing philosophy.

It took me a while to get into The Zone, but once I did I found it well worth the trouble. It's Dovlatov's world view that makes it fascinating.

Jul 24, 2:04 pm

>152 Thats interesting enjoyed reading your review

Jul 24, 2:29 pm

>35 baswood: I concur!

Edited: Aug 13, 7:02 pm

I've finished 59. The Springs of Affection by Maeve Brennan, which is reviewed here.

It's a collection of short stories set in pre-WWII Dublin. In their understated way they're so devastatingly sad that I could barely keep reading. I recommend the book, and am considering another collection as well, The Rose Garden, but need some time to recover.

Aug 27, 6:30 pm

I just finished 541. A Perfect Hoax by Italo Svevo