Music scores?

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Music scores?

Feb 28, 2018, 10:59 pm

Has anyone cataloged music scores on LT?

Feb 28, 2018, 11:35 pm

Yes, it's actually pretty common for people to catalog music scores.

If you do, it's appreciated if you indicate, in square brackets after the title, that it's a score. Like this: or this: That will help ensure that scores don't get combined with recordings.

Mar 1, 2018, 6:08 am

In my small experience of adding scores and sheet music there often seem to be issues around separating or combining different editions. >2 lilithcat: 's examples show that a full score differs from a vocal score. (Is a miniature score the same as a full Orchestral score? Probably!) Books of songs, instrumental and piano pieces pose particular difficulties, rather like poetry collections.

Remember that there is much flexibility in the 'Media' field now. I can't recall what music options are in the system but you can add whatever you want for your own copy.

Edited: Mar 1, 2018, 12:10 pm

>2 lilithcat: I thought square brackets were discouraged since they'll likely cause problems, at least with touchstones to the work. Some people use squiggly brackets instead.

Mar 1, 2018, 10:59 am

Mar 15, 2018, 10:41 pm

I catalogue all my scores and sheet music (around 500 items). The interesting thing with other members who do the same, is that when I use the 'what should you borrow' function, it recommends I borrow lots of scores that I already have! I've no idea why.

Edited: Mar 15, 2018, 11:12 pm

Not on music scores but I would like to ask >4 jjwilson61: "what are the problems with Square brackets?"
I have added "DVD" after ALL my 1000+ films. Should I replace them with braces (squiggly brackets :-) instead?

Edited: Mar 15, 2018, 11:27 pm

>7 guido47:

Square brackets are a problem only of you want to use touchstones for those titles - because you cannot have them inside of the touchstone :). If you do not plan to or are willing to work around it - they are ok - and a lot of people use them.

And if you look at your own message, you can see part of the problem - the brackets are a special case here in Talk :)

Edited: Mar 16, 2018, 2:47 am

>6 Mouldywarp: Scores are a difficult edge case for combining. I'm not sure there is a consensus on which scores should be combined. Even if that were clear, they are not always entered so that a combiner can tell which entries are what. Some entries aren't even clear as to whether a score or a recording is meant.

You have a Messiah score


But there is also


Vocal score vs full score. probably should not be combined.

Full score, should be combined with (2)

Looks like probably belongs with (1), but isn't even on Händel's page.

Lots more that obviously belong in (1) or (2) but have no author or another author listed.

(5) Does this belong with (2) or is it enough different to be separate?


A dedicated combiner who cares about scores could improve the situation greatly, but it would take several hours just for this one work. But that would still leave a variety of Messiah score works that could come up in What should you Borrow.

For what it's worth, (1) and (2) are recommended for each other. Should (1) be listed as Contained in (2)?

Anyone wanting to try to deal with this needs to work from site search and use workbench. Before we had workbench it would have been even harder.

Mar 17, 2018, 11:29 pm

Ye gods, I hope someone with more patience (and knowledge) than me can have the pleasure of dealing with this! As I use librarything for my own records (so I can see if I already have something before buying another copy) it doesn't really bother me. I use tags to differentiate between full scores, vocal scores etc. etc.

Edited: Mar 18, 2018, 4:02 am

But if you have the vocal score and the other member has the full score, or the other way around, LT is going to recommend that you 'borrow' that other score. Even if the combining is perfectly done. And it won't be for scores because it takes specialist knowledge and a real dedication to difficult combining projects.

Aug 23, 2:44 pm

On a related note, is there any way to differentiate between music scores and books about music in the recommendations? If I need a score it is because I'm performing or studying the piece, so almost all the score recommendations are moot. I wasn't sure that indicating it as the incorrect genre was the right thing to do...

Aug 23, 3:21 pm

>12 rebcamuse: I see what you did there!

Aug 23, 3:54 pm

>2 lilithcat: can combination happen even if ISBN is present?